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I picked this font for these words because

we don’t use swords and they don’t exist

nowadays, so it’s suitable to pick
medieval/gothic fonts representing sword.
I also changed size for “The pen is
mightier” to very big because this line
means words is stronger than being killed
by things like swords.

This is simple to do. The words are “When

in Rome, do as the Romans” I picked
roman style font they used in roman
times, specifically ancient font because
romans don’t exist now. Also, I changed its
colour to green, white and red because
Rome is in Italy, so the colours represent
the colour of Italy flag.

“There’s no place like home” I picked this

font because when I see these words, it’s
just like “Home sweet Home” with curly,
hearty and butterflies on it. I found a font
with curly and hearts to show that home is
our place, nowhere is like our home.

Mind the gap, this words always can be

seen at train stations especially London
underground. So, I picked exactly same
font as London underground’s font they
use in underground stations, changed its
colour to blue just like London
underground. Then I separated them
further way from each other representing
the meaning of this words “gap.”

I picked this font with different tools

because it related to the meaning of these
words, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it” It
means when things are fine, it’s no need
to improve or change things just like fixing
things. That’s why I picked tool fonts to
show we don’t need to fix things using
“tools” to improve things when it’s not
This is tricky to pick what font is suit on
these words. This is metaphor sentence,
“A picture is worth a thousand words”
meaning it’s best to show something
simple instead of describing it in many,
many words. It took me while to find
which fonts are best for this sentence, I
ended up with this font because it
contains different pictures and drawings
to show that pictures are easy way to
show instead of describing it in words.

This is simple, I picked wet dripping paint

font with black and yellow colours
representing the meaning of these words.
The meaning of this words is obviously,
when you go to park and see a bench with
those words on it, warning you of wet
paint on bench. Other meaning is to
beware of something, warning you of
something, so that’s why I put yellow and
black just like warning signs.

I picked western style font for these words

because these words based on the
western film, “The good, the bad and the
ugly.” It was simple to do this because
western font is suitable on this one. I also
changed size: large to small start with
“The good” with large to small “and the
ugly” to show that the good is much

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