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Cinderella's Dead

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Character: Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Idol Kim Taehyung | V, Mob
Boss Jeon Jungkook, Strangers to Lovers, Cinderella (Fairy Tale)
Elements, Explicit Sexual Content, Top Jeon Jungkook, Bottom Kim
Taehyung | V, Kim Taehyung | V is So Done, Jeon Jungkook is
Whipped, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Stats: Published: 2022-07-03 Words: 4545

Cinderella's Dead
by vkishikaisei


Have you ever heard of the tale of how the Big Bad Wolf stole the nation's treasure?

If not, then I shall tell you.


Ok so uhm, I've been itching to write a fic based on this song for a while now:

[Cinderella's Dead by EMELINE]

So yeah, I hope you'll like it.

See the end of the work for more notes

Breaking News: Kim Taehyung Steals the Show at Paris Fashion Week

“Undoubtedly nothing in the Palais de Tokyo that evening was more noticeable than Kim
Taehyung. Not even the show of the brand that invited him.” — Vogue Italia

“Kim Taehyung causes a tidal wave at the Celine fashion show. The singer caused a human tide
never before seen. It looks like South Korea’s Sweetheart is well on his way to confirming his
status as a fashion icon.” — VOICI French Magazine

“The Nation’s Treasure stole the attention with an intense red jacket. Kim Taehyung’s chic charm
as well as his sculptural visual stood out.”— Dispatch Korea

“Stop yelling! Geez, you're making my ear bleed.” Kim Taehyung, also known as the Nation’s
Treasure, rolled his eyes as he took a drag from the cigarette between his slender fingers.

“I can't! My best friend stole the show. You're the fucking main event. Let me be proud in peace.”

“Jimin, you've been screaming for a good thirty minutes now.” Taehyung couldn’t help but
chuckle at his best friend's antics. The fashion show had ended and as promised, he made a call
right when he got back to his hotel room.

“Can you blame me? When you were wearing that? Who dressed you up, by the way?”

Ah, there it is. As expected. “I picked everything out. Hedi let me choose.” Taehyung bit his lower
lip, suppressing the grin that was evident in his voice.

“No way. And your manager actually let you?”

“Well, it's Hedi Slimane’s domain. Hwan can't do anything about it.”

“Bet he went livid.”

Jimin snorted from the other line and Taehyung didn't stop himself from grinning this time. “He

“Ugh, I hate him. Are you okay?”

“More than okay.” Taehyung scoffed. “I'm done, Chim. I'm done pretending.” Followed by an
exasperated sigh. He's done with his management’s suffocating rules and demands. He's tired of
being an obedient puppet. And most of all, he's fucking sick of wearing all whites and pastels and
acting like an innocent angel in front of everyone.

“I think I've heard that line before.”

“No, this time it's real. I don't care if I have to give up being an idol, Chim. I don't give a fuck
anymore.” Taehyung said with finality in his tone.

“Wow I'm—you're really serious, huh?”


“What gave you the push?”

Taehyung’s lips curled up in a smile, heart racing at the thought of him. “Let's just say that, a
prince came to save the damsel in distress.”
Night before the CELINE Fashion Show 2022

Taehyung went straight to grasp the metal railings and screamed at the top of his lungs when he
had reached the rooftop garden of his suite at The Peninsula Hotel.

“Go to hell, Hwan! I fucking hate you! You–you controlling asshole! I'm tired of your bullshit!
You don't fucking own me! I hate you! I hate all of you! Fuck everyone!” Taehyung cursed to his
heart’s content and crouched with his head down as he let out quiet sobs.

“Are you done?”

Taehyung whipped his head to search for the unfamiliar voice. He stood up to his feet in a hurry
and wiped his tears when he found the source. It's a man wearing an expensive suit, sitting on the
steel chair with his eyes closed and his feet perched on the table.

“What the fuck? Who are you? How did you get in my suite?!” As far as he knows, he should be
the only one with access to the garden rooftop.

The mysterious man sighed audibly before answering Taehyung’s queries. “Technically, this is my
suite since this is my hotel.”

Taehyung can’t see his face clearly in the dark but he can tell that the other was smirking because
of his smug tone. “Oh yeah? And I'm the prince of England.”

