12 Rizal PDF

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Aside from our national hero, Dr.

Jose Rizal, who played a significant role in our

country and influenced how we live in the modern day, there are many other
Filipino heroes we regard. Each of their achievements and works has historical
value that should be honored, safeguarded, and preserved in order to preserve
and celebrate civic beauty and pride, as well as to create an appreciation of
local and national history and legacy. Furthermore, historic preservation is a vital
means of transmitting our understanding of the past to future generations.

My simple answer is yes. Other Filipino heroes are titled "heroes" as they fought for
the motherland and has succeeded on attaining freedom. They contributed to
the independence and freedom we now indulge ourselves in. Their contribution
and sacrifices should be brought to the minds of the masses not only to
acknowledge them but also to instill and preserve national identity and instill
patriotism in the hearts of the Filipinos.
The life the Filipino heroes have led should also provide insights on our cultural
heritage. One of the problems the Philippines is going through today is the
people's colonial mentality. Our culture is fading away to the waves of
Globalization, our traditions, practices, beliefs, and even our own language is
being shadowed by foreign culture.

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