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What are two effects of population growth? 136 What did Maria Montessori believe that the {goal of education should be? 140 How can we improve air travel? 142 How can changes in the environment What has changed most in your lifetime? affect your life? Pr Raed Think of some changes that have happened in the past minute, week, year, and decade (ten years). Is each change good, bad, or neutral (not good or bad)? Share your ideas with a small group. Changes in the last.. minute week year decade REAL- lnm life WORLD In the world GOAL Good, bad, or neutral? Use infographies to eee ten ees More and More and More! 1 ‘The population (number of people) on Earth is growing, What do you think are some of the effects of population growth? 2 Read the sentences. Match the highlighted words with the correct definitions. 1 the of Egypt is hot and dry. a becomes bigger 2 __When the temperature , thewhole the air, water, land, animals, and plants around us planet is affecte. very bad weather with strong winds and rain 3 __Toreduce global warming, we should drive dt make something smaller or less electric ears {the normal weather conditions ofa place 4 __ tts important to protect the £ togo higher 5 __ One effect of global warming is more big , such as blizzards and hurricanes 6 __ Global warming causes the sea level to. onto 3000 3 Complete the sentences with the correct vocabulary words. Change the form if necessary. 1. Many famous people are interested in protecting animals and the 2. Island countries like the Maldives and Kiribati are worried about how much sea levels are 3. An inconvenient Truth is a movie that educates people about the problem of change. There were many large cr hurricanes, in the Caribbean in 2017. 5. The number of cars in the city traffic downtown, 6 In 2016, many countries agreed to global warming, Sone ae eee) Infographics give you important information about data (facts and numbers). Before you read, look carefully at graphs and charts, and try to understand their meaning. Then read the text to lea more detail NN 4. IDENTIFY Look at the infographics and photo. What do they tell you about the effects of population growth? Effects of oTere yeu me Ta) lel LJ SO ee ca Red Cea ena me ee > extinction of species: Humans are causing Species Extinctions the extinction of other animal species at rates and Human Population 1,000 to 10,000 times faster than normal. There és are several reasons for this. First, humans use many ofthe world’s resources land, water, et, Second, overpopulation increases climate change, and climate change causes loss of animal habitats, such a rainforests. When animals don't have place to Ive, they die, Extnctions Number of species in thousands) D> Loss eshwaterTheteis not enough Kesh wate forall the people inthe world When the population grows the shortage of water etre: wore Human population (i bilions) D> increas n crime: there are fever resources, : peopl sometimes ght for them. This causes pa? crime to increase. i Bg e@ 2: BR 2 If we can slow population growth, it will be easier Sco, Mee SLOXS: Tet Blog ery: ltl Corre Lea to solve these problems and many others that are eg rts nen ey ae Lape ‘caused by overpopulation. lancoladoedi/vateresoucer snd tansmaton abner heats) Freshwater 1995 2025 Stress ter thera ae percentage o ttl alae Howse Bow ~ [x08 Pp eo * > 5 ASSESS Read the article, and answer the questions. 11 Was your analysis of the infographics in Exercise 4 correct? 2 What are three effects of population growth? 9 6 WHAT'S YOUR ANGLE? What do you think people should do to help solve the problems described the article? Work in a small group, and make alist of ideas. Then share your ideas withthe class. 137 {9 GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT Zero conditional We use the zero conditional to talk about events and the results that always follow. We usually put theif clause before the result clause with a comma after the ifclause. We form the ifclause with: I+ subject + simple present If there are fewer resources, people fight for the We can sometimes use when instead of ifwith the same meaning, When the popi becomes worse | | Wie form the result clause withthe simple present. | lation grows, | See Grammar focus on page 170. 