The man finally stood up and started walking towards where Taehyung was. Oh, Taehyung can see
him clearly now alright. He's wearing a dark gray Louis Vuitton suit, his hair was gelled neatly,
forehead and strong eyebrows on display and—is that an eyebrow piercing? And a lip piercing?
Goddamn, the guys was hot as fuck.

“England? No. South Korea? Yes.” The stranger gave him a knowing smirk. “Isn't that right,
Nation’s Treasure?”

“Are you a stalker?” Taehyung squinted his eyes, giving him a scrutinizing look.

“You’re the talk of the town, how can I possibly not recognize you, my prince?” The man mocked
a princely bow.

The idol crossed his arms on his chest. He was about to make a retort when the other man beat him
to it.

“Though, I must say, I’ve never imagined that the famous sweetheart curses like a pirate.” The
man snickered.

“Well I'm sorry if I'm not the angel everyone thought I was.” Taehyung rolled his eyes in

“For the record, you do look like an angel tonight in your all white outfit.”

Taehyung watched in disbelief as the man shamelessly checked him out. “Glad to know that you
like it but I fucking hate it.” Taehyung huffed, wanting nothing more than to get out of his
ridiculous outfit. He's wearing a plain white shirt matched with a long white faux fur coat, blue
jeans, and a pair of white leather boots.

The stranger let out a hearty laugh. He actually finds the idol rather amusing. “You really hate
everything, huh? Wanna tell me about it?”

“And why would I do that?” Taehyung arched an eyebrow.

“They say it's nice to talk to someone who can speak to you without knowing your baggage or
holding a bias.” The man shrugged and added, “And strangers can give you a different perspective
and objective feedback without prejudice.”

Taehyung stared at the stranger for a while, amused at himself for actually considering his offer.
Well, he does have a point. A very valid point. “You're quite convincing, I'll give you that.”
Taehyung wasn’t able to suppress his giggles. “Ready to get your ear chewed off?”

The stranger grinned at Taehyung before he turned and propped his arms on the steel railings. “I
have nothing else to do tonight, you can rant all you want.”

Taehyung followed him and did the same as he looked up at the star-filled midnight Parisian sky.
He inhaled a lungful of air before he started pouring all his thoughts out to a complete stranger.
“Are you aware of the reasons why people call me… all those stupid titles?”

“Hmm, a little. From what I've heard, people say that you're a total sweetheart. Innocent and cute, a
goody two shoes. Quite the opposite of the first impression you gave me tonight.” The man
chuckled in a teasing manner.

“Yeah well that's the image my management wants me to uphold.” Taehyung let out an audible
sigh. “The me that you've witnessed tonight is the real me, not the persona that everybody

“Is there a particular reason why they're making you pretend?”

“Cute and bubbly image sells the easiest. At least, that's what my manager believes.”

The man turned to look at the idol and faked a gasp. “Are you saying that you're not innocent and
cute? That you're a bad bitch instead?”

Taehyung bursted into a fit of laughter. “You're crude.”

“What? You can curse and I can’t?”

Taehyung whipped his head to meet the stranger’s gaze. “You’re not fully wrong about that,

“About what? You being a bad bitch?” The man gave him a playful grin.

The idol giggled softly. “Well basically yeah, I think that's how I was before I debuted as an idol.
Before they dressed me up like a marionette in all whites and pastels.”

It's not far from the truth, though. Taehyung debuted when he was nineteen. He was scouted
because of his good looks and soulful baritone voice. The entertainment company thought of him
as the ‘perfect idol’. Close to perfect, at least. To them, Taehyung has only one flaw. And that's his

Taehyung was loud, carefree and he's not afraid to voice out what he thinks and does things as he

“You actually look good in those colors, don't you like them?”

“Fuck no, I hate them.” Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and scrunched his nose in disgust.

“Oh? What do you prefer then?” The man asked in curiosity.

“I love the color black. And red. It's bold and sophisticated.”

“Then wear those colors. I haven't seen a picture of you in dark colored clothes but I know you'll
look sexy in them.” The stranger smirked at him, a little flirtatious.

Taehyung leaned and propped his elbow on the railings, chin resting on his hand. “And what
makes you say that, mister stranger?” He said in a teasing tone, emphasizing on the last word.

“I'm not blind and I can see very well that you're attractive.” The man mimicked the other’s

“You think I'm attractive.” Taehyung cocked his head, gaze unconsciously dropping down to the
stranger’s lips as he watched him dart his tongue out to wet his inviting lips.

