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1. Unpredictable errors that have no pattern and which may be above or below the true value is:
A. Parallax error B. Random error C. Systematic error D. Zero errors
2. One of the following is NOT a frame work for writing up reports?
A. Aim B. Method C. Diagram D. parallax error
3. Consider vectors A=4i-6j and B that lie on the x-y coordinate plane such that A.B=6 and
|AxB|=8. Find the angle between the two vectors?
A. 530 B.370 C.600 D.300
4. Consider vectors A =2i-3j and B that lie on the x-y Coordinate plane, where A.B=3 and
|AxB|=4. Find B in terms of rectangular unit vectors?
A. 1.38i +0.08j B. 1.8i+0.2j C. 1.38i-0.08j D.-1.8i+0.2J
5. When the angle between two concurrent forces T1 and T2 is 600,the magnitude of their
resultant is 10 N and when the same forces form an angle of 1200 between them ,their
resultant becomes 10 N. What is the magnitude of the forces?
A. T1=20N and T2=40N B.T1=T2=10N C.T1=10N and T2=20N D. T1=T2=20N
6. A boy swinging a toy on a piece of string in a vertical circle. The toy has a mass of 150g and
the radius of the circle is 0.8m, if the linear velocity is 3.5m/s. Which of the following is
False about the tension?
A. At the top of the circle T=0.8N C. At bottom of the circle T=3.8N
B. At halfway point T=2.3N D. At top of the circle T=5N
7. The horizontal and vertical components of the projection velocity of a projectile are 6m/s and
8m/s respectively. If the projectile passes through a point, say point P, on its path whose x-
coordinate is x=3m. What is the velocity at that point P?
A. 6.7m/s B. 9.5m/s C.16.7m/s D.19.5m/
8. A car initially at rest is accelerated uniformly to a speed of 20m/s in 5 second. The distance
covered by the car during the fifth second is:-
A. 32m B.18m C.12m D.50m
9. A gun weighing 10kg is fired a bullet of 30g with a speed of 330m/s. What will be the recoil
velocity of the gun?
A. -2.5m/s B. -0.25m/s C. -0.99m/s D.-9.9m/s

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10. A collision between two particles where kinetic energy is not conserved is:
A. Inelastic collision C. Elastic collision
B. Head-on collision D. Glancing collision
11. Three blocks of masses 2kg, 4kg and 6kg arranged in the order lower, middle and upper
respectively are connected by the string on a frictionless inclined plane of 600. A force of
120N is applied upward along the incline to the uppermost block, causing an upward
movement of the blocks. The connected blocks are light. What is the acceleration of the
block as shown below?

A. 3.56m/s2
B. 1.34m/s2
C. 5.64m/s2
D. 1.95m/s2
12. Which one of the following pairs of physical quantities has the same dimensions?
A. Momentum and impulse. C. Energy and surface energy.
B. Momentum and angular momentum. D. Force and surface tension.
13. Force acting on the particle varies with X, as shown in the figure below. Calculate the work
done by the force as the particle moves from x=o to x=6m.
A. 25J B. 20J C.5J D.10J

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14. Which of the following is FALSE statement?
A. Energy is the amount of work that can be performed by a force.
B. Potential energy is the energy possessed by an object because of its configuration.
C. Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is expended.
D. When the force varies we can use the equation work done equals force times distance
15. A 3kg block on an inclined plane at a distance of 5m from a spring (as shown below) is
released from rest. The plane makes an angle of 300 with the horizontal and the force
constant K=144N/m. If the block compresses the spring 1m, find the friction force acting on
the block?
A. 4N B.5N C.6N D.3N

16. A solid sphere roles down a hill of height 40m. What is the velocity of the ball when it
reaches the bottom? (I=2/5MR2)
A. 26.5m/s B. 23.9m/s C. 29.7m/s D. 30.5m/s
17. The angular position of a point on a wheel can be described by θ (t) =5+2t+2t2. Determine the
angular acceleration of the point at t=0 and t=3sec.
A. 4rad/s2 B. 3rad/s2 C. 10rad/s2 D. 8rad/s2
18. It can be defined as a quantitative measure of the tendency for a force to produce a rotation
about an axis is:-
A. Parallel axis C. Moment of inertia
B. Moment of force D. Center of mass
19. A 10kg wheel rotates with an angular speed of 12rad/s. If the rotational kinetic energy of the
wheel is 720J.What is the radius of gyration?
A. 2m B. 1m C. 4m D. 6m

