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NURSING: Suggested themes for oral presentations

You may also choose a topic not on this list (but related to your course).
We would like to be SURPRISED and to LEARN something NEW about the area in
which you’d like to work

1. Research an illness and talk about how it affects the body and/or the mind, what the
symptoms are and how it is treated. (choose one or more examples to present – such
as, but not exclusively: AIDS, diabetes, gangrene, schizophrenia, tuberculosis, rabies,
malaria, leprosy…)
2. Prenatal care
3. Pain management (choose one or more examples to present – such as, but not
exclusively: in childbirth, in cancer patients, using cognitive hypnotherapy, for
haemophiliacs, in chronic pain… )
4. Phantom pains syndrome
5. Mystery syndromes – (choose one or more examples to present – such as, but not
exclusively: chronic fatigue syndrome,
6. Alternative medical treatment (choose one or more examples to present – such as, but
not exclusively: Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, cupping, reflexology, faith
healing, reiki, Ayurvedic medicine, homeopathy…)
7. The pros and cons of pet visits in hospitals
8. Mobile hospitals and disaster units
9. Hospital error
10. Diagnostic software
11. Leech therapy
12. The cultural and religious beliefs of dying patients and their families
13. The history of nursing
14. Myths and facts about mental illness
15. Anaesthesia
16. Thalidomide: history and current use
17. Human blood groups
18. Forensic analysis of hair, blood and fingerprints
19. Should euthanasia be legal?
20. The types of infections spread by poor hygiene in hospitals
21. A drug that has changed history (choose one or more examples to present – such as,
but not exclusively: penicillin, the oral contraceptive, aspirin)
22. Medicinal plants (choose one or more examples to present)
23. What to do if a patient refuses to eat
24. What role do robots play in nursing care?
25. The importance of teamwork in the profession of nursing
26. Discuss the importance of Nurses’ Unions in defending their rights.
27. Are prisoners receiving enough medical care?
28. Nursing care for homeless people
29. Discuss the future of medicine and healthcare in light of technological advances
30. Quality evaluation methods for medical care
31. Advantages and limitations of telemedicine
32. Burnout in the nursing profession: efficient stress management
33. The dangers of nicotine exposure in babies
34. The benefits of breastfeeding.


1. First decide on the people whom you’d like to work with. 3 people in
each group – 4 people are not allowed according to UFP regulations.

2. Then choose a topic.

3. Once this is decided, start researching. Remember to research, in

English, in sites or books that have reliable sources. Avoid blogs as
they may not be scientifically reliable.

4. Afterwards write an outline of what you want to say so that you can place the
information you got from the research into something more concrete.

5. If necessary, write a text to help you organize all the information you placed in
the outline.

6. Once you have prepared your text and the PowerPoint, don’t forget to edit
them so that you don’t have mistakes.

Tips for the PowerPoint for your oral presentation

1. You can only have 12 slides, including one with the bibliography.
2. Don’t write text, just point form, and place images.
3. Once your PowerPoint is ready, and before the oral presentation, post the pdf of your ppt in

The Oral Presentation

1. Each person must speak a maximum of 5 minutes.
2. You MUSTN’T READ – this is a presentation to find out how fluent you are, if you can
understand questions that are asked and if you learnt something from your research.
It’s not a reading test!
3. As each person has a different level of English, your marks are individual!

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