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The passage is written in a form of conversation with text format.

This makes the passage looks more lively, and exciting. The overall story is about the adventure of men who are on a small boat in the middle of an ocean. They basically get lost and do not know where to get help. Their faith is hanging. They are hopeful as they expect someone to come and help them, however as the passage progresses, they give up their hops and try to help themselves. There are a few characters being introduced in the passage. The caption of the boat is the leader who orders the crew what to do. Cook is the follower and Oiler is the boat rower. However, there are more characters involved in the story but their names are unstated. The writer uses many different kinds of literally devices to express the characters feelings. The passage is written in the third person point of view. This can be seen through the conversation in the passage, as the writer does not mention any thoughts of one particular character. This kind of writing shows the readers the overview of the situation without any bias. The readers are told something that the characters in the story are not aware of. For example, the writer states that it is fair to say here that there was not a lifesaving situation within twenty miles in either direction, but the men did not know this face. In the passage, the men are looking for their lifesavers, however they do not know that there is no lifesavers near them. This reassures that the writer writes this as the third person point of view. The writer acts like an observer. This kind of writing allows us to expect things that will happen in the future. It also prepares us on the next action that each character will do. The story in the beginning goes by slowly as the passage progresses. This can be seen through the sentence structures, as there are a lot of short sentences in the first part of the passage. The calmness of the sea also reflects how the men handle the situation. In the beginning, they are all calm and in control. However, as the plot progresses, the tide starts to build up. The swinging boat movement by the wind shows how hopeless the men are. The men continue blame the lifesavers for not saying them as they always says Funny, they dont see us. However, as they started to give up, the caption asks them to help themselves and not to wait and rely on the lifesavers. As a result, the men started to row the dinghy towards the shore themselves. The climax of the story is reached when the caption tries to challenge nature which clearly highlights the theme of men and nature. Then, the passage dies down when the men see hope again as they are still hoping for lifesavers and hopelessly floating in the sea in the dinghy. The sea returns to calm state with gulls flying across the sea.

The writer uses a lot of contrasts in this prose. He uses contrast to describe the land and the sea. The color dark and white are used to describe the land and the sea respectively. The writer describes the land as dark vegetation. The color dark reflects the mans hopelessness. As this phase is mentioned in the beginning of he passage, the mens hope of reaching the land seems impossible as they just wait for the lifesavers, they do not help themselves. However, as the passage progresses, the sea is described as white lip of a wave. This shows the brightness of their hops. The state of the sea and the land also shows a contrast of sea and land. The sea is described as thunderous and mighty but the description if the land is always the same, calm. In addition to that, the land which is their hope is populous and the sea bears nothing but the waves and the men themselves with their frustrations. The writer also uses diction to enhance the situation. The sea is constantly mentioned in the passage, however in various diction such as surf, tide, and coast. Different words show different power of the sea. The writer also uses personification to evoke the readers ideas. The power of the sea is brought in a way that it creates the realness and that the sea I brought so close to the men like a person itself. The fear of men is clearly shown by the expression the cheese of life. They have nohope. As a result, the fate is expressed as an old woman. Hence this shows the hopelessness of the men who cannot escape from the gives of nature. It can be seen easily that the writer uses a lot of repetitions. For example, funny they dont see us. However, every time this sentence is mentioned, the ending of the sentence is changed each time. As this phrase is mentioned three times in the passage. For the first time, it is shown as Funny, they dont see us! It ends with an exclamation mark. This shows that the men are full of hope. They still think the lifesavers might see them. However it is ironic that the lifesavers do not see them. The second time this phrase is mentioned, it ends with a comma. This shows that the men are still waiting for the life savers. They are kind of left hanging like theyare not quite sure now that the lifesavers will come and save them. The last time this phrase is mentioned shows a totally different meaning. As the phrase ends with a full stop. This means that everything is over. The men are hopeless. They do not think that anyone will come and save them. This repetition is very effective as it conveys a very clear meaning in each situation. In conclusion, the writer shares this story by using different literally devices to help us understand the feeling of the characters clearly. He manages to keep the theme of struggle throughout the passage very well.

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