7 APPLY Match the causes withthe effects. Then write zero conditional sentences beginning with if or when, Causes Effects 1 there are big storms ‘a many animals lose their habitat 2 temperatures increase they become extinct 3 ainforests disappear buildings get damaged and people get hurt 4 animals lose their habitat sea levels rise 8 EXPAND Use the facts to complete the sentences with the zero conditional 1 Plants need water and sunlight to grow. When they don’t _have water and sunlight, they don't arow. 2. People who work to protect the environment are called environmentalist Ifyou work to 3 People need clean water to stay healthy. When people don’t 4. Bad storms cause damage to buildings. When there is a bad storm, 5 Anincrease in temperature causes sea levels to rise. there is an 6 Environmentalist want people to drive electric cars. Mfyou are an 9 INTERACT Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Then read your sentences to a partner. Ask your partner follow-up ‘questions to learn more about their sentences 1. When I can’t fall asleep, | 2 If thave a headache, 3. When itrains on the weekend, | 4. If there's a problem with my computer, I 5 ffm angry at someone, | °° An Important Decision 1 ‘Think of an important decision you made. What were your options? What did you decide? Why? 2 Read the blog post. What is the writer thinking about doing next year? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option? Big changes are coming my way! Im graduating from college next year, so need to make some plans. Ive already been offered ajob at the government organization where | worked last summer. really liked my co-workers. But Im not sure! want that job because the work isnt very Interesting. Als, the pay isnt great. | might look for a more interesting job that pays better. But don't know if Il find one because I don't hhave much experience. And f | don't find another job, it will be too late to take the job Ive been offered ‘Another option is to get a master’s degree in early childhood education. love little kids, and Ive always thought about becoming a teacher. However, going bback to school would be expensive, and m kind of tired of studying, \What do you al think I should do? Help! 9; at oo ik het wes de Suffixes are word endings. They help you identity a word's part of speech; tion and -ment are common noun suffixes Nouns with -tion sutfix Nouns with -ment suffix option excitement organization ‘government ion tanagement rement ‘These nouns are often formed from verbs. Ifthe verb ends in -¢, the -eis dropped before adding the suffix -tion. organize organization celebrate celebration This isnot true with «ment. adv advertisement 4 How many nouns with -ton can you find in the blog post? How many nouns with ment can you find? What do you notice about the speling? 139 > 5 Qi APPLY Complete the paragraph with the noun form (with the suffix -ment ot -tior) of the word in parentheses. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was an Italian educator. Her ideas about ' (educate) ‘changed the way that many schools around the world teach young children. She believed that the goal of school should be “the*__(develop) of a complete human being,” She felt that young children should have? (opt) about what to do in the classroom without alot of (rect) from a teacher, Not all educators are in * gree) about Montessori © (instruct), however, Some people feel that it makes classroom ’ (manage) too difficult. They also think that there is not enough (measure) of students’ progress through tests. adapted from “Montessori, Maria” in Who’ Who inthe Twentieth Century We use the word because to give a reason. Because can be used at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. ure | want that job because the work isn’ ve Because the work isn't very interesting, m not sure | want that ji We use the word so to show an effect or a result. So can be used in the middle of a sentence to link two ideas duating from college ext year, $0 In 4 to make some plans. 6 INTEGRATE Choose so or because to complete each sentence. 1. didn’t take the job because / soit didn’t pay very well 2. Madiha wants to become a doctor, because / so she's taking a lot of science classes. 3 I want to make some extra money, because / so 'm working two nights a week at a restaurant. Because / So Franco was late to work today, he missed an important meeting, 5 Ws difficult to decide because / so both jobs are interesting. 7. EXPAND Complete the sentences with 50 or becouse. 1 Leslie is moving to Seattle she has a new job, 2 he wants to be a teacher, Deray is studying history and education 3. Zaheer is saving money, he can buy a car. 4 Ourhome was damaged by the storm, —____ now we're repairing it 5 Many people die every year they don't have clean water to drink. 