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Commodity Variety Organic Unit Pakage Retail Avg Price

Bok Choy Per pound 0.98

Broccoli 2.1

Broccoli Per pound 0.97

Broccoli Y 3.7

Broccoli Y Per pound 2.02

Broccoli Baby Hybrid Type Y 1.99

Broccoli Crown Cut Per pound 1.59

Broccoli Crown Cut Y Per pound 2.04

Cabbage Round Green type Per pound 0.47

Cauliflower Each 2.3

Cauliflower Per pound 1.12

Cauliflower Y Each 3.56

Cauliflower Y Per pound 1.91

Celery Each 1.23

Celery Per pound 1.37

Celery Y Each 2.22

Celery Y Per pound 1.49

Celery Hearts Each 2.37

Celery Hearts Y Each 3.51

Mushrooms Portobella 6 Oz 2.45

Mushrooms Portobella 8 Oz 2.5

Mushrooms Portobella Per pound 4.99

Mushrooms Portobella Y 6 Oz 3.33

Mushrooms Portobella Y Per pound 5.99

Mushrooms White 8 Oz 1.84

Mushrooms White Per pound 3.2

Mushrooms White Y 6 Oz 2.13

Mushrooms White Y 8 Oz 3.03

Kale Green 1 lb bag 2.56

Kale Green Per pound 1.82

Kale Green Y Per pound 1.81

Lettuce Green Leaf Each 1.26

Lettuce Green Leaf Per pound 1.67

Lettuce Green Leaf Y Each 1.88

Lettuce Iceberg Each 1.15

Lettuce Iceberg Per pound 1.99

Lettuce Iceberg Y Each 1.97

Lettuce Red Leaf Each 1.26

Lettuce Red Leaf Per pound 1.67

Lettuce Red Leaf Y Each 1.35

Lettuce Romaine Each 1.23

Lettuce Romaine Per pound 1.49

Lettuce Romaine Y Each 2.46

Lettuce Romaine 3 Count pkg 3.1

Lettuce Romaine Y 3 Count pkg 3.58

Peppers Bell Green Each 0.85

Peppers Bell Green Per pound 1.45

Peppers Bell Green Y Each 0.79

Peppers Bell Green Y Per pound 1.99

Peppers Bell Orange Each 1.37

Peppers Bell Orange Each 1.67

Peppers Bell Orange Per pound 2.92

Peppers Bell Orange Per pound 2.69

Peppers Bell Red Each 1.33

Peppers Bell Red Each 1.67

Peppers Bell Red Per pound 2.57

Peppers Bell Red Per pound 2.69

Peppers Bell Red Y Per pound 3.99

Peppers Bell Yellow Each 1.37

Peppers Bell Yellow Each 1.67

Peppers Bell Yellow Per pound 2.97

Peppers Bell Yellow Per pound 2.69

Peppers Jalapeñ o Per pound 0.74

Peppers Mixed Mini Sweet 1 lb package 3.27

Peppers Mixed Mini Sweet Per pound 2.23

Peppers Mixed Mini Sweet Y 1 lb package 3.43

Peppers Serrano Per pound 1.15


Alfalfa Georgia, México, North Carolina, Virginia, Quebec





Peso Package

Anise - Cartons

Arrugula 3 lbs Film Bags

Basil 1 lb Film Bags

Celery 20 lb Cartons

Chives 1 lb Film bags loose

Cilantro - Cartón bunched 30s / 60s

Dill 1 lb Film bags loose

Dry Escallot 5 lbs Sacks

Horseradish 10 lbs Cartón

Lemon Grass 40 lbs Cartón bunched

Marjoram 1 lb Film bags loose

Mint 1 lb Film bags loose

Oregano 1 lb Film bags loose

Rosemary 1 lb Film bags loose

Sage 1 lb Film bags loose

Tarragon 1 lb Film bags loose

Thyme - Film bags bunched 12s

Watercress - Cartón bunched 12s / 24s

Precio Origen

28.00 - 30.00 /39.00 - 41.00 California / California

17.00 - 19.50 / 17.25 - 18.00 California / Tennesse

6.25 /7.50 Hawai

48.50 - 50.50 California

7.50 - 9.25 California

15.00 - 16.00 / 27.00 - 27.00 California / California

7.25 - 8.50 California

8.00 -11.00 Quebec

45.75 - 45.75 ?????

