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Communication: sexuality-based issues

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Communication: sexuality-based issues

Sexuality-based topics are the hardest to discuss between parents and their

children/teenagers. Parents think having such conversations is unnecessary because they assume

children and teenagers are taught in school. Besides, some parents think that the age gap between

them and their children begs respect and does not allow them to hold sexuality-based

discussions. Finally, some parents are shy such that they think it will be embarrassing to discuss

such matters with their children. On the other hand, teenagers and children are uncomfortable

holding sexuality-based conversations with their parents. They shun asking questions because

they fear it may send a wrong notion to their parents. For instance, a parent may assume that his

child is asking such a question because she is already practicing sexual immorality. In other

instances, children and teenagers prefer researching on the internet or discussing with their peers

instead of discussing sexuality-based issues with their parents.

The main reason children depend on the internet or friends is that they find it more reassuring

and comfortable. Besides, there will be no judgment from anyone (especially parents) when

looking up sexuality-based issues on the internet. Also, discussions on sexuality-related issues

are challenging in intimate relationships. People in relationships or intimate partnerships find it

difficult to tell their preferences because they fear judgment. Others think their partners will

consider them nagging or too demanding in the relationship. The main reason people might shy

away from opening up to their partners is that they may make their partners feel inferior. For

example, if a lady tells his man that he is “poor in bed” or romantic enough, it may paint a bad

image. Therefore, the lady chooses to remain silent about such an issue even if it is sensitive. I

think that intimate partners should be open and readily accommodate each other’s complaints to

promote healthy sexual relationships.



Hi Jessica,

I agree with you that our parents were not taught or never discussed issues of sexuality with their
parents. As a result, they carry on the trend by not having such a discussion with us. It is unfortunate
that we rely on the internet or peers to discuss issues on sexuality. Sometimes the information we get
might be misleading and we end up making mistakes that we would have avoided if we consulted our
parents. Therefore, it would be noble for parents and children to have open forums on sexuality-based

Hi Teresa,

As we know most of the time human beings never want to feel inferior or belittled. It if for that reason
that couples shy away from sexuality-based issues. They fear separation because of raising such
sensitive issues. Others may end up having trust issues because of insecurities. As a result, I think
everyone should consider sexuality and sexual-based issues normal to eliminate the communication

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