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20. A rope extends between two poles. A 90N boy hangs from it. As shown the figure below and if
the system is in equilibrium. Find the tension in the two parts of rope.
A. T1=346N ,T2=342N C. T1=355N ,T2=342N
B. T1=346N ,T2=245N D. T1=166N ,T2=342N

21. A ladder of length 3m and mass 20kg leans against a smooth, vertical wall so that the angle
between the horizontal ground and the ladder is 600. Find the force due to the wall (NA) and the
force due to the floor (NB).

A. NB=200N, NA=66.6N
B. NB=200N, NA=44.4N
C. NB=200N, NA=300N
D. NB=200N, NA=57.7N
22. Which of the following is NOT factors affecting laminar flow?
A. Density B. Temperature C. Viscosity D. Terminal velocity

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23. The terminal conductivity of copper is 390W/m/K. Calculate the rate of heat flow through a
copper bar whose area is 4cm2 and whose length is 0.5m if there is a temperature difference of
300C maintained between its ends.
A. 3.6w B. 9.4w C. 8.6w D. 5.9w
24. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?
A. All transverse waves involve the vibration of particles at right angles to the direction
of propagation.
B. All longitudinal waves require a material medium for their propagation.
C. All transverse waves do not require a material medium for their propagation.
D. None of the above.
25. If the electric potential at a point 3m away from a certain positive charge is 15V, what force
would be exerted on a charge of 4x10-9c?
A. 6x10-8 N. B. 2x10-8 N. C.1.8x10-8 N. D.1.2x10-8 N.
26. A charge of 5x10-9C is released from rest in a region where there exists a uniform electric
field of 2x104N/C. What would be the kinetic energy of the charge after it has traveled a
distance of 10cm?
A. 10-5J. B. 10-4J. C. 2x10-3J. D.4x10-6J.
27. When a battery having an emf of 12V is connected across a 9.6 Ω resister, the current in the
circuit is formed to be 1.2A. What is the internal resistance of the battery?
A. 0.7 Ω. B.0.6 Ω. C.0.5 Ω. D.0.4Ω.
28. A photoelectric surface has a work function of 4.0299eV.What is the maximum velocity of
the photoelectrons emitted by light of frequency 1015Hz incident on the surface?
A. 4x105m/s. B.2x105m/s. C. 4x106m/s. D.2x106m/s

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29. In the figure below curves relating pressure P and volume V, for a fixed mass of an ideal gas
at 300k and 500k.The gas is in container fitted with a piston which a car moves with
negligible friction. What is the change in the internal energy of the system between points A
and B?

A. 40J. B.60J C. 50J. D.70J

30. An ideal gas is enclosed in a cylinder with movable piston on the top. The piston is free to
slide up and down; keeping the pressure of the gas is constant. How much work is done as
the temperature of 0.2 mol of the gas is raised from 200c to 1200c?
A. 166J. B. 460J. C. 360J. D. 266J
31. In the figure below shown that, a positively charged oil droplet at rest between the
conducting plates. What is the magnitude of the charge on the oil drop, if the mass of oil drop
is 8x10-15kg?
A. 4x10-19C. A V=-5000v
B. 4x10 C. oil drop 2.5cm
C. 4x10-20C. B V=0v
D. 4x10-17C.
32. Which of the following statement is correct about the entropy in the universe?
A. For irreversible process the total entropy of the universe decreases.
B. For reversible process the total entropy of the universe decreases.
C. For irreversible process the total entropy of the universe increases.
D. For reversible process the total entropy of the universe increases.

