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Grade 7- Revision sheet 3

1. Complete the crossword


global warming


mobile phase




2. True or false:

a. Sodium reacts vigorously with water. ……………………………………………….

false. iron oxide is formed

b. During rusting iron chloride is formed. ……………………………………………….
false. we mark with a pencil because it does not
c. In chromatography we mark the base line with a red pen. ……………….. have any pigment that can possibly move up
with the mobile phase.
false. it is called a neutron
d. In an atom the particle with no charge is called an electron. ……………………………
3. This question is about some elements in Group 1 of the Periodic Table. (a) The table gives some

statements about the reaction of potassium with water. Place ticks (√) in three boxes to show which

three statements are correct.

4. Chromatography can be used to separate the substances in a mixture.

(a) Diagram 1 shows the apparatus used to separate the different dyes in a food colouring

solvent front


chromatography paper


The box lists some terms used in chromatography. Use the terms from the box to label diagram 1.
5. This question is about hydrochloric acid. (a) Dilute hydrochloric acid, HCl(aq), reacts with many metals.

A student observes the reaction of dilute hydrochloric acid with four metals, P, Q, R and S. She uses

the same amount of metal in each case. The table shows her observations.

magnesium chloride


6. The apparatus in the diagram was set up to demonstrate the rusting of iron
7. (a) One week after the start of the experiment the volume of gas in the measuring cylinder has

decreased. After two weeks there is no further decrease in volume of gas in the measuring cylinder.

Explain these observations.

there was less oxygen in the tube because it reacted with iron present in the nail to form iron oxide. once allm
the oxygen as used up the value remained constant.


(b) Suggest any 3 ways that can help reduce the rate of rusting in metals.
painting the iron object- minimises the reaction with oxygen by forming a barrier.
i. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

ii. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
oiling also reduced the reaction- a barrier prevents oxidation
galvanisation- coating it with zinc allows the iron to remain unaffected and only the zinc gets rusted.
iii. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
another way is sacrificial coating of a more reactive metal to get sacrificed and save iron

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