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Na jine ki Khushi, Na Marne ka Gam, Unse milne ki dua v nhi krte ham, Jite h isliye k sayad wo 1 din ayenge, Marte isliye nhi ki wo akele reh jayenge!
Hey Eyecandy, One of the biggest mistakes that guys make with girls is trying too hard and giving too much. In order to create maximum attraction in girls you have to learn that sometimes, LESS IS MORE. Read on... _______________

The Lazy Man's Way to Easy Sex and Romance * * * * 2 3 7 3 powerful first date secrets that almost always lead to sex unbreakable rules of spending money on women secrets that immediately triple your physical attractiveness questions that instantly reveal if she wants to have sex with you

Learn all the secrets by visiting: _______________

CREATING MAXIMUM ATTRACTION IN GIRLS by Disciple When dealing with women, you always get maximum attraction by giving them less... not more. What you want to do is create a burning hunger and desire in them for more of you and your attention. It's like having a piece of cake and giving someone a bite but then taking the whole piece away. Or like fishing, when you throw the line out in the water with just a small piece of bait on it. They got that sweet taste in their mouth and they will be hungry for more. This is one of my favorite sayings: Give 'em a slice of cake and get 'em hooked, but NEVER give 'em the whole cake. I've found this technique is highly effective, especially the prettier the girl is... or thinks she is. Pretty girls are used to guys giving them a lot of attention and if you're that one guy that doesn't give it to them, they start to think... "Why doesn't he pay me attention like the others? What is it about this guy?" She'll be interested in you because:

* you're not all over her (which shows you don't need her) * you'll stand out from the pack of hungry vultures who constantly circle around her every day * and you'll arouse her curiosity about you. I've done this to lots of girls over the years and I've had them do everything from playing themselves just to get my attention, asking other people about me, to coming up to me and just giving me their number with a smile and telling me I'd better call them. I've even had groups of women all come over and start speaking to me and give some digits. If any of you read one of my earlier tips about the five types of guys that get laid, you'll realize the importance of standing out from the pack. I also caution against acting totally cold and inattentive because then she'll think either you are not interested or you may be stuck up, or weird, or worse she might think you're gay or something. Throughout my experiences I've found the following to be true: * too much attention -- bad * no attention -- bad * a little attention -- very good You have to show just enough attention to let them know you have interest in them. This also applies to other stages of the mating game. For example, any true Don Juan knows that you can't call a girl too much or too often or even talk on the phone too long, and you can't show too much niceness and sweetness because then they lose interest. I am currently reading Machiavelli and one of the things he said is: "Benefits should be handed out drop by drop that they be relished the more." A lot of "nice" guys always make the mistake of thinking that the more they give a woman the more she'll like them. The opposite is true: You give 'em enough to always make 'em hungry for more. So remember, the rule is: Less is more, and if you give more, you always end up with less or even nothing. This tip was contributed by a gent who goes by the name of Disciple. Thanks for the tip, Disciple.

If Friendship could be bought and sold like stocks and shares . People who invested in YOU would be BilloNAires ..!!! :) :)

Birds Birds in the sky dropped a poop in her eye, I was worried but I didn't cry, I was just happy that cows don't fly! :D :P

Rural Marketing in India Economy

'''Building sustainable market linkages for rural products: Industrys role, scope, opportunities and challenges'''
Introduction: Marketing today has changed the dynamics of the business. As the consumers are getting informative, the business is becoming competitive day-by-day. Marketers are seeking fresher challenges everyday and are looking to increase their realm. The urban consumer has been coddled till now but this market is shrinking, prompting the marketer to now explore the rural consumers, which promises a huge potential. The market has enough scale to offer, and enough desire to consume. The consumer in the Indian hinterland is ready and waiting to be served.

Rural Markets are defined as those segments of overall market of any economy,
which are distinct from the other types of markets like stock market, commodity markets or Labor economics. Rural Markets constitute an important segment of overall economy, for example, in the USA, out of about 3000 counties, around 2000 counties are rural, that is, non-urbanized, with population of 55 million. Typically, a rural market will represent a community in a rural area with a population of 2500 to 30000 Rural products of India are unique, innovative and have good utility and values Large number of these rural products (like handicraft items, food products, embroidery, clothes & other products) sustains a significant segment of the population in the rural areas. Several attributes of rural products can be identified, for which, it has a demand in the market. Out of the lots, ethnic origin and indigenous design & appearance are two traits of rural products, attracting a premium in the market. But, contrary to this, the non-uniformity of rural products (from one another) and lack of its quality control measures has been creating a negative demand. Besides, the small sized and dispersed production units of these rural products hinder realization of the economies of scale in marketing and result in high transaction costs per unit of output. Niche-based products have no local market. Products in local use are also not marketed horizontally; they often first travel down to market through a long chain of intermediaries and then up to more difficult locations in

What Constitutes the Rural Market? The census of India defines rural as any habitation where the population density is less than 400 per sq. km, and where at least 75 per cent of the male working population is engaged in agriculture, and where there isn't any municipality or board. Having said that, there are about 600,000-odd villages in India Leaving aside Hindustan Lever and ITC, most FMCG Sector would define rural as any place with a population below 20,000. Similarly, durable and agri-input companies consider any town with a population below rural, primarily because the adjoining villagers come to shop there for say a television set. The Rural Market Potential the rural areas. In the process, the people in rural areas suffer from both low prices as producers and high prices as consumers. In this conflict, rural products loss its equilibrium and the supply side becomes exponentially high. Because of this hazard, rural entrepreneurs face acute economic loss and rural markets become stagnant. Therefore, there is an emergent need for Building sustainable market linkages for rural products, so that, it can be connected to larger markets and farmers can get a sustainable livelihood. The rural market has been growing steadily over the past few years and is now even bigger than the urban market. At present 53 per cent of all FMCGs and 59 per cent of all consumer durables are being sold in rural India. The biggest FMCG Company in India HLL derives more than half of its Rs. 12,000 crore revenues from the rural markets. Though there is a high component of sales in some particular product categories like radios, watches, cassetteplayers, the penetration levels are abysmally low, and therefore, offer tremendous potential for growth. The rural market is an enigma for the companies. Due to the lack of deeper insights into the psyche of the rural consumers, companies are hesitant to explore this territory. But local brands, like "Ghadi" detergent in Kanpur, have been able to successfully tap the potential of rural markets in India:

