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Name: Zach Rosa Date: 3-2-23 Lesson Start and End Time: 35-40

Academic Area: Whole Grade Level: 4th Co-op initials with date: 3-2
Group Reading
Pre-Instruction Planning
Topic Vocabulary and Reading Test
PA Anchor/Standard or Standard - CC.1.2.4.K
Eligible Content Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-
meaning words and phrases based on grade-level reading and
content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools.
Lesson Objectives The students will review and complete their vocabulary test.

The students will complete their Unit 4 reading test.

Materials Student Materials:
 Vocab Cards
 Devices
 Pencil
 Tests
Teacher Materials:
 Kahoot game
 Tests
Planning for Learners Differentiation: Process- I will read the short passages and
questions for the reading test. The students will have to read the
answer choices and choose the best answer. For some students I
will have to re-read the story or questions a second time to
ensure the understanding of what is being asked. The reading
test will also have answer choices reduce from 4 options down
to 3.
Modifications/Accommodations: Seating accommodations will
be allowed for students to hear questions and passage better as
well as any extra help needed.
Lesson Presentation
Introduction We will start by doing a short review of our vocabulary words as
a quick refresher. We will do this by the students looking over
their vocab cards and then transitioning into a Kahoot review.
Sequence of activities  Once we have reviewed for 10 minutes, we will take our

including assessments vocabulary test. I will read the definition to the students,
and they will fill in the correct word.
 Attached to the vocabulary test is also their reading test
which we will take right after.
 For this I will read the poem aloud to the students and
read the questions that follow.
 For any students that need questions re-read or a part of
the poem re-read I will do that when necessary.
Lesson Wrap-up When the students have finished their tests, they will have the
rest of the time to work on any unfished work. If they are done
with everything they will have free time.


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