The stranger didn't miss it, making him smirk. “Attractive is an understatement.” He leaned closer
to the other man. “I think you're gorgeous. Ethereal. Exquisite.” And then their eyes met. “Sexy.
Alluring. Tempting.”

Taehyung felt hot under the stranger's heavy gaze and the thick coat he's wearing was just making
it worse. “Is that a sample of unprejudiced and objective feedback?”

“Absolute veracity.” The stranger moved closer to the idol, bravely brushing his tattooed knuckles
on the other’s soft cheek. “Nothing but the truth.”

Taehyung leaned into the touch. “You have a way with words, stranger.”

His thumbs traveled down to Taehyung’s lower lip, tracing it softly. “You’re a walking sin dressed
in the purest color.”

Taehyung felt goosebumps erupt on his skin. “Thanks, but I’d rather walk naked than stay in these

The stranger's lips curled into a lecherous smirk. “I'm not opposed to that.”

“Do you want to help me get out of them, then?” Taehyung challenged him, leaning in closer, with
their lips almost touching and their hot breaths mingling.

“With pleasure.”

Their lips met with a bruising force, driven by carnal desire. The stranger wrapped his arm around
Taehyung’s tiny waist, pulling him in closer, leaving no space between their bodies. He deepened
the kiss and swiped his tongue across Taehyung’s lips, begging for entrance.

Taehyung shuddered when he felt the wet muscle prodding his lips, mouth parting almost
immediately like a natural reaction.

The stranger wasted no time and pushed his tongue inside to meet Taehyung’s, gliding hungrily
against each other as they fought for dominance. He immediately proceeded to explore
Taehyung’s mouth when he won, savoring the sweet taste of strawberry.

The man pulled away, a thin string of saliva still connecting their parted lips. “You taste so fucking
sweet, my prince. Like strawberries.”

Taehyung was panting when they separated. “Ate a couple of chocolate dipped strawberries
earlier.” He said between uneven breaths before pulling him in for another searing kiss.

The stranger kissed back with the same intensity, devouring the idol’s lips like a starved caveman.
He slowly led them towards the exit and carefully descended down the stairs, barely separating
from each other the entire time. The man slammed Taehyung on the wall, trapping him in his
strong body as he separated the idol’s legs with his thigh in between. Taehyung whined when he
felt the man’s thigh rub against his crotch.

The man stared hungrily at Taehyung when he pulled away. Disheveled hair, pupils blown wide
with lust, cheeks painted in a beautiful shade of red, spit stricken pillowy lips swollen from their
heavy make out session. He slowly reached for the idol’s lips, making sensual strokes before
prying them open with his thumb which the other gladly welcomed.

The stranger let out a low groan when he felt the warmth and wetness envelop his thumb as he
pressed the digit on the other’s tongue, earning a lewd moan from Taehyung that went straight to
the man’s groin. “Jungkook.”

Taehyung pulled off from the now spit covered finger, looking at the man, still in a daze. “Huh?”

“Remember the name you'll be moaning the entire night, darling.” The man, whom Taehyung just
learned the name of, said as he traced the idol’s jaw with his nose, inhaling the idol’s seductive
scent. Jungkook then grabbed Taehyung by his thighs and hoisted him up, making the other man
wrap his legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders as he let out a small yelp in surprise.

“Fuck, never stop manhandling me.” Taehyung demanded before his lips got attacked once again
all while being maneuvered towards the bed room.

Jungkook dropped Taehyung unceremoniously on the bed before hovering over him, caging the
idol with his hands propped on both sides of his head.

Taehyung turned his head to the side, a little self-conscious, when the stranger—no; when
Jungkook shamelessly stared at him once again. “S–stop staring.”

“I can't. You're just...” and for the first time in his life, Jungkook was found lost for words.


“Beautiful.” Jungkook leaned down for a kiss. “So fucking beautiful.” He said before attacking
Taehyung’s neck with his mouth, hands working in a haste to get Taehyung out of his clothes.

The expensive white faux fur coat was now on the floor, followed by the plain white shirt.
Taehyung looked up to meet Jungkook’s gaze. “I find it unfair that I'm lying here half-naked and
you're still fully dressed.”

