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House of Pups

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Character: Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook
Additional Tags: Top Jeon Jungkook, Bottom Kim Taehyung | V, Mates, Werewolves,
Mpreg, Breastfeeding, Knotting, Anal Sex, Fingerfucking, Breeding,
Rough Sex, Sex Toys, Come Eating, Age Difference, txt as babies,
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Domestic Fluff, Smut, Explicit Sexual
Content, Dom/sub
Stats: Published: 2021-03-12 Updated: 2021-04-21 Chapters: 3/? Words:

House of Pups
by gotnoname125


Taehyung and Jungkook just can't stop making babies


A little something i wrote cause I was bored

Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“No, baby don’t run, Kai, stop.”

“Oh wait, gyu, you’ll fall.

“Soobin, get your brother yeonjun, he still hasn’t woken up.”

“Taehyun, i’ll spank you if you eat dirt again.”

“Ahhh, i’m so done with life! I can’t deal with these naughty kids, kookie.”

This was an everyday drama in the jeon’s household.

A young omega mother who apparently CAN NOT stop popping babies every year because he
loves kids yet still complains every other day.

An alpha, who CAN NOT stop breeding his mate because he loves seeing him round and chubby.

And 7 kids.

Yes 7 kids.

Taehyung and Jungkook met through an online dating service. The omega turned 18 and
immediately signed up to get a potential mate. He really didn’t wanna study. Education is for the
weak! He believes.

No he wasn’t dumb. He just doesn’t wanna wake up early only to work all day and earn a small
amount. He wants to get married, get spoiled and make a lot of pups. Children were his weakness.
Jungkook, at that time 27, was already an experienced alpha, though he never settled for one,
wanted to explore more. But his search came to an end when he was matched with taehyung.

Taehyung was everything he wanted in a mate. Absolutely gorgeous, breathtaking beauty. He

thought someone was pranking him with some model’s picture but when he got to finally talk to
him and meet him in person he finally accepted that this angel indeed was interested in him.

Jungkook belonged to a rich family and was running a good business himself. All that was missing
was a mate and pups. A family.

Both of them hit off perfectly at the very first date. Taehyung told him how he had never dated
before and this was his first time going out with an alpha alone.

Jungkook couldn’t be more happy.

So like a good gentleman, he took him to his lavish home after the dinner and fucked him

Taehyung, loved every second of it. The way jungkook was so dominating in bed made his
submissive side satisfied.

He remembers everything that happened that night. Jungkook was gentle in the beginning but soon
turned into some wild beast who was starving of intimacy. His thrusts were sharp, brutal and deep.
Taehyung was screaming, crying and moaning his name non stop. It wasn’t the smartest move to
knot him but both of them didn’t care about the outcome. How many times jungkook knotted him?
Both lost count.

It was the omega’s first time and it was given that he would bleed. This is exactly what happened,
in the morning they both found the sheet had patches of dried blood and cum, lots of it.

It was also given that both of them would not leave each other alone from then. They would meet
almost everyday, getting to know more about one another.

Two weeks later, taehyung told jungkook, crying, that he was pregnant. They were happy tears. He
was thrilled, both of them were.

Too soon but oh too good.

Jungkook asked taehyung to move in with him, so that he can take better care of him and the pup.

A werewolf pregnancy lasts 6 months as they would carry a litter some times.

After 6 months of complaining, whining and being happy, taehyung gave birth to 2 alpha babies.

Their friends were a bit worried as how the young omega will take care of 2 pups when he himself
was only 18 but taehyung told them all not to worry as his alpha was always there for him. He was
right. Jungkook often worked from home just so that he could give Tae some rest and help take
care of the pups.

Fast forward to 3 years later, with 7 pups running in the house and 3 more still on their way,
taehyung was tired.

Way too tired. But he wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Jungkook appointed 2 nannies, who would come at different times of the day to help take care of
the kids.

Taehyung needed all the rest he could get as he was pregnant with 3 pups this time.

All year he would be round and cute, having at least one pup in him.

They would never use protection. And with jungkook fucking him EVERYDAY, filling him with
his cum and then plugging him good, there was no chance of him not getting pregnant.

So, yeah, by the age of almost 21 and 30 respectively, taehyung and jungkook were parents of 7
Chapter End Notes

I'll update a new chapter once I hit 100 kudos and at least 15 comments.

I've set this goal so that I can take my sweet time in writing a new chapter as I've
already got a lot of stories going on (;´ ຶ‫)`ຶ ٹ‬


Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

As promised, I present to you a new chapter after 100 kudos.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

*Their very first time*

“I’m really glad we agreed to do this. I mean i never thought i’d be this lucky to score a date with
such a gorgeous omega.” Jungkook still was very much in awe every time he glanced at taehyung.
The omega was just too good to be true and no it’s not just his face, but his manners, his innocence
and politeness. He will prove to be an amazing mate and it’s the first time jungkook is really
looking at someone with that view.

