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Compare and contrast insanity and automatism

 Negate mens rea and actus reus

 Available for all types of crime
 Both require some mental condition
 Medical evidence is important
 These both are not a defense for voluntary intoxication
 Automatism include external trigger and insanity is because of
an internal trigger ; kemp case
 Automatism defense comes from prosecution and if proved the
person would be convicted
 And in insanity the person can be sent to a mental hospital
self defence is an affirmative defense
 Criminal law act 1967 section 3 (1) forth use in prevention of
crime is reasonable and then there is private defense where
the permission is given to use self-defense, defense of an other
or a defense of a property.
 This defense would not be granted if defendant acted in
retaliation or revenge; case of R v Wilkinson if the use of force
was needed
 Use of force should not be reasonable but belief should be
genuine; R v Gladstone
 Bekford case

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