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Rounak Sharma

India | LinkedIn | Leetcode |+91-6266925923 | Github |

Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute Of Technology & Science Indore ,India
BTech in Mechanical Engineering 2019 ~ 2023
Crud-User-Databse | Nodejs, Mongodb ,Express, Mongoose, Ejs | Link 15/08/22~ 22/08/22
● Developed a full-stack web application using Nodejs and MongoDB in the backend ,& Ejs ,css3 ,Javascript, in
the frontend part of the web app.
● Users can read ,add ,delete & update a new userdata in the app.
● Upgraded the project by using MongoDB-Atlas as a database to store the user data instead of using
local browser storage .
● Integrated Ejs template engine in the project to update and show user data dynamically.
● Installed Mongoose in the project to establish a connection between Nodejs and MongoDB database.
● Main NPM modules used in the project are- express,body-parser,ejs,axios,mongoose.
● Learned how to create REST API’s.

Movie-info-app | Tmdb-api,vanilla js ,html5,css3 | Link 7/08/22 ~ 9/08/22

● Built a responsive movie info app using TMDB-API .
● Learned how to integrate a 3rd party API and use it in the project.
● All the data added on this app is fetched from the TMDB api like the description ,rating ,movie poster etc.
● In this app users can check out the popular movies with the rating of the movie out of 10.
● Also added the search feature ,using which user can directly search for the movie they wish to see.
● The purpose of making this project was to learn how to use and work with API’s and integrate in the project
using JavaScript .

To-Do-List React App | React,jsx,HTML5,Bootstrap | Link 06/09/22 ~ 08/09/22

● Built a responsive To-do list app with React.
● Users can add a new task or delete a task from the list.
● Styling of the page was done using Bootstrap.
● Learned how to use Jsx in React.

Vanilla JavaScript Shopping Cart | js ,html5,css3 | Link 2/07/22 ~ 4/07/22

● Built a shopping cart using pure vanilla js, without using any framework or libraries.
● Users can add or remove any specific product in the cart.
● Also when we add or remove a specific item from the cart, the total bill of the shopping cart is displayed on the
cart page .
● The purpose of making this project was to learn various important concepts of javascript like DOM
manipulation etc.

Captain | College Chess Team | Indore Nodal Team Bhopal, MP
● Conducted college wide trials for 1000+ students for the nodal level chess team.
● Led, Won and went undefeated in Intercollegiate Chess Tournament at SVCE , Indore.
● Represented Indore as a team captain in the state's chess team selection.

Leader | one dollar venture | Ecell-event Indore, MP

● Collaborated with the Entrepreneurship cell in college and led a team of 6 in One Dollar Venture event.
● Selling homemade doughnuts was our venture.
● Won the one dollar venture by doing the maximum sale.


Programming languages: C++, Python , JavaScript.
Web development: Nodejs , React, MongoDB , Express ,Mongoose, HTML/CSS.
Developer Tools: Git, Postman , VS Code, Visual Studio, PyCharm.
Courses Done: Codeing Ninja C++ Dsa course.
IMP Links
● Leetcode GFG Interviewbit Github Linkedin

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