4.75.- 6.00 California

7.00 - 7.50 Colombia

6.50 - 8.00 Colombia

7.25 - 8.75 / 7.00 - 8.75 California / Mexico

5.75 - 7.00 California

9.00 - 10.50 Mexicoa

9.50 - 11.00 / 9.50 - 10.75 Colombia Greenhouse / México Greenhouse

8.00 - 9.75 Colombia

12.75 - 16.50 / 18.50 - 22.00 Alabama / Alabama


Baby type

With Tops
Variety Peso Package

Bok Choy 30 lbs Cartons

Bok Choy WGA crates

Bok Choy Green Stem (Shanga30 lbs Containers

Broccoli Bchd 14s Cartons

Broccoli Crown Cut 20 lbs Cartons

Broccoli Crown Cut 20 lbs Cartons

Cabbage Round Green Type 50 lbs Cartons

Cabbage Round Green Type 50 lbs Cartons

Cabbage Round Green Type 50 lbs Cartons

Cabbage Round Green Type 50 lbs Cartons

Cabbage Red 40 lbs Cartons

Cabbage Red 40 lbs Cartons

Cabbage Red 40 lbs Cartons

Cabbage Savoy 40 lbs Cartons

Cauliflower White 12s Cartons film wrapped

Cauliflower White 12s Cartons film wrapped

Celery 2 dz Cartons

Celery 2 1/2 dz Cartons

Celery 3 dz Cartons

Celery Filmbag 30s Cartons

Celery Filmbag 30s Cartons

Celery Hearts 18s Cartons film bags

Green Kale Multicolor (Not A 24s Cartons

Kale Green 24s Cartons bunched

Kale Green 24s Cartons bunched

Lettuce Bibb (Not Atlanta) 12s. Cartons hydrop greenh

Lettuce Boston 24s Cartons

Lettuce Botón Red (Not Atl) 24s Org Cartons

Lettuce Green Leaf 24s Cartons

Lettuce Green Leaf 10 lbs Cartons film lined

Lettuce Iceberg 24s film lined Cartons

Lettuce Iceberg 24s film wrapped Cartons

Lettuce Lolla Rossa (Not Atl) 2 lbs Cartons

Lettuce Oak Leaf Green(Not 2 lbs Cartons

Lettuce Oak Leaf Red(Not At 2 lbs 24s Cartons

Lettuce Processed Shredded Film bag chopped

Lettuce Red Leaf 24s Cartons

Lettuce Romaine 24s Cartons

Lettuce Ruby Romaine (Not A 24s Cartons

Lettuce Russian red mustard 3 lbs (Not Atl) Cartons

Mushrooms White 10 lb Cartons

Mushrooms White 12 8-Oz Cartons

Mushrooms White 8 1-lb Cartons

Mushrooms White Sliced 12 8-Oz Trays film wrapped

Mushrooms Shiitake 5 lb Cartons

Mushrooms Oyster 5 lb Cartons

Mushrooms Cremini 10 lb Cartons

Mushrooms Portobella 5 lbs Cartons

Parsley Curly 60s Cartons bunched

Parsley Plain 60s Cartons bunched

Peppers Bell Green 1 1/9 exlge Bushed cartons

Peppers Bell Green 1 1/9 Lge Bushed cartons

Peppers Bell Green 1 1/9 Irreg sz Bushed cartons

Peppers Bell Green 1 1/9 Irreg sz Bushed cartons

Peppers Bell Green 1 1/9 exlge Bushed cartons

Peppers Bell Green 1 1/9 Lge Bushed cartons

Peppers Bell Green 1 1/9 Irreg sz Bushed cartons

Peppers Bell Green 1 1/9 Irreg sz Bushed cartons

Peppers Bell Red 5 kg / 11 lbs Cartons

Peppers Bell Red 5 kg / 11 lbs Cartons

Peppers Bell Yellow 5 kg / 11 lbs Cartons

