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To: Nancy Smith

From: Hannah Zayas

Date: February 14, 2022


Hi Nancy,

We haven’t spoken in quite some time and I hope you are doing well. In fact, I have some inter-
esting news that I thought would sound cool to you. Someone big is coming to Kennesaw State.
Emma Chamberlain, entrepreneur, and YouTuber is coming to speak about anxiety and depres-
sion among young adults. She is pretty well-known on social media and has a great image sur-
rounding her. I think this will be a great talk because she has a podcast that shows how big of an
advocate she is and her advice is great.

I think you and Emma would hit it off and interviewing her would be a great opportunity for you.
You could show up during the meet and greet at 6 p.m.

Please let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to set something up for you.
678-367-7862 or

Best wishes,

Hannah Zayas

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