“Talk about yourself mister, you look like that idol jeon jeongguk.” The omega spoke so sweetly
that Jungkook can’t help but coo. Seriously, where was this omega all his life? Why is he meeting
him just now? Oh wait, yeah, he was a minor just a few days back, jungkook mentally face palmed

“Do you want to go grab some ice cream after this? I mean i’d love to spend more time with you,
but only if you want to too.” The alpha asked, smiling and showing his bunny teeth.

Taehyung has never seen such a cute slash hot slash incredible alpha before. He hopes jungkook is
more interested in him and *coughs* wife’s *coughs* him soon because he really doesn’t wanna
wait. Wait is for the weak.

“I’d love to.” He answered softly.



After their little ice cream date, the alpha took him to a nearby park where they strolled around
talking about their likes and dislikes. Turns out they have a lot in common despite them being an
omega and an alpha.

They both absolutely adore children and wanted a big family. Their favourite hobby is to paint and
take pictures. And they both hate beeping electronics like microwaves. The alpha thinks it makes
him think of bombs while the omega hates it only because he thinks it’s heating is harmful for us.

The most common trait was that they both were clearly interested in each other.

“Can i kiss you?” Jungkook spoke while staring in taehyung’s starry eyes. It was such a sudden
question that it took taehyung a second to process. He knows both of them were holding themself
for quite some time now.

“Y-yes.” He stuttered, answering in a whisper.

That was all the permission jungkook needed to bring taehyung flush to his chest and kissing the
living moonlight out of him. The omega’s lips were so soft like a pillow, and oh so tasty, or maybe
it was the strawberry lip balm he had on. Jungkook just knows he can not let this omega go.

Both of them devoured each other, molding each other’s lips in a passionate kiss like they were
long lost lovers. It really felt like so.

Taehyung was breathless by the time jungkook decided to let him go. Their lips red from all the
nipping. It was taehyung’s first kiss and he absolutely loved it. This alpha right here is what he
needs. He will do anything to keep him.


Jungkook laid taehyung down on the bed gently. They were still very much lip locked, not having
enough of each other. The alpha took the younger to his own home, knowing very well what the
night awaited for them and just like that their clothes were long forgotten.

“Uhh..” The younger whined when jungkook finally pushed a digit inside him.
After praising taehyung’s naked form and eating him thoroughly like a starved man because it was
the omega’s first time, jungkook fingered him slowly.

The younger was still squirming when jungkook added another finger. It was all new to him and
his body was a bit rigid, nervous. What if it hurt? What if he wasn’t able to please the alpha?

Taehyung was a slut for pain but he doesn’t know to what extent his first time will hurt. Maybe
he’ll enjoy it or maybe he’ll never wanna do it again? He’ll find out soon.


“YES YES YES, OH GOD, ALPHAAA…” Taehyung’s screams were as loud as a man asking for

Jungkook was thrusting so brutally inside him that his insides were on fire. And he thinks nothing’s
more perfect than this. He thought the initial pain when jungkook breached his tight walls would
kill him but damn he actually discovered his pain kink.

The way jungkook kept forcing his big shaft inside him and the way he kept asking for more, he
knew he would bleed. He cried, oh he cried so much but he screamed for jungkook not to stop until
his whole cock was buried inside him.

The alpha’s dick was so big and heavy in his stomach, he could practically feel it in his throat if
that’s even possible. He was amazed by the size when he first saw it. Like holy moly does all the
alpha’s have this huge dick or was jungkook an exception? He’ll consider himself lucky that his
potential future mate has all the basic tools to keep him happy and satisfied.

“You like that, yeah? Likes when I keep pounding into your tight little hole. I’m gonna stretch it to
it’s limits, mold it in my shape so that you can not even think about letting someone else other then
me fuck you baby.” The alpha kept talking dirty, not stopping even for a second and going straight
for the younger’s prostate. His velvety walls would squeeze him so deliciously. Jungkook just
wants to stay buried there forever.

“O-only you, only you can fuck me alpha, uh uh uh .” Every word was followed by a moan. Both
of them were tangled in each other, taehyung’s hands were around jungkook, the alpha had both of
his legs folded, up in the air.
Jungkook’s own face was buried in his scent gland, inhaling the sweet scent of his potential future

Taehyung let out another loud moan when jungkook nipped at his nipples, biting them very gently
as not to hurt him. The pink buds were all wet due to jungkook tongue fucking them greedily. He
can’t wait to taste the milk once he gets the male full of his pups.

Both of them know very well that the possibility of taehyung getting pregnant was way too high
when they’re not using a condom but none of them cared. If jungkook wants to plant his pups
inside him so be it. He will love to carry those pups.

