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z Intrusion
Different perception of LAC

Ayussh Sanghi
Meaning of transgression and intrusion
© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi

§ Transgression: the term signifies that the area where

transgression has occurred has overlapping perception
of LAC and both side is patrolling up to their perception
of LAC. Nobody crossed into other’s territory in
§ Intrusion: on the other hand is used when Chinese PLA
clearly crossed the LAC and entered into our territory.
Meaning of transgression and intrusion
© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi

§ Transgression: the term signifies that the area where

transgression has occurred has overlapping perception
of LAC and both side is patrolling up to their perception
of LAC. Nobody crossed into other’s territory in
§ Intrusion: on the other hand is used when Chinese PLA
clearly crossed the LAC and entered into our territory.
Meaning of transgression and intrusion
© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi

§ Transgression: the term signifies that the area where

transgression has occurred has overlapping perception
of LAC and both side is patrolling up to their perception
of LAC. Nobody crossed into other’s territory in
§ Intrusion: on the other hand is used when Chinese PLA
clearly crossed the LAC and entered into our territory.
Meaning of transgression and intrusion
© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi

§ The Indian side has been using the term transgression

more often than required, justifying Chinese intrusion and
their claim of LAC.

Recent trends on the LAC

© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi

§ China has been crossing and making new claims over the
line of actual control.

§ Slowly taking into its control large tract of land through these
modified perception of LAC over the last few decades.

§ The strategy is simple “Salami slicing”: The process of

incrementally cutting into opponent’s territory. Making
overlapping claims which suits China’s plan of “slowly
creeping forward into Indian territory, making a fresh claim
and shift further after some years and enhancing control over
these areas.” ~ Lt General AS Bedi (Retd)
© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi
Rise in Clashes – result of Chinese strategy

§ Over the years, India has been terming Chinese

movement as transgression and ignoring the fact that
they have taken control of large tracts of Land where
India was regularly patrolling.
§ The clash occur whenever India tried to patrol to areas
which was once under its control.

§ Resulting in increased number of clashes.

© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi
Official Government stand

§ In 2014, the Union government said there were

1,612 “transgressions” along the disputed Chinese
border between January 1, 2010 and August 4,
2014, but “no intrusion[s]”.
§ The incidents were categorised as transgressions,
not intrusions, “due to difference of perception of
the Line of Actual Control”.
© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi
z Even after Galwan clash
§ Minister Jaishankar (MEA): He “accept[s] there are
some differences in perceptions” of the Line of
Actual Control, while suggesting neither side should
attempt changing the status quo unilaterally.
A month later
§ Rajnath Singh (RM): “there is no commonly
delineated Line of Actual Control between India-
China and the perception of both countries on the
LAC are different”.
© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi
Government in denial – views of experts
© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi

§ Experts and analysts have increasingly criticized the Indian government

for attributing hostilities to differing perceptions, saying it is in denial
about the loss of previously Indian-held territory to Chinese aggression.

§ V Mahalingam (Former Brigadier) in 2014: “Chinese incursions in the

Ladakh sector are being brushed under the carpet by India, labelling
them ‘the effect of differing perceptions’”.

§ Lt General GS Panag (retd) in 2020: he wrote that instead of developing a

clear strategy and sharing it with the country, “the Narendra Modi
government and the military have gone into ‘denial’ about any loss of
territory” by attributing the crisis to differing perceptions about the line.
India must assert its own claims
§ While China has its own perception of the LAC, with the claims
shifting repeatedly.
§ Veterans assert that India is clear and consistent about where
the line runs. Therefore, they suggest, a differing Chinese
perception should not be of India’s concern when defending

§ GS Panag: “India is very clear about the alignment of the LAC as

we have cremated/buried our comrades who were killed in
action in 1962.” © Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi
Creation of buffer Zones

§ Instead of defending Indian claims, Government after the

Galwan crisis agreed to creation of buffer zones where both
armies clashed and this has effectively taken away the land
where Indian Army once patrolled.
§ Experts suggest: India should not make this arrangement of
buffer zones permanent, giving away its right of patrolling on
the LAC.
© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi
many such buffer zones are created along
sites of all clashes, India effectively loosing control
© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi

Opening the Pandora’s Box

© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi

§ The constant use of the differing perceptions line will end up

downplaying Chinese aggression and could hurt India strategically.

§ As Lt gen GS Panag highlighted that as there are no differing

perceptions about the line in the Galwan river. Chinese Aggression
there is deliberate to threaten the strategic Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat
Beg Oldie Road.

§ Therefore, denial to explain the loss of territory to ‘differing

perceptions’ will open Pandora box, and will result in loss of more
territory in future. Effectively playing in Chinese Hands.
© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi
© Case Study for UPSC | 2023 |Ayussh Sanghi

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