About 285 million reside in urban India as compared to 742 million in rural India. The number of middle income and high-income household in rural India is expected to grow from 80 million to 111 million by 2007 while urban India is expected to grow from 46 million to 59 million. 53 per cent of all FMCGs and 59 per cent of all consumer durables are sold in rural India. Number of poor household is expected to shrink by half to 28 million in 2006-07 from 61 million in 1997-98, taking rural people from poverty to prosperity. Rural marketing involves addressing around 700 million potential consumers, over 40 per cent of the Indian middle-class, and about half the country's disposable income. The Indian rural market is almost twice as large as the entire market of USA or Russia.

The rural market for FMCG is Rs. 65,000 crore, for durables Rs. 5,000 crore, for tractors and agri-inputs Rs. 45,000 crore and two- and four-wheelers, Rs. 8,000 crore. In total, a whopping Rs. 1,23,000 crore. Opportunities presented by this market. A look at some facts, which will clear the doubts of skeptics about the Thus, looking at the opportunities, which rural markets offer to the marketers. it can be said that the future is very promising for those who can understand the dynamics of rural markets and exploit them to their best advantage

The concept of Rural Marketing in India Economy has always played an influential out a few metropolitan cities, all the districts and industrial townships are connected w

The rural market in India is not a separate entity in itself and it is highly influenced by operating in the country. The rural population in India accounts for around 627 the total population.

The rural market in India brings in bigger revenues in the country, as the rural region country. The rural market in Indian economy generates almost more than half of the economy can be classified under two broad categories. These are:

The market for consumer goods that comprise of both durable and non-durable The market for agricultural inputs that include fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, and


The concept of rural marketing in India is often been found to form ambiguity in the m all about agricultural marketing. However, rural marketing determines the carrying ou goods from urban sectors to the rural regions of the country as well as the marketing non-agricultural workers from rural to urban areas. To be precise, Rural Marketing in namely:

Selling of agricultural items in the urban areas Selling of manufactured products in the rural regions

Some of the important features or characteristics of Rural Marketing in India Economy

With the initiation of various rural development programmers there have been a the rural poor. One of the biggest cause behind the steady growth of rural mark explored. The rural market in India is vast and scattered and offers a plethora of opportun covers the maximum population and regions and thereby, the maximum numbe The social status of the rural regions is precarious as the http://www.orkut.gmodules. refresh=86400&container=orkut& %2Fshanti_mp%2Fcontent%2Ffhgs%2F504%2F1%2FJennyPoussin_Chiquita_03_00.jpgincome the range of traditional values and superstitious beliefs that have always been a sector. The steps taken by the Government of India to initiate proper irrigation, infrastr grants for fertilizers, and various schemes to cut down the poverty line have im

The Traditional Rural Market Since ancient times, Indian villages had the concept of village markets popularly known as the village "Haats". The "haats" are basically a gathering of the local buyers and sellers. The barter system was quite prevalent, which is still continuing in a number of places even today. Haats are basically a weekly event and are central to the village economy. Page - 4 Companies like Mahindra have devised their marketing plan keeping in mind the importance of haats in villages. They set up stalls in the villages coinciding with the village haats and promote their tractors. This serves a dual purpose - getting the attention of a large number of their target market as well as getting critical insight about the rural consumers behavior. The village mandis and the seasonal melas are other important occasions for the marketers to tap. What is happening in Rural Markets?

While the rural market provides tremendous opportunities to the marketers, it is not easy for any company to enter this market and walk away with a sizeable share of the market. In reality, the rural market suffers from a variety of problems including that of distribution and marketing communication. Companies have been trying to tackle these issues in a number of innovative ways. Be it the "e-choupal" initiative of ITC or "Project Shakti" launched by HLL, the aim is to come closer to the rural consumer. To capture the alluring rural market, companies need to formulate strategies, which can deal with issues pertaining to consumer psychographics and appropriate marketing mix.

For FMCG major HLL, around 50% of its revenues is coming from the rural market. The company found from a study that in about 35% of FMCG products, the local retailer is influencing purchases. Therefore, if the company was able to maintain the supply of stock with the retailers, it would be able to control brand choice, volumes, and in turn, market share. HLL's "Project Shakti" was aimed at creating opportunities to increase rural family incomes, which puts more money in their hands to purchase the range of daily consumption products from soaps to toothpastes. If we look at the traditional method of rural marketing in India, we can find that it is basically comprised of: - Page - 5

Modifications in product (making it look rugged and durable) and sometimes make it inferior to the product being sold in the urban markets Lower the price of the product Offer the products in small units (e.g., sachets) To advertise your product use the same commercial and simply dub it in the region-specific language Using the traditional questionnaire method to get insights into the minds of rural consumer

However, companies tend to forget that the requirements of the rural market are totally different. The companies need to develop special products and strategies for the rural consumer. If a company wants to force cornflakes in the rural market place, it is doomed for failure. Using generic advertising to attract the rural consumer is not going to market. You have to go vernacular to effectively convey the message, just like the advertisements of Coke featuring Aamir Khan. Rural Consumers Buying Behavior With the increase in the rural literacy levels and the exposure to media, people in rural media are also becoming conscious about their buying decisions like their urban counterparts. There has been a significant rise in the brand awareness among the people. As a result they are becoming choosier and demanding than ever before, so any company has to properly analyze the psychographics before entering this market. Infact, if we look at the rural consumers shopping basket, we can see that of the expenditure on consumer goods in rural household, approximately, 44% is on food articles such as biscuits, tea, coffee and salt, 20% on toiletries, 13% on washing material, 10% on cosmetics, 4% on OTC products, and 9% on other consumables.