Jungkook chuckled. “I see you're also a brat.” He said before proceeding to undress, starting with
the buttons of his suit.

Taehyung watched in anticipation as Jungkook’s clothes started piling on the floor one by one,
leaving him with just his boxers on. Taehyung gulped when he noticed the impressive bulge he
was sporting, which didn't go unnoticed by the other man.

Jungkook smirked, hooking his fingers on the belt loops of Taehyung’s jeans. “Can I?” Which was
answered by a shy nod. Jungkook continued to unbutton the article of clothing, pulling the zippers
down and revealing a—

“Fuck, you're wearing panties.” A black lace lingerie with a tiny red ribbon to be precise. Jungkook
felt his cock harden more if that was even possible, he's about to fucking burst. Kim Taehyung will
be the death of him, he swears.

“S-sometimes. They feel good and–and reminds me that I'm pretty.” Taehyung bashfully said,
covering his reddened face with his hands.

Jungkook proceeded to remove the jeans, leaving the idol in just his lingerie, before he made his
way to remove Taehyung’s hand. “Don't hide your pretty face from me.” He said while leaving
tender kisses on Taehyung’s knuckles.

Taehyung felt butterflies erupt in his stomach as he reveled in Jungkook’s undivided attention,
painting his golden skin with scattered red and purple bruises as he continued to suck and bite here
and there.

Jungkook retreated to marvel at his masterpiece, feeling a surge of possessiveness coursing through
his veins. He did that. Jungkook did those marks on the nation’s priced treasure. His kisses
sensually travelled down to Taehyung’s navel, blowing raspberries on the soft tummy, making the
idol squirm under his tight hold.

“I-it tickles.” Taehyung said, hands traveling to Jungkook's midnight locks to pull him away.

Jungkook chuckled against Taehyung’s skin, proceeding to slowly remove the remaining piece of
clothing, leaving goosebumps on the places his hands came in contact with.

And another piece of expensive clothing joined the pile of designer clothes on the floor.

Taehyung gasped in surprise when Jungkook grabbed him by the back of his knees to pull him
down, hands immediately travelling down to hold Taehyung’s thighs so tight he's sure it will leave
marks that will last for days, considering the fact that the idol bruises easily. Taehyung felt exposed
when Jungkook spread his legs wider, his entrance fully on display for the other man to see.

Jungkook licked his lips as he stared appreciatively at Taehyung’s twitching hole. Of fucking
course it's pretty. Everything about this ethereal being is just so goddamn pretty.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Jungkook doesn't know if he can survive the night without busting a nut prematurely—he hopes he
doesn't. No one, absolutely no one had affected him this much.

It's fucking insane.

“You're driving me crazy, my prince.” Jungkook said before diving in, licking a wet stripe from
Taehyung’s perineum down to his entrance, tongue hungrily circling and prodding, which was
rewarded with a lewd moan from the idol.

Taehyung’s hands once again found their way to Jungkook’s raven hair, pushing his face down on
him even more as he unconsciously rocked his hips, practically riding the man’s face, obviously
lost in pleasure.
Jungkook hardened his tongue and breached the tight ring of muscle to tongue-fuck the idol who
was shamelessly writhing in pleasure in his grasps.

The idol’s back arched beautifully when he felt the intrusion at his entrance that was almost
immediately joined by two fingers, scissoring him deliciously.

Jungkook continued to push his saliva slicked fingers in and out of the other man before adding
another digit until four of his fingers were knuckles deep.

“S-stop, please. You're gonna–ah, you're gonna make me cum.” Taehyung said, breathless.

Jungkook removed his fingers and sat up straight on the bed before crawling his way towards the
night stand and reaching out for the bottom drawer to retrieve a bottle of lube and packs of

Taehyung followed his movements and cocked an eyebrow questioningly at Jungkook when he
returned to his rightful throne between the idol’s legs, tearing the foil with his teeth, maintaining
the lustful gaze between their eyes as he put the condom on his rock-hard length.

“It's common knowledge, sweetheart.” Jungkook coated his cock with a generous amount of lube,
giving it a couple of tug. “And I told you, this is my hotel.”

“You're not kidding, are you?” Taehyung inquired.

“No, I'm not. I've been nothing but honest with you.” Jungkook then hoisted Taehyung’s thighs up,
spreading the idol’s legs lewdly. “I'm gonna fuck you now, prince.”

