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Title: Chess Online

Overview: Chess Online is a multiplayer online game that allows players to play
classic chess matches against each other in real-time. The game will be available on
desktop and mobile devices.


 Classic chess gameplay, including pieces and moves

 Players can create custom matches or join public matches
 Matchmaking system for finding opponents
 Ranked ladder system for competitive play
 Spectator mode for watching matches
 Ability to save and replay matches


 No specific characters, but players can customize their own usernames and

Art Style:

 Clean, minimalist 2D design

 Simple, elegant chess pieces
 Color palette of black and white with accents of gold

Sound Design:

 Background music of classical compositions

 Sound effects for moving pieces and capturing pieces

Level Design:

 No levels, as each match is its own self-contained experience

Technical Details:

 Developed using Unity game engine

 Multiplayer functionality using Photon networking
 Cross-platform support for desktop and mobile devices

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