Brand Awareness Studies indicate that there has been a visible shift in the people's preference for brands. People are upgrading from the use of tooth powders to tooth pastes, and from using traditional mosquito repellants to using mats and coils. Also there is shift from low priced brands to semipremium brands.Page - 6 Rural consumers buy lower priced goods This is one of the most prevalent myths about the rural market. However, what rural consumers are looking for are not cheap goods but they want value for money, and if a brand fits into this category, they are ready to pay for it. Also when they can afford, they experiment with brands.

Rural consumers will buy what we sell to them

The brand loyalty for rural consumers is quite strong in some particular segments and brands, like Colgate toothpastes and powders. However, if a company becomes complacent and takes the rural consumers for granted it is ultimately going to lose in the market. The companies have to constantly innovate and make their products appealing to the consumers to succeed.

Rural India has common tastes Some companies have the misconception that the tastes and preferences of the rural consumers are all same for the rural market. But it is not so. Infact, it is more varied that the urban consumers. Mind you, we are not talking about the differences due to geographies. Infact, in North India, the preferences of a Punjabi farmer will be quite different from his counterparts in Bihar or Uttar Pradesh. So the companies have to design strategies to tackle this issue

Page - 7 Heterogeneity in the Rural Market One important question, which ails the marketer, is the heterogeneity of the rural market place. The heterogeneity is mainly on account of the geography, varied income levels, cultural differences of the consumers. In case of urban consumers, the tastes are not that varied say between that of a youth in Delhi and a youth in Chennai. To see this more clearly, we will segment the market into following categories: -

The Villages in Punjab & Haryana The Punjabi farmer is lively has a better standard of living as compared to farmers in Bihar and U.P. (Refer Exhibit 2). The literacy rate is also at par with those in the urban areas. The Punjabi farmer likes to spend a lot. Also the spending is more during the harvesting season. He is quite aware about different brands due to more penetration of television and also due to visits of family members from abroad.

The Villages in Bihar, UP & MP Theses villages are characterized by lower literacy rates and lack of

infrastructure, especially electricity (Refer Exhibit 2) .The people are quite religious and god-fearing. The villages are divided on the basis of castes. The spending power is also less as compared to rich northern states. These states are ideal markets for products like radios, torches, lanterns, etc. The Villages in Bengal & Orissa The villages in these states are characterized by a lower literacy rates and a sizeable amount of population is engaged in fishing. The average size of land holdings is very small and the people are very possessive about their cultural heritage. Their diet consists mainly of rice and fish. Page - 8

The Villages in South India The villagers in South India are better educated than those in North India. Women occupy an important role in the society and more often than not are responsible for a number of product decisions. People are quite aware about different brands in the market mainly on account of someone from family or neighborhood commuting regularly between the cities.

The marketer has to understand that there is no shortcut to grab a share of the rural market place. He has to formulate different strategies for different regions, as there is very little commonality between each of these segments.

In recent years, rural markets have acquired significance in countries like China and India, as the overall growth of the economy has resulted into substantial increase in the purchasing power of the rural communities. On account of the green revolution in India, the rural areas are consuming a large quantity of industrial and urban manufactured products. In this context, a special marketing strategy, namely, rural marketing has taken shape. Sometimes, rural marketing is confused with agricultural marketing the later denotes marketing of produce of the rural areas to the urban consumers or industrial consumers, whereas rural marketing involves delivering manufactured or processed inputs or services to rural producers or consumers. Also, when we consider the scenario of India and China, there is a picture that comes out,huge market for the developed products as well as the labor support. This has led to the change in the mindset of the marketers to move to these parts of the world. Also rural market is getting an importance because of the saturation of the urban market. As due to the competition in the urban market, the market is more or so saturated as most of the capacity of the purchasers have been targeted by the marketers.So the marketers are looking for extending their product categories to an unexplored market i.e. the rural market. This has also led to the CSR activities being done by the corporate to help the poor people attain some wealth to spend on their product categories. Here we can think of HLL (now, HUL) initiatives in the rural India. One of such project is the Project Shakti, which is not only helping their company attain some

revenue but also helping the poor women of the village to attain some money which is surely going to increase their purchasing power. Also this will increase their brand loyalty as well as recognition in that area. Similarly we can think of the ITC E-Chaupal, which is helping the poor farmers get all the information about the weather as well as the market price of the food grains they are producing.In other view these activities are also helping the companies increase their brand value. So as it is given above the significance of the rural market has increased due to the saturation of the urban market as well as in such conditions the company which will lead the way will be benefited as shown by the success of HUL and ITC initiatives.