6 the climate is geting hotter, sea levels are rising RJ eee ee We use the first conditional to talk about possible events and their results. We usually put the if clause before the result clause, and we use a comma after the if clause. We form the ifclause with: | ire subject + simple present We form the result clause with: subject + will won't + infinitive without to I get my master's degree, l become a teacher If don’t find another job, it will be too late to take | irr take that job, 1 won't make a lot of money. See Grammar focus on page 170, the job I've been offered. 8 APPLY Complete the sentences with the first conditional 1 tfwe study hard, we (4o) well on the test. 2. Ifyou don’t get your master’s degree, you (not get) a teaching job 3 If go to college in the U.S., my English (improve) a lot. 4 ithe (Cake) that job, hell move to Seoul 5 tthey (ell their car, they'l have to take the subway to work 9 EXPAND Zero or first conditional? Choose the correct form ofthe verb to complete each sentence. 1 When the sea level rises, it causes / will cause the loss of animal habitats. 2. If Mila does well on the test, she passes / will pass the class 3. If Maria works late, she always takes / will take ataxi home, 4 If Costa moves to Chicago, he has / will have to find a new apartment. 5. Ifwe don't slow global warming, many animals become | will become extinct. 410 PREPARE You are going to write a blog post about a decision you need to make. Make a list of your options and the advantages and disadvantages of each option. 11 WRITE Write a draft of your blog post. Use some sentences in the first conditional, some reason and result statements with so and because, and some nouns with -ment or tion suffixes. Your blog post should be about 100 words and two paragraphs long. 42 IMPROVE Read your blog post, and correct any spelling or grammar mistakes. 13 SHARE swap blog posts with a partner. Give your partner feedback on: ‘Writing skil Did they include some reason and result statements with so and because? ‘+ Grammar: Did they use the first conditional correctly? * Vocabulary: Did they use any nouns with -tion and -ment suffixes? *# Spelling: Did they spell the nouns with suffixes correctly? 44 DEVELOP Use your partner's feedback to rewrite your blog pos. 9 WHAT'S YOUR ANGLE? Work in a small group. Read your blog posts aloud, Discuss what you think each person should do. Give reasons. ut NN Our Gate Changed! 41 ACTIVATE What are some common problems with air travel? Have you ever had any of these problems? 2. VOCABULARY Match the words or phrases to the pictures. pilot (r) take off) —_gate(n) luggage (n) passenger (n) book a flight (v) ‘Toxtord 3000 1 66 3 @ INTEGRATE Complete the airline announcements. Use the words and phrases from Exercise , Then listen to check your answers 1. Please stow your carry-on inder the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin, 2. There are three planes ahead of us on the runway. We should in about five minutes. Flight 917 will depart from 7 at 8:15 pm Please remain seated until the _has turned off the fasten seatbelt sign. Flight 1562 to Tokyo is now boarding all rows. All may board at this time. You can using our website, Frequent flyers get special discounts. & JUS © We we cterent evel of formality when we peak. The eve of formalty depends on wos speaking and who they are speaking to. Kenting the level of formality reps you to focus your tstening, Listen to the formal and informal language. What are some differences? airport: Hey, our gate changed. We have to go to Gate 9. Come on, we need to hurry! 4. EXPAND The boldfaced words in Exercise 3 are formal. Can you think of an informal synonym for each word? 5 @ NOTICE Listen to four announcements or conversations in an airport. Which ones have informal language? Which have formal language? 1 Ctormat informal 2 Lformal — Clinformal 3 CJformal informal 4 Cformal — Fyinformat 6 @ASSESS Listen again. Are the statements true or false? Tue False The fight might be canceled because it's snowing, The fight has been canceled because it's snowing l I the fight is canceled, the speakers will take a flight later tonight. ( The speakers want to stay ina hotel tonight. There aren't enough seats on the plane for al the passengers. Ifa passenger takes a later fight, the airline wil give them a free round-trip ticket. The speakers want to take a later flight The speakers ae in line atthe gate. 7 INTERACT Discuss these statements with a partner. Decide if you agree or disagree and why. 1. People should only take one piece of luggage when they travel 2 Being apilot is a great job. 3. Passengers should not bother the people around them, 4 like to book my fight online. 9 8 WHAT'S YOUR ANGLE? What would you like to change about air travel? Make alist of three to four ideas. Share your ideas with a small group.

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