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Text 1

Pirate ringleader admits to murder

JAMBI: A pirate leader admitted, Wednesday, that is gang had been involved in six robberies
and killed and tow police officers.

Itham Guntur, 27, told police investigators that the gang consisted of six people, all former
members of ship crews.” Because we are all ex-crew members, we know the major shipping lanes,
such as Sunda Strait and the East Jambi coasts very well,” he said.

Itham identified the murdered officers as Brigadier General Mulyadi form the south Sumatra
Police and Brigadier Kennedy form the Jakarta Police.

The pirates targeted cargo ships, fishing boats and oil tankers.

1. According to text 1, which statement is true?

a. The pirate ringleader had been accused of murders
b. The members of the pirate were murderers
c. The murders happened in Jambi last Wednesday
d. Two police officers had been involved in six robberies
e. Itham Guntur was one of two police officers who was involved in the robbery

2. The pronoun “he” in the second paragraph refers to…….

a. Police officers
b. Itham Guntur
c. One of the ship crews
d. Ex-crew member
e. Brigadier General Mulyadi

3. The communicative purpose of text is ………

a. To tell the readers what really happened
b. To explain sequences of events
c. To amuse the readers with problematic events
d. To inform the readers about newsworthy events
e. To describe the murderers in South Sumatra

4. A person who robs the cargo ships, fishing boat or oil tankers is called a……….
a. Robber
b. Police officer
c. Ship crew
d. Pirate
e. Ringleader

5. The text type of text 1 is called a/an …………

a. Recount
b. Narrative
c. Anecdote
d. News item
e. Spoof
Text 2


59 Pasir Kaliki Rd.Bandung 40172

Phone: 613902-613304

Want to feel relaxed while improving your English?

Listen regularly to our most progressive and wonderful English program:


Broadcasted every Tuesdays, 10.15 P.M to 12.00 P.M

Our program includes:

 Songs

• World News
• News from the entertainment world ( Music, Film and Sport)
• Celebrities Interview
• Quiz
With the host of the program: Lexy & Febri

6. The text above is a kind of …..

a. Announcement
b. Advertisement
c. New item
d. Instruction
e. tips

7. What is the topic of the text above?

a. ‘Chevy Rendezvous’
b. Chevy Radio
c. Lexy and Febri
d. The hosts of the program
e. FM 103.7

8. What is the communicative purpose of text 2?

a. To share an amusing story with other
b. To tell the readers the location of Chevy Radio
c. To persuade the readers to tune in to’Chevy rendezfous’program
d. To ensure the readers that Chevy radio is an FM radio station
e. To describe how to enroll in’Chevy Rendesvous’ program
9. Chevy radio station is ….. from 59 Pasir Kaliki Rd.Bandung 40172.
a. Founded
b. Located
c. Broadcasted
d. Released
e. Produced

Text 3

Exit tax spoils visa-free policy

An article titled. “The ASEAN visa free pact hailed as a boon for tourism on page 10 of The Jakarta
Post, July 31, assumed that free visas and low cost airline tickets would not only encourage people to
travel but also stimulate social and commercial interaction within ASEAN countries.

However, the hopes expressed in the article will mislead readers because the exit tax policy
imposed by the Indonesia government is higher then the price of a budget airline ticket. I once saw
an airline company charge a passenger about Rp800.000,00 for a return ticket to Jakarta-Kuala
Lumpur, which certainly attracted people to Malaysia. Unfortunately, those people had to pay and
exit tax of Rp1 million.

Finland, however, a country where I used to live in for several years, does not charge its citizens
with the exit tax. It was easy and cheap for me to travel around European countries. Thus, in order
to promote people-to-people contact in Southeast Asia, the Indonesia government should revoke
the exit tax for visits within ASEAN countries immediately.

Andriani Dutika Ikawati


10. Andriani Dutika Ikawati, a citizen from Jakarta, wrote a latter to The Jakarta Post in order to …..
a. Persuade the government to put an end to the exit tax policy
b. Spoil the visa-free policy released by the government
c. Balance the price of the airline ticket and the exit tax
d. Promote people – to people contact in Southeast Asia
e. Impose the exit tax policy and new airline ticket

11. The exit tax spoils visa – free policy because ……………
a. The operations of budget airlines are getting more expensive
b. The exit tax is higher than the price of an airline ticket
c. The policy facilitate many tourists to visit Southeast Asia Countries
d. The exit tax is cheaper than the price of an airline ticket
e. The policy won’t charge every passenger who travels aboard
12. The writer wrote a recommendation in paragraph…………
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

13. The generic structure of text 3 is …….

a. Orientation- event - reorientation
b. Orientation – complication – resolution
c. Thesis – elaboration
d. Thesis – arguments – reiteration
e. Thesis – arguments – recommendation

14. The tax belongs to a/an …………

a. Explanation
b. Review
c. Discussion
d. Hortatory exposition
e. ram

Text 4
Infotainment Programs: Pro and Contra
Do you like news which reveals the live of celebrities? If you do, then you must enjoy watching
infotainment programs on TV. Many people condemn the content of the infotainment programs.
However, the TV ratings show that an infotainment program is one of the ‘most watched’ TV program.
People who font of infotainment programs believe that the contents of infotainment program
are based on the fact and can encourage celebrities to do positive things in public. They also believe
that journalists of these programs always try to find the truth behind the gossip. Moreover, celebrities
need such programs to promote their profile. These programs give a room for mutual needs: reporters
and celebrities. Reporters need the story, while celebrities need fame.

Nevertheless, there are also some people who strongly object to the good point of
infotainment programs. They say that infotainment programs are merely about slandering another
person. They say that infotainment programs are merely about slandering another person.
Sometimes, the program goes too far into the private lives of people. For example, gossips about a
divorce or about someone cheating on his / her spouse often become the headlines. The worst thing
is, sometimes, sometimes the stories are reported without firstly seeking the information or
confirmations from the person involved in the stories.

So far, infotainment programs have become a dilemma for some viewers. On one hand, these
programs can run stories on how celebrities build their career and how they feel about being
famous, but on the other hand. These programs also bring terrible consequences, especially for
celebrities whose private lives are scrutinized.

By : Th.Sudarwati
15. The text above mainly discussed about ………
a. the controversy of infotainment programs
b. the positive sides of infotainment programs
c. the negative effects of infotainment programs
d. the reasons of airing infotainment programs
e. the reasons of rejecting the infotainment programs

16. According to text 4, which statement is true…….

a. The positive side of the infotainment program is it runs news of people’s private lives
b. It is not important to search information from the person involved in the story
c. All people agree with the infotainment program because it is very entertaining
d. Even though many viewers dislike the content of the infotainment program, it still has high
e. There is no good point in the infotainment program so it is better to ban the program as soon
as possible

17. Text 4 is the form of a/an …….

a. Description
b. Report
c. Discussion
d. Analytical exposition
e. Hortatory exposition

18. The argument ‘against’ point can be found in paragraph ……..

a. One
b. Tow
c. There
d. Four
e. Five

19. The communicative purpose of text 4 is……….

a. To explain how and why something occurs
b. To criticize the current issues
c. To describe an important issue
d. To share an account of unusual or amusing incidents
e. To present information and opinion about more than one side of an issue

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