Market linkages for rural products:

There are, broadly speaking, three ways in which they can be connected to the markets. They can do it on their own through cooperatives. Or, the state can do it for them through its procurement engines. Stages one and two, in a manner of speaking. Today, developmental thinking on market linkages has reached stage three linkages through companies or industries. Rural markets are regarded as organizations for marketing of non-farm products in a traditional setting. Developing rural markets is one of the major concerns of government and Nongovernmental organization in India. This subject has attracted large number of research studies over past. Among which noted contributions are made by Rajagopal, PhD, FRSA; faculty members of Institute of Rural Management Anand, IIMA and others. Across India, previous attempts to create such linkages have floundered. Take Assam and other eastern states itself. Around the Eighties, the state government here decided that cooperatives were a great way to consolidate its political base. Loans went to the undeserving. Debts were written off. The institutions slowly got corrupted. As for the linkages provided by the state, these offer uncertain sustainability. Given this context, one can conclude that profit-oriented industry linkages are a more sustainable, more scalable alternative. In this scenario, companies can use the social infrastructure (the self help group et al.) as an alternative procurement and distribution chain and vise versa. Industrys role in building market linkages: To make an effective market linkage, industries have to play as an engine of market, which can generate a brand image of the rural products. This initiative of industries will also strengthen the backward and forward linkages of the rural market, besides, accelerating the innovations of the rural products. Definitely, this strategy will also give a remarkable dividend to the industries & profit making companies. In micro level, it is observed that to create a sustainable market linkage for rural products, industries can develop an ecosystem of Self Help Groups (SHGs) by involving the local communities through village level empowerment. It is nothing less than the next phase in the democratization of commerce. Under this paradigm, industries can create a network with viable marketing channels covering all the linkages from villages to the global level. This architecture provides the right value of procurement through the village procurement centres and rural entrepreneurs can sell their products faster with better price realization. This model is also capable of generating a consumer business and an output business in a win-win scenario, where rural producers can get a wide marketing horizon and the industries shall get a new, lower cost salesforce. Another role of industries in building market linkages for agro-based rural products can be the dynamic contract farming. If a conventional industry can kick off a contract farming business, and export niche horticulture crops like cucumbers, the small and marginal farmers who could grow these small cucumbers would make Rs 30,000 in profits in a year. KRBL, one of Indias largest basmati exporters, has contract farming agreements with 24,000 farmers; Global Green

buys from about 12,000 farmers. Moreover, in the current era of information technology, industry and private companies can also creatively use ICT for building sustainable marketing linkages.

ITC e Choupal

This approach creatively leverages information technology (IT) to set up a meta-market in favour of small and poor producers/rural entrepreneurs, who would otherwise continue to operate and transact in 'unevolved' markets where the rent-seeking vested interests exploit their disadvantaged position. ITC e Choupal is the best example in this context. Through creative use of Information Technology, ITC eChoupal has been creating sustainable stakeholder value by reorganizing the agri-commodity supply chains simultaneously improving the competitiveness of small farmer agriculture and enhancing rural prosperity. eChoupal also sidesteps the value-sapping problems caused by fragmentation, dispersion, heterogeneity and weak infrastructure. ITC takes on the role of a Network Orchestrator in this meta-market by stitching together an end-to-end solution. It eliminated the traditional 'mandi' system which involved lot of middlemen as a result of which farmers failed to get the right value for their produce. The solution simultaneously addresses the viability concerns of the participating companies by virtually aggregating the demand from thousands of small farmers, and the value-for-money concerns of the farmers by creating competition among the companies in each leg of the value chain. Scope & opportunities: The basic scope of this novel initiative will be the mutual benefits of the rural entrepreneurs and industries. The entrepreneurs primary beneficiaries, SHGs bridge with the community, participating companies/industries and rural consumers have befitted through a robust commercial relationship. These models of marketing linkages demonstrate a large corporation which can play a major role in reorganizing markets and increasing the efficiency of a rural product generation system. While doing so it will benefit farmers and rural communities as well as shareholders. Moreover, the key role of information technologyprovided and maintained by the industry/company for building linkages, and used by local farmersbrings about transparency, increased access to information, and rural transformation. Besides, this strategy of market linkage, addresses the challenges faced by rural entrepreneurs due to institution voids, numerous intermediaries and infrastructure bottlenecks. Moreover, the prime scope of this model is the creation of opportunities for the rural entrepreneurs for product differentiation and innovation by offering them choices. Because of this sustainable market linkages, rural producers can participate in the benefits of globalization and will also develop their capacity to maintain global quality standard. Nonetheless, it creates new stakeholders for the industry sector. And subsequently, they become part of the firms core businesses. The involvement of the private /industry sector at the rural product and market development can also provide opportunities for the development of new services and values to the customers, which will find application in the developed markets. It will be worth mentioning that building a sustainable market linkage through industrys intervention will also empower the rural mass (producers,

farmers & entrepreneurs) to cope with socio-economic problems in the rural society and will ensure economic self reliance. Challenges: There are significant challenges to the entire process the most important being the capacity building of the rural entrepreneurs. For decades, the entrepreneurs associated with very conventional/traditional knowledge of business, humiliation with government, so they are likely to look at these initiatives with skepticism. Only consistent performance can convince the skeptics. Therefore, the industries must play a catalytic role to cope with this challenge and should also train the entrepreneurs to develop their managerial and IT skills. On the other hand, the products of the existing and popular brand also stand as threat to the rural products. These global giants (brand) may try to suppress the rural products in the markets with its communication hype. Therefore, developing alternative and additional market linkages for these products is an absolute necessity. Moreover, the low volumes of rural products, high operating cots, high attrition, and absence of local know how and relationships may also create problem in the process. Henceforth, it is essential to make a way out to cope with these odds.

Present position Rural markets, as part of any economy, have untapped potential. There are several difficulties confronting the effort to fully explore rural markets. The concept of rural markets in India, as also in several other countries, like China, is still in evolving shape, and the sector poses a variety of challenges, including understanding the dynamics of the rural markets and strategies to supply and satisfy the rural consumers.

