Oxford Solutions Intermediate Skills Test 3 A

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Intermediate Skills Test 3A

1 Read the text. Match sentences A–F with gaps 1–5. There is one extra sentence.

3D printing revolution
In a building on an airfield near Bristol in the UK, something wonderful is happening. Scientists
are using a 3D printer to print a small part of a plane. ___ But this is nothing compared to
their ambitions for the future. At some point, they’d like to be able to print an entire wing.
In principle, 3D printing works in the same way as printing a document. ___ But rather than
using ink on paper, a material is printed in thin layers to form a solid object. Special software
designs each of the layers and sends the descriptions to the printer.
However, 3D printing is not new. ___ In the beginning, they only used it to build the first
model of a product. But today’s 3D printers are far more advanced, and they can work with
materials like metals and plastics. Companies have started using 3D printing to make the final
But why use 3D printing in the first place? ___ Imagine you want to make a metal circle. In a
factory, a machine cuts the circle from a sheet of metal, wasting a lot of the metal. With 3D
printing, you only use the metal – in tiny pieces – that you need for the circle.
More importantly, the lack of waste means that these products are more environmentally
friendly. ___ A reduction of 1 kg in the weight of a plane will save around $3,000 of fuel a
year and will also cut carbon emissions. How long will it be before 3D printers can create
every part of a plane? Only time will tell.

A To start with, it’s much cheaper, because you use less material.
B And 3D printers can build 24 hours a day.

C Little by little, the piece – which is about the size of a shoe – is formed.
D They are also much lighter than those produced in a factory, and that can be very important in the aircraft industry.
E You click on the print button on a computer to send a digital file to the printer.
F Engineers and designers have been using the technique for over fifteen years now.

Mark: ___/10

2 14 Listen to a review of a TV series. Complete the summary. Write one word, number or date in
each gap.
A TV show to remember
Series one of True Detective is one of the best crime _________ ever shown on TV.
The story is set in the _________ of Louisiana, USA, and follows two former detectives: Rustin Cohle and Martin Hart.
There appear to be doubts about an investigation they carried out in the year _________ .

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The first of the mysteries in the series regards who is the _________ of a young woman. The second involves the current
relationship between the two detectives.
The _________ of the series is Nic Pizzolatto and the leading actors are Matthew McConnaughey and Woody Harrelson.
True Detective is a series that is well worth watching.

Mark: ___/10

Use of English
3 Complete the text. Use one word only for each gap. Sometimes more than one word may be possible.
1 2
Electronics companies _________ to have big plans for televisions in the future. They have _________ changed the
shape of TV screens from flat to curved, and now they’re looking _________ ways of making the screens more flexible.
4 5
_________ you look at the latest mobile phones in the shops, you _________ see that some of them are soft enough to
6 7
bend. In a few years’ time, we will _________ be able to buy soft TV screens, too. The next thing that _________ appear
is the wallpaper TV, but makers aren’t sure about this model yet. The television has a thin plastic screen _________
sticks to a mat on the wall and can easily be carried from room to room. But you won’t _________ buying a wallpaper TV
any time soon, because they’re far too expensive to make – and buy. Companies hope that by the end of the decade, their
researchers will _________ developed a more practical model that everyone will be able to afford.

Mark: ___/10

4 You have received an email from a friend inviting you to stay with him or her next month. You aren’t
free the weekend he or she suggests. Write a reply (120–150 words) to your friend. Include the
information below.
• thank him or her for the invitation
• explain why you aren’t free that weekend
• suggest a different weekend
• ask a question about travel arrangements

Mark: ___/10

5 Imagine you and your friends are interested in booking an activity weekend. Write a formal letter
(120–150 words) asking for information. Include the information below.
• where you saw the activity weekend advertised
• ask two questions about sleeping arrangements
• ask about the start and finish times of the activities each day
• ask for a programme of the different activities

Mark: ___/10

Total: ___/50

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