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Bible Study resources Blog;_ylt=A0WTfb8k6hFOcioBRTybvZx4?p=should+we+have+an+evening+w oship+service&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-701 Finanace tips

In order to provide some comic relief on a dull Sunday morning service, a pastor made a comment, a humorous one that since only he and Matthew were left to carry on the proceedings of last Sunday may be they were the second stringers . A statement made in the morning service did provide a comic relief to what was a dull Sunday morning. But on serious contemplation, it did seem to have some justification. The whole service was conducted by Matthew singing, praying for the offertory, and pronouncing the benediction, while Pastor Jason did what was left, the announcements, and preaching. Such a display prompts a few questions Does it mean that our worship can vary in its intensity with nuances of nature for certain specific seasons? Why do we plan for a second stringer service (or rather not plan for a first stringer service) during the absence of the first rung of ministers? And more importantly why is there the prevalence of an inherent second stringer service attitude within us. Is it true that we offer a second string worship on days when the first rung is missing, but is there anything as a first rung or second rung of ministers aren t we all ministers. Why can t a church with a membership number that we are, and an average attendance of at least 250 people find people to pray, sing and be involved in the other parts of our service. Does it have to mean that the Lord gets a second string worship in song, and our worship in song is totally dependent on the availability of minister of music and the members most of them who are out in summer? If so what about the claim that the choir is to lead the church in worship? Is it false? And wouldn t that mean that there are Sundays when we can offer substandard worship, or is all that we are indulging in is Christian entertainment which is staged in seasons, with no shows in summer? Can t there be a group prepared and groomed specifically for times such as this so that the service is conducted with the same preparation and attitude as we are supposed to and with the same intensity as in seasons such as Christmas and like. Can t there be a Praise team that can be put up to lead the singing with Matthew leading the group.

It is my strong conviction that Besides God (WHO we think panders to our whims), there are two groups of people who are being let down. One is the faithful congregation which comes regularly, stays faithful through the ups and downs unlike the others who Passover to another more appealing church. It this bunch of faithful people whom we are taking for granted by our thinking and service with this attitude that they will continue to stay faithful irrespective of what we dole to them. Our first accountability to God and then to this group. The second group is the people who visit and who maybe are looking for a church to associate with. Who would want to be associated with a church which worships in seasons and at times with a second stringer planning and attitude? And who knows our church may the only contact they ever have with God or with an opportunity for proper teaching. Just thinking and since I have shared it with you I could term it thinking aloud. Hope my thinking aloud wasn t jarring to your ear. I know you are the only person that I can share my thoughts with the assurance it will be read with understanding of the essence rather than as a rant or diatribe.

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