Past Perfekt

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Past Perfekt (Plusquamperfekt)

(прошедшее завершенное время)

had + 3 форма глагола
by, after, when, earlier, first, before

We arrived at the station at 10, but the train had left.

He had been a usual clerk before he became a successful businessman.

He told that he had won.

I knew that it had already happened.
I was so happy because I had passed the test successfully.
When I came home, she had already cooked dinner.
By the time I finished school I had reached an Intermediate level in English.
I had already left home by the time they arrived.
I understood that I had made a mistake.
He said that he had failed the test.
She told me that no one had notice it.
I knew that they had deceived her.
I found out that they had deceived her.
I found out that they had told me a lie.
I had finished doing it by that time.
I had finished doing everything by 3 o’clock.
When he arrived at the airport, the plane had already taken off.
When she arrived at the airport, the plane hadn’t landed yet.
I had finished everything by the time she called me.
I had finished watching that video by the time they came to me.
She said that he had won but I didn’t believe her.
He said that he had never been there, but it looked very strange.
I told him that I had improved my English significantly thanks to this method.
She said that she had never been to such a beautiful place because it looked
like a real paradise.

Практика всех времен.

1. I’ve always wanted to visit an English-speaking county.
2. I told him that I had always wanted to go to an English-speaking country.
3. When I saw them, they were arguing about something.
4. I explained it to him.
5. When he explained everything to me, I realized that I had made a
6. I’ve never been to China.
7. He said that he had never been to China before.
8. Time was passing very slowly. We were waiting and waiting. Everything
was very uncertain.
9. I haven’t reached a strong Intermediate level in English yet but it’s in my
10. I haven’t reached an Intermediate level in English yet but I’m going to
do it soon.
11. I haven’t achieved this aim yet but I’m going to do it in the near future.
12. I haven’t solved this problem but I’m going to do something about it in
the near future.
13. It didn’t live up to my expectations.
14. He said that the performance hadn’t lived up to his expectations.
15. I’ve just got a message from him.
16. I remembered that I had left the keys at home.
17. I’ve never seen anything like it before.
18. We all understood that it was the best offer because we’ve had never
seen anything like it before.
19. When I saw it for the first time, I was really shocked.
20. I didn’t pay attention to it in the beginning but then I understood the
seriousness of this problem.
21. I haven’t decided it yet.
22. She said that she had never experienced such a feeling before.
23. To tell the truth, I’ve never had this kind of problems.
24. To be honest, I’ve always wanted to do something useful and
meaningful in my life.
25. He said that the performance hadn’t lived up his expectations.
26. He said that he had never been to China before.
27. To be honest, I’ve always wanted to do something useful and
meaningful in my life.
28. I’ve never seen anything like it before.
29. I told him that I had always wanted to go to an English-speaking
30. It didn’t live up my expectations.
31. I didn’t pay attention to it in the beginning but then I understood the
seriousness of this problem.
32. I haven’t achieved this aim yet but I’m going to do it in the near future.
33. When I saw it for the first time, I was really shocked.
34. I haven’t solved this problem yet but I’m going to do something about it
I the near future.
35. She said that she had never experienced such a feeling before.
36. I haven’t decided it yet.
37. When I saw them, they were arguing about something.
38. When he explained everything to me, I realized that I had made a
39. I remembered that I had left the keys at home.
40. I’ve always wanted to visit an English-speaking country.
41. I haven’t reached a strong Intermediate level in English yet but it’s in my
42. I’ve just received a message from him.
43. I’ve never been to China.
44. Time was passing very slowly. We were waiting and waiting. Everything
was very uncertain.
45. We all understood that it was the best offer because we had never seen
anything like it before.
46. To tell the truth, I’ve never had this kind of problems.
47. I explained it to him.
48. I haven’t reached an Intermediate level in English yet but I’m going to
do it soon.

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