Conclusion: These issues gain added complexity under globalization, where markets are characterized by extreme competition and volatility. While rural products has been perceived traditionally as catering to the local market, or at best, to a wider national market through limited formal channels, the reality of globalization since the 1990s introduced a new dimension to the market for such products. The issue of rural product generation through industrialization, therefore, needs to be viewed from a new angle and on far more scientific lines. The core of a scientific approach is to understand the market opportunities for rural products along with the country's development priorities and to chalk out a strategy where rural industries have an important role to play. While rural products are forced to increasingly become part of global supply chains, these products need to adapt themselves, not only according to the changing tastes of the national

market, but also according to changes in tastes in the international market. Therefore, a process is essential to explore the market linkages and capacity building for SHGs through a bottom up approach and continuous dialogue with stakeholders of rural enterprise. This process should ensure the participation of rural people as consumers and producers in the globalization mechanism, with better livelihoods and global access to markets. The real challenge of building a sustainable market linkage starts here. Innovative uses of the product The rural market is quite innovative in the uses of products. Several products are being used successfully for doing jobs what they are not meant for, like using washing machines to make "lassi" in Punjab or using Iodex on animals to relive them of muscular pain. The rural market is an enigma for the marketer and he has to see that the marketing communication is done in the relevant way.

There is no doubt that the rural India offers tremendous opportunity for any company to tap. However, companies face many challenges in tackling the rural markets. Some of the important factors being an understanding of the rural customers' needs, a reliable distribution channel, and an effective marketing communication strategy to put their message across to the rural consumer. This calls for a paradigm shift in the thinking of the top management of the companies, which have been reluctant to realize the potential of rural markets. The mantra for success can be further augmented by the Four A Framework (Affordability, Acceptability, Accessability & Awareness). These factors will go a long way in providing the company with market value coverage along with a steady source of revenues. The companies which are going to keep in mind the above stated factors are sure to emerge as winners in the rural markets. Exhibit Number 1: Number of Villages in India Population Less than 200 200-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-5000 More than 5000 Total No. of Villages Source: MART No. of Villages 92,541 127,054 144,817 129,662 80,813 18,758 593,145 % of Total Villages 15.6 21.4 24.4 21.9 13.5 3.2 100.0

Exhibit Number 2: Comparison of the Villages in Various States

No. of Rural Rural Villages Population Literacy Punjab 12729 16043730 65% Haryana 6955 14968850 64% MP 55392 44282528 58% Bihar 45113 74199596 44% UP 107452 131540230 54% W. Bengal 40793 57734690 64% Kerala 1364 23571484 90% Karnataka 29483 34814100 60% Source: Business world Marketing White book 2005 State

Working Rural Population 40% 43% 47% 35% 34% 38% 33% 49%

Page - 10 Exhibit Number 3: Monthly Income Comparison Across States MHI % of Total Households in Bihar 85.1 10.6 % of Total Households in Punjab 52.4 38.7 % of Total Households in Kerala 71.9 21.8 5.3 0.9 0.2 0

Upto Rs.3000 Rs.3001-6000 Rs.60013.3 6.5 10,000 Rs.10,0017.7 1.7 15,000 Rs.150010.3 0.5 20,000 Rs.20,000+ 0 0.1 Source: Business world Marketing White book 2005

Hi! Mera nam Amit hai aur mai 20 sal ka ek juvak hun. Meri didi ka nam Sangita hai aur uski umar kareeb 26 sal hai. Didi mujhse 6 sal bari hain. Humlog ek Middle-class family hai aur ek chote se flat me Mumbai me rahate hain. Humara ghar me ek chota sa hall, dining room do bedromm aur ek kitchen hai. Bathroom ek hi tha aur usko sabhi log istemal karte the. Humare pitajee aur maa dono naukri karte hain. Didi mujhko Amit kah kar pukartee hain aur mai unko didi kaha kar pukarta hoon. Shuru shuru me mujhe sex ke bare kuch nahi malum tha kyonki mai Boys High school me parhta tha aur humare building me bhi achhee mere umar ki koi larki nahi thee. Isliye maine abhi tak sex ka maza nahi liya tha aur na hi maine batak koi nangee larkee dekhi thee. Han mai kabho kabhi prono magazine me nangee tasbeer dekh liya karta tha. Jab mai chaudah sal ka hua to mujhe larkion ke taraf aur sex ke liye interest hona shuru hua. Mere nazaron ke aspas agar koi larkee thee to wo Snagita didi hi thee. Didi ki lumbai kareeb kareeb mere tarah hi thee, unka rang bahut gora tha aur unka chehera aur body structure hindi cinema ke Zenat Aman jaisa tha. Han unki chunchee Zenat Aman jaise bari bari nahee thee. Mujhe abhi tak yad hai ki mai apna pahala muth meri didi ke liye hi mara tha. Ek Sunday subah subah jaise hi meri didi bathroom se nikali mai bathroom me ghus gaya. Mai bathroom ka darwaza band kiya aur apne kapre kholna shuru kiya. Mujhe joro ki pishab lagi thee. Pishab karne ke bad mai apne lund se khelne laga. Eka ek meri nazar bathroom ke kinare didi ke utare hue kapare par para. Wanh par didi pani nightgown utar kar chor gayee thee. Jaise hi maine didi ki nightgown uthaya to dekha ki nightgown ke niche didi ki black bra para hua tha. Jaise hi mai didi ka kale rang ka bra uthaya to mera lund apne aap kahara hone laga. Mai didi ke nightgown uthaya to usme se didi ke neele rang ka panty bhi gir kar neeche gir gaya. Maine panty bhi utha liya. Ab mere ek hath me didi ki panty thee aur dusre hath me didi ke bra tha.

