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Three main points about Ancient Egypt:

 The ancient Egyptians were mainly farmers who grew crops on the fertile land and

agriculture was favored by the mild climate and sufficient water source; the Nile River.

 The pyramids of Ancient Egypt were the work of Imhotep alongside other architects of

the time.

 The great Sphinx was sandstone and symbolizes the head of Pharaoh and had a was a

lion-shaped to symbolize the lion gods that guarded the gateway to heaven.

2. The Temple of Amun-Re in Karnak was the principal religious center of ancient

Egyptians dedicated to worship. It was a collection of temples devoted to various deities

in the Egyptian Kingdom. The temple houses a Sacred Lake where Gods rowed and also

a home for Egypt’s Scarabs.

3. The temple of Amun-Re

a) The Temple of Amun-Re is a model of the universe- it was a replica of the

universe because of inner sanctuaries with primeval hills. Also, it illuminated

god’s cult statue with the small light shaft that only depicts God watching over his

people. Finally, it was like a cosmos and reflected zep tepi, that is, the concept of

the first time beginning of the world’s creation.

b) The Hypostyle Hall was designed such that it covers approximately 54, 000

square ft. The roof was supported by 134 columns and 16 rows. Also, the two

middle rows are the highest among all other rows. Finally, the columns were

papyrus made representing the primeval papyrus swamp of self-created deity.

c) The rituals that were mainly performed in the Temple of Amun-Re included:

- The Theban ritual – a morning devotion liturgy for divine and royal cults.
- Officiating and purification of priests

- Worship of and sacrificial offerings to their god Amun

4. The most fascinating thing about the Temple of Amun-Re was that Pharaoh was the only

one allowed to enter some of its sections. It also reminded me of some of the common

religious practices (rituals, offerings, sacrifices, worships) I saw when I visited India. The

Indian sculpture, buildings, and other practices are kept sacred by Indians. Some

buildings are even prohibited from visitors.

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