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Game designers typically create several types of documents throughout the game

development process to help guide the project and ensure that everyone involved
is on the same page. Here are some examples:

1. Game Design Document (GDD): The Game Design Document is the main
document that outlines the overall vision and direction of the game. It
includes information on the game's story, gameplay mechanics, level design,
character design, art style, sound design, and more. The GDD is typically
created at the beginning of the development process, and is used as a
reference throughout the project to ensure that everyone is working toward
the same goals.
2. Concept Art: Concept art is visual artwork that is created to help establish
the look and feel of the game. It may include sketches of characters,
environments, props, or other elements of the game, and is used to
communicate the overall aesthetic vision to the rest of the team.
3. Wireframes and Prototypes: Wireframes and prototypes are early versions of
the game that are created to test out gameplay mechanics and level design.
They may be created using paper and pencil, or using software tools such as
Unity or Unreal Engine. The goal of wireframes and prototypes is to test out
ideas quickly and iteratively, and to identify any potential issues early on in
the development process.
4. Technical Design Document (TDD): The Technical Design Document is a
more detailed document that outlines the technical specifications of the
game. It may include information on programming languages, data
structures, networking protocols, and other technical details that are
important for the development team to know.
5. User Interface (UI) Design Document: The User Interface Design Document
outlines the visual design and layout of the game's user interface. It may
include mockups of menus, HUD elements, and other UI elements, and may
also include information on how the UI interacts with other parts of the
6. Marketing Plan: The Marketing Plan outlines how the game will be marketed
and promoted to potential players. It may include information on target
demographics, social media strategies, influencer outreach, and other
marketing tactics.

These are just a few examples of the types of documents that game designers may
create during the game development process. The specific documents created will
vary depending on the needs of the project and the preferences of the
development team.

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