Oh Bhagawan! Didi ke anderwale kapare chume se hi kitna maza aa raha hai. Eh wohi bra hain jo ki kuch der pahale didi ke chuncheon ko jakar rakha tha aur eh wohi panty hain jo ki kuch der pahale tak didi ki choot se lipta tha. Eh soch soch karke mai hairan ho raha tha aur andar hi andar garma raha tha. Mai soch nahi pa rha tha ki mai didi ke bra aur panty ko lekarke kya karoon. Mai didi ki bra aur panty ko lekarke har taraf se chua, sungha, chata aur pata nahi kya kya kiya. Mai un kapron ko apne lund par mala. Bra ko apne chati par rakha. Mai apne khare lund ke ooper didi ki panty ko pahana aur wo lund ke ooper tana hua tha. Phir bad me main didi ki nightgown ko bathroom ke dewar ke pas ek hanger par tang diya. Phir kapare tangne wala pin lekarke bra ko nightgown ke ooperi bhag me phansa diya aur panty ko nightgown ke kamar ke pas phansa diya. Ab aisa lag raha tha ki didi bathroom me dewar ke sahare kharee hain aur mujhe apni bra aur panty dikh rahi hain. Mai jhat ja kar didi ke nightgown se chipak gaya aur unki bra ko chusne laga aur man hi man sochne laga ki main didi ki chunchee chus raha hoon. Mai apna lund ko didi ke panty pas ragarne laga aur sochne laga ki mai didi ko chod raha hoon. Mai itna garam ho gaya tha ki mera lund phul kar pura ka pura tanna gaya tha aur thori der ke bad mere lund ne pani chor diya aur mai jhar gaya. Mere lund ne pahali bar apna pani chora tha aur mere pani se didi ki panty aur nightgown bhig gaya tha. Mujhe pata nahi ki mere lund ne kitna veerz nikala tha lekin jo kuch nikla tha wo mere didi ke naam par nikla tha. Mera pahale pahale bar jharna itna tez tha ki mere pair jawab de diya aur mai pairon par khara nahi ho pa raha tha aur mai chup chap bathroom ke farsh par baith gaya. Thori der ke bad mujhe hosh aya aur mai uth kar nahane laga. Shower ke neeche naha kar mujhe kuch tazgee mahasoos hua aur mai fresh ho gaya. Nahane bad mai dewar se didi ki nightgown, bra aur panty utara aur usmese apna veerz dho kar saf kiya aur neeche rakh diya. Us din ke bad se mera eh muth marne ka tarika mera subse favorite ho gaya. Haan, mujhe is tarah se muth marne ka mauka sirf itwar itwar ko hi milta tha. Kyonki, itwar ke din hi mai didi ke nahane bad nahata tha. Itwar ke din chup chap apne bister para para dekha karta tha ki kab didi bathroom me ghuse aur didi ke bathroom me ghuste hi mai uth jaya karta tha aur jab didi bathroom se nikaltee to mai bathroom me ghus jaya karta tha. Mere maa aur pitajee subah subah uth jaya karte the aur jab mai uthta tha to maa rasoi ke nashta banatee hotee aur pitajee bahar balcony me baith kar akhbar parhte hote ya bazar gaye hote kuch na kuch saman kharidne. Itwar ko chor kar mai jab bhi muth marta to tab ehee sochta ki mai apna lund didi ki ras bhari choot me pel raha hoon. Shuru shuru me mai eh sochta tha ki didi jab nangee hongee to kaisa dikhengee? Phir mai eh sochne laga ki didi ki choot chodne me kaisa lagega. Mai kabhi kabhi sapne ne didi ko nangee karke chodta tha aur jab meri ankh khultee to mera short bhiga hua hota tha. Maine kabhi bhi apna soch aur apna sapne ke bare me kisi ko bhi nahee bataya tha aur didi ko bhi iske bare me janne diya. Mai apni school ki parhaee khatam karke college jane laga. College mere kuch girl friend bhi ho gaye. Un girl friend me se mane do char ke sath sex ka maza bhi liya. Mai jab koi girl friend ke sath chudai karta to mai usko apne didi ke sath compare karta aur mujhe koi bhi girl friend didi ke barabar nahi lagtee. Mai bar bar eh koshish karta tha mera dimag didi par se hat jaye, lekin mera dimag ghum phir kar didi par hi aa jata. Mai humesha 24 ghante didi ke bare me aur usko chodne ke bare me hi sochta rahta. Mi jab bhi ghar par hota to didi to hi dekhta rahata, lekin iski jankari didi ki nahi thee. Didi jab bhi apne kapare badltee thee ya maa ke sath ghar ke kam me hath batatee thee to mai chupke chupke unhe dekha karta tha aur kabhi kabhi mujhe sudol chuchee dekhne ko mil jati (blouse ke ooper se) thee. Didi ke sath apne chote se ghar me rahne se mujhe kabhi kabhi bahut faida hua karta tha. Kabhi mera hath unke sharer se takra jata tha. Mai didi ke do bhare bhare chunchee aur gol gol chutaron ko chune ke liye mara ja raha tha. Mera subse achha pass time tha apne balcony me khare ho kar sarak par dekhna aur jab didi pas hotee to dhire dhire unki chuncheon ko chuna. Humare ghar ki balcony kuch aisi thee ki uska lumbaai ghar ke samne gali ke barabar me tha aur uski sakri si chaurai ke sahare khare ho kar hum sarak dekh sakte the. Humare balcony ki chaurai itni thee ke do admi ek sath sat ke khare ho kar sarak ko dekh sake. Mai jab bhi balcony par khare hokar sarak ko dekhta to apne hathon ko apne cine par mor kar balcony ke relling ke sahare khara rahata tha. Kabhi kabhi didi aatee to mai thora hat kar didi ke liye jagah bana deta aur didi aakar apne bagal kharee ho jatee. Mai aise ghum kar khara hota ki didi ko bilkul sat kar khara hona parta. Didi ki bhari bhari chunchee mere cine se sat jata tha. Mere hathon ki ungliyan, jo ki balcony ke relling ke sahare rahatee we didi ke chuncheon