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Name: Nr.

Date: Class: 5

Subject: English

Teacher: Miss Vynck


You will do a presentation on your greatest achievement, the achievement you

are most proud of. Talk about what you did, what happened, what the
circumstances were, why it was such a special achievement for you, what other
people thought about it, … Complete the mind map below to help structure your

In your presentation, you:

• speak in an interesting way

• make your presentation exciting, funny, interesting, etc.
• make sure your presentations lasts 2 minutes (you will be timed!).
• make a PowerPoint-presentation/Prezi to support your speaking
• are allowed to use a piece of paper with key words during your
presentation. However, a written text that you read out loud is not allowed.
Load your PPT in Smartschool (5TSO my greatest achievement) , at the latest by
___________________ at 23.59. Your presentation is on _________________ .

Rubric speaking: my greatest achievement

Room for growth: Pupil: Well done:
Produces extended stretches
of language with very little
hesitation. There is a clear
organisation of ideas.

Lacking Insufficient Sufficient Good Excellent

0.5 1 2 3 4

Gives an interesting
presentation, formulates a
clear opinion.

Lacking Insufficient Sufficient Good Excellent è /10

0 – 0,5 - 1 1,5 - 2 2,5 - 3 3,5 - 4 5

Has a broad range of

language, allowing him/her to
express him/herself clearly in
an appropriate style. No vague

Lacking Sufficient Average Good Excellent

0-0.5-1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Consistently maintains a high

degree of grammatical
accuracy, errors are rare and
genarally corrected when they
do occur.

Lacking Sufficient Average Good Excellent

0-0.5-1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Intelligible, intonation is
appropriate. Individual sounds
are articulated clearly.

Lacking Sufficient Good Excellent

0 of 0,5 1.5 2 3

Documents are handed in on

time/ uploaded on time.
Student brought document
with them.

0 2

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