Russ Exercices Unit 1

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Exercise 1. Read, pay attention to pronunciation of vowels and consonants:

ála (wing), mínor (small), artéria (artery), lámina (plate), abdómen (belly), fóvea (facet), fíbula (fibula),
fémur (thigh-bone), línea áspera (rough line), pálma (palm), infundíbulum (funnel), régio (region),
inférior (lower), antérior (anterior), membrána (membrane), manúbrium (manubrium), véna (vein),
húmerus (bone of upper arm), gingíva (gum), úlna (medial bone of forearm), úvula (lingula), hépar (liver),
hílus (hilus).
Exercise 2. Read, explain pronunciation of i or j in the following words:
intestínum (intestine), iáter (Gr.) (physician, doctor), páries inférior (lower wall), junctúra (junction),
júgum (jugum), juguláris (jugular), canális palatínus májor (greater palatine canal), fóssa
infratemporális (infratemporal fossa), tubérculum május (greater tubercle), jejúnum (jejunum), ilíacus
Exercise 3. Read the following words paying particular attention to the consonants c, s, l, x
and z:
fácies (surface), cérvix (neck), cérebrum (brain), cýstis (cyst), cytológia (cytology), cósta (rib), cáput
(head), córpus (body), colúmna (pillar), cávum (cavity), cóllum (neck), crísta (crest), lac (milk), canális
(canal), súlcus (groove), árcus (arch), córnu (horn), stérnum (breastbone), scápula (shoulder-blade), os
(bone), spína (spine), násus (nose), básis (base), plásma (plasma), organísmus (organism), squamósus
(scaly), tuberósitas (tuberosity), lóbus (lobe), látus (wide), músculus (muscle), lábium (lip), ángulus
(angle), ánulus (ring), ápex (top), rádix (root), déxter (right), thórax (chest), xiphoídeus (swordshaped),
zóna (zone), zygóma (cheek-bone), horizontális (horizontal), cávitas (cavity), ócciput (back of the head),
trúncus (trunk), caécus (cecal), claviculáris (clavicular), accessórius (additional), músculus (muscle),
cruciátus (cruciform), cávum cránii (cavity of skull), sáccus lacrimális (tear sac), cartilágo (cartilage),
cóndylus (condyle), bíceps (two-headed), céllula (cell), súlci palatíni (palatine grooves), vértebrae
cervicáles (cervical vertebrae), vértebrae sacráles (sacral vertebrae), os coccýgis (coccygeal bone),
forámina sacrália dorsália (dorsal sacral openings), búcca (cheeck), búccae (cheeks).
Exercise 4. Read the following words paying special attention to the letter combinations ch,
ph, qu, rh, th, ngu and ti:
núcha (nape), chóle (bile), chórda (cord), chárta (paper), phálanx (fingerbone), diaphrágma (diaphragm),
phárynx (pharynx), áqua (water), squamósus (scaly), quádriceps (four-headed), rhizóma (rhizome),
rhéxis (rupture), rheumatísmus (rheumatism), thórax (chest), rhinorrhagía (bleeding from the nose),
therapía (treatment), thrómbus (blood clot), língua (tongue), únguis (nail), sánguis (blood), unguéntum
(ointment), ángulus (angle), linguláris (lingular), trianguláris (triangular), tíbia (shinebone), téstis (testis),
tinctúra (tincture), óstium (opening), articulátio (joint), substántia (substance), spátium (space), solútio
(solution), curátio (treatment), vítium (defect).
Exercise 5. Read the following words paying special attention to Latin vowel digraphs and
áuris (ear), autopsía (necropsy), Áurum (gold), pléura (pleura), neurológia (neurology), pneumonía
(inflammation of the lungs), cóstae (ribs), oedéma (swelling), anaemía (anemia), gangraéna (gangrene),
amoéba (ameba), áër (air), Áloë (aloe), aërophobía (morbid fear of drafts or of fresh air), vértebrae
(vertebrae), caécus (cecal), oesóphagus (oesophagus), auriculáris (auricular), córpus vesícae félleae (body
of gallbladder), aponeurósis (aponeurosis), pseudomembrána (false membrane), uropoёticus
(urogegenus/ urinogenous), díploë (diploe), haematopoёticus (hemopoietic), dýspnoë (dispnea), régio
glutaéa (gluteal region), peronaéus (fibular).
Exercise 6. Read the two-syllable words, stress the appropriate syllable:
fossa – facet, sulcus – sulcus, morbus – disease, apex – top, margo – margin, sinus – sinus, corpus – body,
arcus – arch; atlas – the fist cervical, bursa – bursa, cavum – cavum, cauda – cauda, collum – neck, cornu
– horn, ramus – branch, costa – rib, minor – lesser, manus – hand, vomer – vomer, sella – sella.
Exercise 7. Stress the following words according to the signs of length or shortness:
membrāna – membrane, vagīna – vagina, tunĭca – tunic, tympănum – tympanum, palātum – palate,
tuberosĭtas humĕri – tuberosity of the shoulder, corpŏra – bodies, vulnĕra – wounds, homĭnis – of the
man, thorācis – of the thorax, aegrōtus – patien, orgănon – organ, systēma – a system, oesophăgus –
Exercise 8. Stress the following words observing the rules of Latin word-stressing:
columna, processus, cerebrum, palpebra, profundus, transversus, internus, gangraena, refluxus, linea, rabies,
reflexus, ampulla, tibia, sinister, spurius, Oryza, xiphoideus, facies, anatomia, coccygeus, caries, tabuletta,
pterygoideus, externus, maxilla, curatio, solutio, substantia, eminentia, Belladonna, ligamentum, vertebra,
Exercise 9. Mark the stress, underline suffixes with short vowels with one line and with long
vowels with two lines:
ventriculus (ventricle, stomach), spinosus (spinous), thoracicus (thoracic), apertura (opening), anulus
(ring), angulus (angle), foveola (pit), incisura (notch, split), tuberculum (tubercle), articularis (articular),
opticus (visual), basilaris (basic), cervicalis (cervical), musculus (muscle), fissura (fissure), lateralis
(lateral), vertebralis (vertebral), lumbalis (lumbar), fossula (small depression or cavity), glandula (gland),
scapula (shoulder-blade), mandibula (lower jaw), (maxillary), chronicus (chronic), gastricus (gastric),
pelvinus (pelvic), fibrosus (fibrous), gelatinosus (gelatinous), venosus (venous), squamosus (scaly),
spirituosus (spiritual), capitatus (capitate), destillatus (destilled), auditivus (auditory), vegetativus
(vegetative), incisivus (incisive, cutting), junctura (junction), sutura (suture), temperatura (temperature),
clavicula (clavicle), fibula (fibula), maxillaris, ceratus (waxy).
Exercise 10. Stress the following Latin anatomical terms:
alae voměris (wings of vomer), pars superior duodēni (superior part of duodenum), cartilagineus
(cartilaginous), articulatio sacrococcygēa (sacral-coccygeal joint), gingīva (gum), trachēa (windpipe),
apertura thorācis inferior (lower opening of chest), orgănon gustus (taste organ), glossopharyngeus
(glossopharyngeal), orbĭta oculi (eye-pit), pylōrus (opening of stomach into duodenum), peritonēum
(serous membrane lining abdominal cavity), labyrinthus ethmoidalis (ethmoidal labyrinth), fossa
pterygopalatina (pterygopalatine cavity), processus zygomaticus (zygomatic process), substantia
compacta (thick substance), palpebra superior (upper eyelid), corpus maxillae (body of upper jaw),
quadruplex (fourfold), facies poplitea (popliteal surface), ductus choledochus (bile duct).

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