Chapter End Notes

Please leave a kudos if you are a new reader and give my other books a try too


Chapter 3
Chapter Notes


See the end of the chapter for more notes

*1st pregnancy*

“I look so fat kookie.” Taehyung whined while inspecting himself in the mirror. He turned to his
other side to see himself better. “Yup definitely fat.”

“You’re not fat, baby, you’re pregnant. This is natural.” Jungkook hugged him from behind and
cupped his stomach gently. “See this small lump, this is our pup.” He smiled sweetly, locking eyes
with his small mate through the mirror. “And you look absolutely gorgeous.” He finished the
sentence with a kiss to his nape.

"You won't leave me right?" Taehyung turned around to face his alpha.

Jungkook chuckled at his mate's insecurity. "Why would I pup? You're my everything." He took
the younger's face in his hand and leaned in for a sweet kiss. "Don't ever think that I'll leave you or
the pups. I love you and I'll keep loving you until my last breath."

At that taehyung started sniffling and broke down into small sobs. Screw his pregnancy hormones
for always messing up with his mood swings.

Jungkook hugged the younger tightly and rocked him in his arms. He knows that his little mate
needs assurance and affection these days more than ever. And he's ready to give it all.


"Come on tae you gotta finish this up otherwise no new clothes for you."
Jungkook was feeding taehyung with his own hands knowing very well that taehyung hates eating
vegetables and won't eat it even though they were very important for his health to provide him with
the right nutrients.

And banning him from buying more clothes is just the push he needs to finish his food.

"K-kookie you can't do that! I want more clothes, I look fat in the ones I got."

Taehyung mumbled with his mouth full of food, lips forming a cute pout.

“Well then you gotta finish the food first alright? We don’t want the pups to come out as sticks and
bones now, do we?”

“Na uh.” Taehyung quickly opened his mouth for jungkook to feed him another bite.

“Our pups should be strong like their father.” He commented.

“And adorable like their mama.” Jungkook replied back with a smile, cooing at the way taehyung
was eating food, cheeks round and stomach full of pups.

“Shopping?” Taehyung looked at jungkook with big puppy eyes. He knows how weak his husband
is for them.

“As soon as you’re done. You can buy anything you want love.” Jungkook pecked his lips several
times after wiping his mouth with the napkin.

“I love you alpha.”

“I love you too sweetheart.”

The couple bought a lot of clothes for the unborn pups and for themselves as well.

They already knew the gender. 2 alpha boys. So their shopping revolved around getting all the
things they thought an alpha boy will like.

While unpacking the clothes, taehyung would show off everything he bought again to the alpha,
earning praises on his choice. Taehyung loves doing that. He loves getting praises and approval
from jungkook. It boasts his omega pride knowing his alpha is happy and content with him.

“And this is for me.” Taehyung showed a set of lingerie to the other male, loving how Jungkook's
smile dropped all of a sudden and his expression became one of lust. The lingerie was a baby pink
color with see through bra and a lot of strings attaching to the lacy panty.

“You will look ravishing in that baby.” He stated, eyeing the pathetic excuse of clothes up and
down. Like really what was the point of calling them clothes when they can’t even cover the

But imagining taehyung in them was all jungkook needed to get his dick stirring in his pants.

“I got this too.” Taehyung smirked seductively and showed another set of lingerie that was red in
color with a see through bralette and G string attached to it.

“When did you buy all this pup?” Jungkook asked with a dark expression, his eyes not leaving his
baby’s teasing face. “Are you being all naughty now and buying clothes without letting your alpha
know, hm?”

“I wanted to surprise you alpha. You haven’t fucked me in so long.” Taehyung made his way to
the alpha who was sitting on the bed and straddled his thighs.

“I just fucked you last night baby.”

“Yeah too long.”

Jungkook chuckled at his mate’s small tantrum.

“I want you to punish me daddy. I’ve bought clothes without your permission.” The younger batted
his eyelashes and made a fake pout, teasing the older with an innocent yet seductive look.

“You’re right baby. I need to remind you that you can’t do things without your alpha’s permission.
Only bad pups disappoint their alpha.” Jungkook looked into those deep eyes and felt the soft skin
of taehyung’s hips on his palms, squeezing them gently. He leaned a little and bit his nipple from
the top of the shirt, earning a soft cry from him.

“But first time to eat.”

“Wha-No! Kookie i’m horny i want sex not food.”

“Don’t disobey your alpha baby. It’s dinner time, you need to eat.” Jungkook got up with taehyung
in his arms. He chuckled at taehyung’s frown and angry pout.

“Pups are not the reason I'm getting fat, you are.” The omega replied, hitting jungkook’s chest
lightly then putting his head on his shoulder, letting the alpha carry him to the kitchen.

“Guilty.” Jungkook smiled showing his bunny teeth. It was time to feed his kitten.

Chapter End Notes

To the new readers: please leave a kudos and check out my other books too



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