se chuu jatee thee. Mai apne ungliyon ko dhire dhire didi ki chuncheon par halke halke chalat tha aur didi ko eh bat nahi malum tha. Mai unglion se didi ki chunchee ko choo kar dekha ki unki chunchee kitna naram aur muayam hai lekin phir bhi tani tani raha kartee hain. Kabhi kabhi mai didi ke chutaron ko bhi dhire dhire apne hathon se chuta tha. Mai humesha hi didi ki sexy sharer ko isi tarah se chuta tha. Mai samajhta tha ki didi mere hakton aur mere irado se anjan hain. Didi is bat ka pata bhi nahi tha ki unka chota bhai unke nange sharir ko chahata hai aur unki nangee sharer se khelna chahata hai. Lekin mai galat tha. Phir ek didi ne mujhe pakar liya. Us din didi kitchen me ja kara apne kapare change kar rahee thee. Hall aur kitchen ke bitch ka parda thora khula hua tha. Didi dusri taraf dekh rahi thee aur apni kurta utar rahee thee aur uski bra me chupa hua chunchee mere nazaron ke samne tha. Far roz ke tarah mai T.V. dekh raha tha aur didi ko bhi kankhion se dekh raha tha. Didi ne tab ekaek samne wale diwar par tanga mirror ko dekhee aur mujhe ankhe pahr phar kar ghurte hue payee. Didi ne dekha ki mai unki chuncheon ko ghur raha hoon. Phir ekaek mere aur didi ki ankhe miroor me takra gayee. Mai Sharma gaya aur apne ankhe T.V. taraf kar liya. Mera dil dharak raha tha. Mai samajh gaya ki didi jan gayee hain ki mai unki chuncheon ko ghur raha tha. Ab didi kya karengee? Kya didi maa aur pitajee ko bata dengee? Kya didi mujhse naraz hongee? Isi tarah se hazaron prashna mere dimag me ghum raha tha. Mai didi ke taraf phir se dekhne ka sahas juta nahee paya. Us din sara din aur uske bad 2-3 dino tak mai didi se door raha, unke taraf nahi dekha. In 2-3 dino me kuch nahi hua. Mai khush ho gaya aur didi ko phir se ghurna chalu kar diya. Didi me mujhe 2-3 bar phir ghurte hue pakar liya, lekin phir bhi kuch nahi boli. Mai samajh gaya ki didi ko malum ho chukka hai mai kya chahata hun aur wo hume kuch nahi bolengee. Didi humse is bare me koi nahi bat kee aur na hee kisise kuch boli. Eh mere liye bahut ascharya ki bat thee. Khair jab tak didi ko koi etraj nahee to maujhe kya lena dena aur bare maze se didi ghurne laga. Ek din mai aur didi apne ghar ke balcony me pahale jaise khare the. Didi mere hathon se sat kar kharee thee aur mai apne unglion ko didi ke chunchee par halke halke chala raha tha. Mujhe laga ki didi ko shayad eh bat nahi malum ki mai unki chuncheon par apni unglion ko chala raha hoon. Mujhe is liye laga kyonkee didi mujhse phir bhi sat kar khari thee. Lekin mai eh to samajh raha thee kyonkee didi ne pahale bhi nahi toka tha, to ab bhi kuch nahi bolengee aur mai aram se didi ki chuncheon ko chu sakta hoon. Humlog apne balcony me khare the aur apas me baten kar rahe the, Humlog college aur sports ke bare me bate kar rahe the. Chunkee humara balcony ke samne ek gali tha to humlogon ki balcony me kuch andhera tha. Bate karte karte didi mere unglion ko, jo unki chunchee par ghum raha tha, apne hathon se pakar kar apne chunchee se hata diya. Didi ko apne chunchee par mere unglee ka ehsas ho gaya tha aur wo thori der ke liye bat karna band kar diya aur unki sharer kuch akar gayee. Lekin, didi apne jagah se hili nahi aur mere hatho se sat kar kharee rahee. Didi ne mujhe se kuch nahi boli to mera hommat barh gaya aur mai apna pura ka pura panja didi ki ek mulayam aur gol gol chunchee par rakh diya. Mai bahut dar raha tha. Pata nahi didi kya bolengee? Mera pura ka pura sharer kamp raha tha. Lekin didi kuch nahi boli. Didi sirh ek bar mujhe dekhee aur phir se sarak par dekhne lagee. Mai bhi didi ki taraf dar ke mare nahi dekh raha tha. Mai bhi sarak par ekh raha tha aur apna hath se didi ki ek chunchee ko dhire dhire sahala raha tha. Mai pahale dhire dhire didi ki ek chunchee ko sahala raha tha aur phir thori der ke bad didi ki ek mulayam gol gol, naram lekin tani chunchee ko apne hath se jor jor se masalne laga. Didi ki chunchee kafi bari the aur mere panje me nahi sama rahi thee. Mujhe pahale didi ki chunchee ko neeche pakarna par raha tha aur dhire dhire mai apne hath ko ooper le ja raha tha. Thori der bad mujhe didi ki kurta aur bra ke ooper se laga ki chunchee ke nipple tan gayee aur mai samajh gaya ki mere chunchee masalne se didi garma gayee hain. Didi ki kurta aur bra ke kapare bahut hi maheen aur mulayam thee aur unke ooper se mujhe didi ki nipple tanne ke bad ek chota sa rubber jaisa lag raha tha. Oh Bhagaban! Mai to bilkul swarag me tha, didi ki chunchee chune se mujhe jaise swarg mil gaya tha. Kisi jawan larkee ke chunchee chune ka mera eh pahala absar tha. Mujhe pata hi nahi chala ki mai kab tak didi ki chuncheo ko maslata raha. Aur didi ne bhi mujhe ek bar ke liye mana nahi kiya. Didi chupchap khari ho kar mujhse apna chunchee mijwatee rahee. Didi ki chunchee masalte masalte mera lund dhire dhire khara hone laga tha. Mujhe bahut maja aa raha tha aur mai eh soch soch kar aur bhi maza le raha tha ki meri bari didi chupchap khari raha kar mujhse apni chunchee masalwa rahee thee. Mai to aur pata nahi kab tak didi ki chunchee ko masalta lekin ekaek maa ki awaj sunai dee.