Taehyung’s hands gripped the sheets tightly when he felt Jungkook’s cock breach his tight hole,
slowly pushing in, the thick girth leaving a delicious burn inch by inch inside his walls as he felt
himself being split in two. Jungkook’s fucking hung. What a lucky night to bed a hot stranger that
can satisfy the size queen in him. “Fuck, you're big.”

Jungkook felt an ego boost, lips curling in a proud smirk. “I know.”

“I so wanna punch that smirk off your fa—” Taehyung wasn't able to continue what he was about
to say when Jungkook pulled his cock out with only the tip remaining inside only to push back in
harshly in a split second.

“You were saying?” Jungkook asked, pressing the head of his cock right on the idol’s swollen

“I–I said I want to–ah…” Taehyung let out a loud moan when Jungkook started fucking him hard
and fast without inhibition, making his body rock back and forth with the brutal force.

Jungkook continued to pound into Taehyung’s abused hole mercilessly, fucking him into oblivion
until the idol was reduced to a moaning mess underneath him. Jungkook wanted to engrave
Taehyung’s pleasured face in his brain forever. It's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his
entire life. Taehyung looks so fucked out with his raven hair sprawled on the sheets, pupils blown
wide with lust, the skin on his chest up to his cheeks flushed in a beautiful shade of scarlet, pinkish
lips partly open as he continuously let out lewd moans that were like music to Jungkook’s ears.

“I'm close.” Taehyung managed to say in between moans.

“I know.” Jungkook lifted Taehyung’s hips to change their position, putting the idol’s leg on his
shoulder as he proceeded to fuck him sideways when he felt the walls around him get tighter.
“Ju-Jungkook–ah” Taehyung couldn't stop himself from moaning loud when Jungkook
manhandled him effortlessly, the new position letting the other man fuck into him deeper, never
missing his sweet spot in every thrust.

Jungkook picked up his pace, groaning in extreme pleasure. He then reached for Taehyung’s
neglected cock, pumping it in sync with his thrusts. “Cum with me.” It wasn't long when
Taehyung’s body convulsed under him, thick white ropes of cum coating his hand, some landing
on the sheets.

“Fuck.” Jungkook cursed when he felt the idol clench around him impossibly tighter. “Just–just a
little bit more.”

Tears started forming in Taehyung’s eyes, wetting his long lashes in the process, letting out quiet
cries as he was driven to oversensitivity. “Jungkook.” Taehyung moaned the man’s name in a lust-
filled tone.

And that was the final straw for Jungkook, giving a particular hard thrust as he released his seeds in
the condom, still buried deep inside the idol, followed by one, two, three painfully slow
movements of his hips, riding out his orgasm—the most intense he’s ever had.

“Fuck that was…” Jungkook pulled out, making Taehyung whine, plopping down on the bed and
turning to face the idol.

“Amazing.” Taehyung continued for him.

They were both staring at each other's eyes while panting heavily due to the exhaustion. They
continued the staring competition in a comfortable silence before Jungkook spoke.

“You look beautiful in black and red, by the way.” Jungkook teased him, smirking when he
remembered the lingerie Taehyung was wearing earlier.

“Yeah?” Taehyung bit his lower lip as his mouth curled into a smile.

“Yeah. I think you should wear them more often.”

“Panties?” Taehyung raised an eyebrow.

“No. I mean, yes, do that too, it's fucking sexy.” Jungkook rambled, making the other chuckle.
“Clothes, baby. You should wear those colors more. Wear anything you want, stop letting other
people dictate what you should and shouldn't do.”

“Hmm, I think…” Taehyung trailed off to give it a thought. “I think I might just do that.” The idol
grinned wide, showcasing his signature boxy smile, as he traced the patterns of ink covering
Jungkook’s entire right arm.

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung’s hand with his own, giving the back of his palm a firm kiss. He
glanced at the modern wall clock to check the time. “I have to go but I hope this won't be a one
time thing.”

Taehyung rolled to his back, exhaustion taking over him. “If you can find me again, then it won't

“You mean it? No bullshit?” Jungkook propped his elbow on the bed and rested his head in his
Taehyung laughed at that. “Yes, Jungkook, no bullshit.”

Jungkook then sat up to give a tender kiss on Taehyung’s forehead. “Then I shall find you again,
my prince.”

