Art and Power DP2

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Art and Power

Art and power- two words that don't seem to naturally fit together. ... Painting and art through
the centuries have shown the persistent power to impact and influence human emotions and
perceptions and to directly impact or influence a range of endeavors ( tries) and events.

How is art related to power?

Art has always been associated with power. At times in history, the individuals who made art
were seen as having special powers. They could conceptualize shapes and forms and then bring
them into being. They could create images and objects from dirt, ashes, and stone that looked
like living creatures.

Statue made out of rubble after the explosion of Beirut Port on 4 th August, 2020
What can art do?

The purpose of works of art may be to communicate political, spiritual or philosophical ideas, to
create a sense of beauty (see aesthetics), to explore the nature of perception,x for pleasure, or
to generate strong emotions. Its purpose may also be seemingly nonexistent. The aesthetics
( The philosophy of beauty in the arts)

How does art change the society?

Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across
space and time. Research has shown art affects the fundamental sense of self. ... Art is often a
vehicle for social change.

Mon, 28th Nov XHow can art make the world a better place?

Giving people access to data most often leaves them feeling overwhelmed and disconnected,
not empowered and poised for action. This is where art can make a difference. Art does not
show people what to do, yet engaging with a good work of art can connect you to your senses,
body, and mind. It can make the world felt.

How has street art influenced our society?(Graffiti)

And as street art breathes life into walls, it stimulates conversation among communities. Passers
by are forced to reflect on what they see and become aware of their surroundings. In this way,
street art is a powerful tool for inspiring, energizing, generating morale and raising the spirits of
the public.( You release your pent up feelings)

How does art affect the community?

How do the Arts Impact ( affect) Communities? When arts and culture interweave ( tisser) in the
community fabric, it helps cities attract tourists, diverse talent, brings about innovation and
grows the economy. ... Likewise, the interactions and social bonds made through art can help
increase the community's social capital.( An exchange in the folk customs and traditions
between world society people)
Art Opens Your Heart and Feeds Your Mind

xLooking at art provides an opportunity to exercise critical thinking, experience a renewed self-
awareness ( knowledge about yourself that is new), and potentially even a deeper connection to
others and their experiences, as we share what we feel and try to interpret what we see.

Art connects people

What makes an art beautiful?

What makes art beautiful is a complicated concept, since beauty is subjective and can change
based on context. ... Beauty in terms of art usually refers to an interaction between line, color,
texture , sound, shape, motion, and size that is pleasing to the senses. Beauty is in the eye of the

What can we learn from our responses to art?

10 Things You Never Knew You Could Learn From Art

Art can help us to be creative. ...

Music can lift you up. ...

Writing as therapy. ...

A painting can stimulate curiosity. ...

Any work of art will help us appreciate beauty. ...

100 things you must do before you die. ...

Exploring and seeking answers. ...

Art can help us to be better people.

Why is art found in every society?

Art is found in human societies because art is viable ( able to work successfully) everywhere . If
we would tend to look in our surroundings, we can see art. It's not just expressed through paints
and figures but rather it is anything that conveys form, structure, or representations that can be
either aesthetic or useful .

Why art is important in our community?

Art in public spaces gives a city or neighborhood a unique identity and shows its sense of pride,
making it more of an attraction for investments and economic endeavors ( hard tries) ... Making
the arts part of our lives, helping us to better appreciate ourselves as a community and enriching
us culturally.

How does art affect the community?

How do Arts Impact Communities? When arts and culture interweave in the fabric of a
community, it helps cities attract tourists, diverse talent, brings about innovation and grows the
economy. ... Likewise, the interactions and social bonds made through art can help increase the
community's social capital.

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