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33. The figure below shows that three capacitors are connected to a d.c. supply. What is the
charge stored on 6µF capacitors? 3µF
A. 0.6x10 C 6µF
B. 1.8x10-4 C. 3µF
C. 2.4x10-4 C.
D. 1.2x10-4 C. 6ov
34. If the activity of radioactive substance reduces from 1200Bq to 150Bq in 3x104sec, what is
the decay constant?
A. 6.93x10-6decay/s. B.6.93x106decay/s.
B. 6.93x10-5decay/s. C. 6.93x105decay/s.
35. The process in which the nucleus becomes more stable by splitting into two or more parts
and emitting particles is:
A. Nuclear fission. C. Daughter nuclide
B. Nuclear fusion. D. nuclide
36. Monochromatic light of wavelength 4x10 m illustrated a pair of narrow slits 2mm apart.
What is the bright fringe width in the interference pattern formed on a screen 2m away?
A. 4.5mm. B.4mm. C.3.5mm. D.3mm.
37. Which one of the following is WRONG statement?
A. In a single slit experiment, the width of central maxima is twice as wide as the first
order maxima.
B. In a single slit experiment, the width of first order maxima is twice as wide as the
central maxima.
C. Every point on a wave front acts as a source of spherical secondary wavelets.
D. Frequency remains constant when a light travels from one medium to another.
38. Which of the following quantity is remains unchanged when the light travels from one
medium to another?
A. Its wavelength. C. Its frequency.
B. Its speed. D. Its wave number.
39. What is the length of a pipe that has fundamental frequency of 680Hz and the speed of sound
is 340m/s for the pipe open at both end?

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A. 0.25cm B. 2.5cm C. 25cm D. 0.025cm
40. A 30 g mass attached to a spring of constant 300N/m vibrates in simple harmonic motion
with amplitude of 5cm.Then, what is the maximum speed of the mass?
A. 5m/s. B.6m/s. C.15m/s. D.16m/s.
41. A soap-bubble film (n=1.33) is illustrated with the light whose wavelength in free space is
133nm.What is the minimum thickness of the soap-bubble film that results in constructive
interference in the reflected light?
A. 25nm B.2.5nm. C.250nm. D.0.25nm.
42. In a certain experiment a copper wire is stretched so that its length increases and its diameter
decrease. Then, which of the following is TRUE about this statement?
A. Resistance decrease and its resistivity remain constant.
B. Resistivity decrease and its resistance remain constant.
C. Resistance increase and its resistivity remain constant.
D. Resistivity increase and its Resistance remain constant.
43. If a charge of 3µC is moving with a velocity, v = (5i+3j+4k) x 106 m/s in uniform magnetic
field B= (2i+j+3k) T, then what is the magnitude of force on the charged particle?
A. (5i-7j-k) N. B. (-5i+7j+k) N C. (-15i+21j+3k) N. D. (15i-21j-3k) N
44. Which of the following statement is CORRECT?
A. A capacitor in an a.c. circuit impedes the changing current.
B. The current leads the voltage by π in a capacitor in an a.c circuit.
C. The current leads the voltage by 2π in a capacitor in an a.c circuit.
D. The current and voltage are out phase in a resister in an a.c. circuit.
45. A proton moving at a speed of 2 x105m/s enters a magnetic field of 0.4T pointing to the right.
If the proton makes an angle of 300 with the field, what is the acceleration of the proton?
A. 2x1012m/s2. B. 3x1012 m/s2. C. 5x1012 m/s2. D. 4x1012 m/s2.
46. Which device functions with the principle of mutual induction?
A. Electromagnetic. C. Electric motor
B. Transistor. D. Transformer.

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47. Based on the circuit shown in figure below, I1=1/3A and I2=1/2A.The value ofε1 and ε2
respectively: I2
2Ω 7Ω
A. ε1=9v and ε2=6v.Ω I1 iii 222
B. ε1=6v and ε2=9v. 1Ω
C. ε1=3v and ε2=6v.
D. ε1=6v and ε2=3v. 6Ω

ƹ1 ƹ2
48. If series RLC a.c. circuit has a resistance R=5Ω inductance L=20mH, capacitance C=300µF
frequency f = 120Hz and maximum voltage Vmax =220V.Then what is the maximum current?
A. 8.8A B.11.7A. C.10.6A. D.18.8A
49. Which of the following statement is correct about the induce e.m.f. in Mutual inductance?
A. The induce e.m.f. in the secondary coil is proportional to the time rate of the current in
the primary coil.
B. The rate change of magnetic flux in secondary coil is proportional to the rate of change
of current in the primary coil.
C. When a change in the magnetic field due to one coil induces an e.m.f. in other coil.
D. All of the above.
50. The induced voltage is increased by:
A. Decreasing the number of turns in the coil.
B. Decreasing the rate of change of magnetic flux.
C. Increasing the rate of change of magnetic flux.
D. Making constant the number of turns of the coil.

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