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Faculty of Higher Education


DUE DATE 10-02-2023


I certify that:

☒ This assignment is my own work.

☒ I have acknowledged and disclosed any assistance received in its preparation and cited all sources
from which data, ideas, words (whether quoted directly or paraphrased) were taken.

☒ This assignment was prepared specifically for this unit only.

☒ The reference list is truthful and accurate and in Holmes approved referencing style.



Reflection on Literature Review

My thoughts on the work I did for the literature review, with respect to research question
1, mainly include the challenges I faced while finding the pertinent information related to
the question. My initial challenge was to fully comprehend the question before
conducting the research that would provide me with solutions that were perfectly in line
with the question. I had trouble understanding the question at first, therefore I wasn't
able to think of the right response. The second challenge I faced was that I lacked
precise knowledge on how to carry out research that would provide me with the right
solutions. In the beginning, I was making the search more confusing for myself by
typing the wrong query in the search area. Then I attempted to do a search for the
necessary data by entering the keywords. That allowed me to get some pertinent data,
which was helpful. Even though I managed to get some pertinent data, I had no idea
how to organise it. I'm still learning the best way to deliver the material I've gathered so
the reader will be entirely satisfied.

In research question 2, there wasn't enough information online regarding the venture
given to us to perform the literature study, so I looked up other ventures of a similar sort
that had expanded their functions in Australia in order to connect that knowledge to that
endeavour. By doing that, I was able to comprehend the characteristics of the
Australian market, and I then conducted the research while keeping that market in
mind, which provided me with a significant quantity of information with which to prepare
my report. The ethical problems with recycled furniture in Australia were well-
documented in research question 3, but there was little evidence of the ethical
concerns with selling furniture made from recycled garbage from other nations in
Australia. Since there was little information, it was challenging for me to perform a
literature review. However, I then began to question whether or not I was looking in the
appropriate locations. After that, I shifted my approach and began looking for
information outside of academic publications, such as news pieces and magazines,
where I was successful in finding a wealth of pertinent information.

There was a tonne of scholarly information on entrepreneurship accessible for research

question 4, but I struggled to choose the information that would best address the issue.
In order to do this, I compiled the data from many sources. I recognised the
information's major themes and connected related concepts. I learned from this that the

reader might be exposed to several facets of the same concept by doing this. My
writing was difficult to read, and my references weren't very helpful towards the
beginning of the semester. Although I've made progress in these areas, there are still a
number of places where I could need some more practice and application of the
principles we covered in class. These include linking the synthesis of research papers,
taking the organisation and audience into account, and so on. These ideas will be
beneficial in the future when I want to make my perspective clearer to my colleagues.

What I learned from the Curriculum

I'd want to begin by stating that this class has exceeded my expectations in so many
ways. I've learned in the classes that the research technique is crucial and
important and that it can vary depending on the researcher's objectives (Snyder, 2019,
p. 1(7)). My research mentality and abilities have definitely improved as a result of the
lectures. First off, it gave me a fantastic chance to get rid of whatever uncertainty or
concern I could have had due to a lack of precise information about the process.
Without having a broad understanding of the topic, we frequently refer to or discuss
research methodologies. That would be a thread to introduce the anxiety or unease of
ambiguities (Kim et al., 2015, p. 2 (2)). Second, the course systematised and improved
my knowledge of research techniques and abilities. With the time spent on this course,
I learned about a philosophical perspective to support the research techniques, theory
and construction, the components of three fundamental methodologies (qualitative,
quantitative, and mixed), the ethics associated with the study, as well as other helpful
concerns. By completing weeks of experimental work, including a literature review
assignment and MCQs that let me gauge how far I had come in the subject, I was
happily given an excellent system to improve my research abilities.

Since we didn't cover a lot of research methodologies in my research methods class

the semester before, I'll be honest and say I didn't know what to anticipate. I was
uncertain about my ability to keep up as a result of this. However, With the exception of
a few really dense and hefty readings, which greatly concerned and alarmed me, the
readings were generally quite useful. My favourite part of the course was the discussion
style since it was really beneficial and allowed me to add many new ideas to my
toolbox. However, some of the theory was difficult for me to understand. I liked how the
discussion topics each week built on the one before, and the range of themes allowed
me to get a good sense of the class’s goals. I believe that everything I have learnt in
this course will be very beneficial for me in pursuing my chosen career and that the
concepts and theories presented in the course were intended to help me view things
from a new perspective. The readings we picked were, for the most part, really
illuminating and left me desiring more information.

The lesson was made highly engaging by the use of several research methods and
tools. Over the following weeks, we looked in-depth at how research is really conducted

and how it generates a top-notch research report. I've only ever seen and read public
research papers written by well-known writers, but thanks to this lesson, I now
understand how these authors create such influential publications. I learned how a
good research paper is made up of several components, such as the research problem,
the research questions, the formulation of the objectives and hypotheses, and the
creation of the literature review. To help us comprehend the objective of the research,
these components were taught to us and included in our research tasks.

In closing, I just wanted to say thank you and I truly appreciate everything since I learnt
a great deal more from the course than I had anticipated. I honestly feel that since I
began this course, all of my research, rational thinking, writing, and reading abilities
have increased. I am looking forward to finishing my degree so that I may use the
knowledge I have gained and the skills I have learned in this programme to my chosen
future path and make a difference.

Kiyoung Kim, H.-M. J. (2015). A Reflection on the Research Method and Exemplary Application to the
College and University Rankings. Education Journal, 250-262.

Snyder, H. (2019). Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines. Journal of
Business Research, 333-339.


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