Peppers Bell Yellow 5 kg / 11 lbs Cartons

Peppers Bell Orange 5 kg / 11 lbs Cartons

Peppers Bell Orange 5 kg / 11 lbs Cartons

Peppers Cubanelles 1 1/9 bushel Cartons / Crates

Peppers Finger Hot 1/2 bushel Cartons / Crates

Peppers Habanero 8 ibs Cartons

Peppers Habanero 8 ibs Cartons

Peppers Jalapeño 1 1/9 bushel Cartons / Crates

Peppers Jalapeño 1 1/9 bushel Cartons / Crates

Peppers Jalapeño 1/2 bushel Crates

Peppers Long Hot 1 1/9 bushel Cartons / Crates

Peppers Poblano 1 1/9 bushel Cartons / Crates

Peppers Poblano 1/2 bushel Cartons / Crates

Peppers Serrano 1 1/9 bushel Cartons / Crates

Precio Origen

25.50 - 27.00 California

38.50 -39.50 California

28.00 - 30.00 California

18.50 -20.00 California

18.50 -20.00 California

15.00 - 18.00 Mexico

13.00 - 14.00 Georgia

14.00 - 16.00 Michigan

13.00 - 16.00 New York

13.00 - 16.00 North Carolina

24.00 - 26.00 Georgia

29.00 - 30.00 North Carolina

28.00 - 30.00 Texas

25.00 - 27.50 Georgia

14.00 - 18.00 California

24.75 - 24.75 California

19.00 - 22.00 California

19.00 - 22.50 California

19.00 - 21.00 California

20.00 - 22.50 California

21.00 - 22.50 California

22.50 - 25.00 California

36.00 - 36.00 California

13.00 - 14.50 Indiana

13.00 - 15.00 Wiscosin

17.00 - 17.00 West Virginia

15.50 - 18.00 California

28.00 - 30.00 California

17.00 - 20.50 California

19.50 - 22.00 California (crown cut leaves)

20.00 - 22.00 California

22.00 - 22.00 California

11.00 - 11.50 California

11.00 - 11.50 California

11.00 - 11.50 California

11.oo - 11.75 California

18.00 - 20.00 California

23.00 - 26.00 California

11.00 - 11.50 Arizona - California

10.00 - 10.00 California

16.25 - 18.00 Pensilvania

14.00 - 15.50 Pensilvania

16.00 - 17.25 Pensilvania

14.00 - 15.50 Pensilvania

24.00 - 26.50 Pensilvania

23.00 - 24.00 Pensilvania

18.00 - 19.00 Pensilvania

13.00 - 14.50 Pensilvania

18.00 - 20.00 California

18.00 - 21.00 California

13.50 - 15.75 Georgia

12.00 - 14.00 Georgia

11.00 - 12.00 Georgia

12.00 - 14?00 Mexico

13.50 - 15.75 North Carolina

13.00 - 14.75 North Carolina

11.00 - 12.75 North Carolina

11.00 - 12.00 North Carolina

23.00 - 25.00 Canada

18.00 - 22.00 Mexico

22.00 - 24.00 Canada

20.00 - 20.00 Mexico

23.00 - 26.00 Canada

23.50 - 25.00 Mexico

18.50 - 18.50 Georgia

21.00 - 23.50 Georgia

18.00 - 18.00 Mexico

20.00 - 22.00 Mexico

17.00 - 22.00 Mexico

17.00 - 18.50 North Carolina

14.00 - 14.00 North Carolina

20.00 - 20.00 North Carolina

25.00 - 25.50 Mexico

19.00 - 21.75 Mexico

18.00 - 20.00 Mexico

Baby type

With Tops

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