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Vivekansrrdu College of Engineering & Technology,Putfur
[A Unit of Vivekonando Vidyovardhoko Songho Puttur @]
Aff ilisted to VTU. Bel id AI CTE New Delhi
CRM08 I Rev 1.10 <Civil> <70/05/?o22>


Dept: Civil Sem / Div:8t! Sub: Design of prcstrerssecl i Code:l8CV81

loncrctc ei.'trents
Date:L610512022 Iirne: Max Marks: 50 lective:N
9:30-11:00 am

\ote: Answef any 2 firll questions, choosing one full question from each part.

ON Questions Marks RBT COs

I a Explain prestressed concrete.write any three differertces between pre- .5 L2 col
lensionine and post-tensi ouing.
b ixplain the fallorving l0 L2 cor
) FJoyer's long line system
) Gifford Udall svstem
c Explain the fallowing l0 L2 COl
a)Necessity of high strength steel in ptestt'essed concrete
b)Necessity-of high strengtir concrete in prestressed cotrcrete
2 a fi unsymmetrical l-seotion is used to support an irnposed load of i 25 L3 col
-N/nr over a span of 8m. The section details are top flarrge 300mn
zide and 60rnrn thick. Thickness of web is 80mrn. Overall depth o
earn is 400mnt.efiective prestressing force is l00I(N and is locatet
t 50mm frorn sofftt of beam. Estimate the stress at center of span"
) prestress*self weight
)prestress-f self weight*Live Load

F E"fine

sirnply surpported prestressed concrete bcam 250mrn r'r'ide b)

l5 20 VL3
iOOrnm deep of effective span 9m caries a load of 6kN/m(inoluding
elf weight).The bearn is prestressed by a straight tendon canying i
brce of 200kN located 1O0nrnr below the centroidal axis of the beam
)etermine thrust line and locate. Aiso fincl out resultlrnt'
4 a Explain tlte conccpt of load balancing 5 L2 co1
b r double overhang of span 10rn with an overhanging of 2m on either 2.0 L3 col
ide.'Ihe efl'ective prestressing fcrce is 300kN. The beam is subjected
r unifonnly distributed lozrd of 10kN/rn Which includes self weight.
lketch cable profile.

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