Breaking News: Videos of Kim Taehyung dancing on a pole spread through the internet like a
wildfire. Is the Nation’s Sweetheart finally showing his true colors?

CELINE After Party

Taehyung’s manager was mad. No, he's fucking livid.

“What the fuck do you think you're doing, Kim Taehyung?” Hwan hissed at the tipsy idol.

“Partying? Having fun? Living?” Taehyung just shrugged and rolled his eyes at him.

Hwan grabbed Taehyung’s wrist to pull him up from his seat but the idol was quick to retreat his
arm back.

“Taehyung, I'm warning you, you're breaking all the rules.” Hwan said in a firm voice. “Get up,
you're coming with me.”

“I said no, asshole! I'm done. I'm fucking done with all of you and your stupid rules!” Taehyung
shouted at him, attracting unwanted attention from the other party-goers near them.

His manager scoffed. “Oh yeah? You don't give a fuck about your image anymore? Your career?”

“I'd rather be dead than pretend my whole life.” Taehyung said with finality in his tone.

Hwan’s jaw ticked in anger. He was about to grab Taehyung again when some of the models
meddled in.

“Hey man, Taehyung said no.” Said by one of them.

“I think you should leave.” Another model intervened.

“This is none of your business.” Hwan spat out on them, shooting daggers with his eyes.

“You're in our turf, big guy.” The model smirked at him as a warning.

Hwan looked around, everyone's eyes were now on him. The manager turned and started walking
away before stopping in his tracks to face the idol once more. “We’re not done yet, Kim

Taehyung was fucking furious. Just how many times does he have to say he's done for his manager
to leave him the fuck alone? He reached down to unzip one of his boots and threw it in Hwan's
direction. “I said I'm done!”
The shoe didn't hit him, courtesy of Taehyung’s bad aim, but that was enough to surprise him and
shake his head. “Fine. Your loss, not mine.” Hwan muttered under his breath before finally
leaving, bumping into someone along his way out.

Jungkook was just right on time to witness the exchange between Taehyung and his manager. He
was standing by the entrance, surrounded by his bodyguards when the scene unfolded in front of

“Boss, is that him?” One of his men whispered, stunned by the idol’s fiery attitude—and
undeniable beauty.

The mob boss didn't answer and chuckled at him as he picked up the black Celine Cavalry boot on
the floor. Jungkook began walking towards Taehyung’s table, earning gasps and whispers from
everyone in the underground club.

“Is that…”

“No fucking way.”

“Shit, it's Jeon Jungkook.”

“What's a gang leader doing here?”

“He's so hot.”

Taehyung whipped his head up when he heard Jungkook's name. Did he hear that right? Gang
leader? Who? What? His eyes widened when he finally noticed Jungkook who was walking
towards him surrounded by four men dressed in black suits. Jungkook himself was wearing an
expensive all black Brioni suit, adorned with a golden wolf brooch with chains on his chest.

Jungkook smiled at Taehyung when he had finally reached his table. The mob boss dropped to one
knee, earning a series of surprised gasps from everyone, especially from his bodyguards.

Their leader just bent his knee for someone—a sight they never imagined they'd see.

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung’s bare foot and proceeded to put his leather boot back on, zipping it
close before taking Taehyung’s hand and giving his knuckles a tender kiss. “Told you I'll find you,
my prince.”

Taehyung’s face slowly broke out into a smile. “I never doubted.”

“Say, what do you think about running away with me?” Jungkook asked, still on his knees in front
of the idol.

Taehyung has never felt so free before, Jungkook managed to make him experience that on the
night they first met. He's done pretending and Jungkook, even when he was practically a stranger,
was able to give him the push he's looking for. So yes, he's ready to leave everything behind and
finally be his true self and live his life the way he had always wanted.

Fuck those people who tried to control his life. Fuck everyone, he doesn't need anyone else. Okay,
maybe he needs Jimin in his life. And Yeontan. His family too. But he's sure they'll understand—
Taehyung hopes.

“Gladly.” Taehyung finally answered.

And they lived happily ever after.

The end.

End Notes

I don't know okaaaay? Thank you so much for reading, though Kudos and comments
are very much appreciated, ily ty see you on my next fic!

Thoughts? Suggestions? Talk to me

Twitter: @vkishikaisei
CC: kviibryd

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