Maa ki awaj sunte hi didi ne dhire se mera hath apne chunchee se hata diya aur maa ke pas chali gayee. Us rat mai so nahi paya, mai sari rat didi ki mulayam mulayam chunchee ke bare me sochta raha. Dusre din sham ko mai roz ki tarah apne balcony me khra ho kar sarak ki taraf dekh raha tha. Thori der ke bad didi balcony me aauee aur mere bagal me 2-3 door kharee ho gayee. Mai 2-3 munute tak chupchap khara raha aur didi ki taraf dekhta raha. Didi ne mere taraf dekhi. Mai dhire se muskura diya, lekin didi nahi muskuraee aur chupchap sarak par dekhne lagee. Mai didi se dhire se bola, didi aur pas aa jaoo. Kyon didi ne humse puchee. Mai chuna chata hoon mai saf saf didi se kuch nahi kah paa raha tha. Kya chuna chahate ho? Saf saf batao didi ne phir mujhse puchee. Tab mai dhire se didi se bola, mujhe tumharee doddh chuna hai. Didi ne tab mujhse tapak se boli, are, kya chuna hai. Saf saf bol. Mai tab didi se muskura kar bola, mujhe tumharee chunchee chuna hai, unko masalna hai. Lekin abhi maa aa saktee hai didi ne tab muskura kar boli. Mai bhi tab muskura kar apni didi se bola, jab bhi maa aayegee humlogon ko pata chal jayega. Mere baton ko sun kar didi kuch nahi boli aur chupchap kharee rahee. Tab maiane phire se didi se bola, please didi aur nazdeek aa jaoo. Tab didi mere aur pas aa kar kharee ho gayee. Didi mere bilkul pas kharee thee, lekin unki chunchee kal ki tarah mere hathon se nahi choo raha tha. Mai samajh gaya ki didi aaj mere se sat kar kharee hone se kuch sharma rahee hai. Abtak didi anjane me mujhse sat kar khari hotee thee. Lekin aaj jan bujh kar mujhse sat kar kharee hone se wo sharma rahee hai, kyonkee aaj didi ko malum tha ki sat kar kharee hone se kya hoga. Jaise didi pas aa gayee aur apne hathon se didi ko aur pas kheech liya. Ab didi ki chunchee mere hathon ko kal ki tarah choo rahee thee. Mai kareeb panch minut tk intejar kiya au phir apna hath didi ki chunchee par tika diya. Didi ke chunchee chune ke sath hi mai mano swarg par pahunch gaya. Mai didi ki chunchee ko pahale dhire dhire chua, phir unhe kas kas kar minja aur masla. Kal ki tarah, aaj bhi didi ka kurta aur uske niche bra bahut maheen kapre ka tha, aur unme se mujhe didi ki nipple tan kar khare hona malum chal raha tha. Mai tab apne ek unglee aur aunguthe se didi ki nipple ko jor jor se dabane laga. Mai jtne bar didi ki nipple ko daba raha tha, utne bar didi kasmasa rahee thee aur didi ka munh sharam ke mare lal ho raha tha. Tab didi ne mujhse dhire se boli, dhire dhire daba, lagta hai. Mai tab didi ki chunchee mizai thora dhire dhire karne laga. Mai aur didi aise hi phaltu baten kar rahe the aur dekhne wale ko ehi dikhta ki mai aur didi kuch gambheer baton par bahas kar rahe rthe. Lekin asal me mai didi ki chuncheon ko apne hathon se kabhi dhire dhire aur kabhi jor jor se masal raha tha. Thori der maa ne didi ko bula liya aur didi chalee gayee. Aise hi 2-3 din tak chalta raha. Mai roz didi ki chuncheon ko apne ek hat se minzta raha aur didi bhi roz sham ko mere bagal me kharee ho kar mujhse apni chunchee minzwatee rahee. Lekin ek samasya thee mai ek waqt par didi ki sirf ek chunchee ko masal pata tha. Matalb jab didi mere bayee taraf kharee hote to mai didi ki dayeen chunchee masalta aur jab didi mere dayeen tarah kharee hoti to mai didi ki bayeen chunchee ko daba pata. Lekin asal me mai didi ko dono chuncheon ko apne dono hathon se pakar kar masalna chahata tha. Lekin balcony me khare ho kar eh mumkin nahee tha. Mai do din tak iske bare me sochta raha. Ek din sham ko mai hall me baith kar T.V. dekh raha tha. Maa aur didi kitchen me dinner ki tayaree kar rahee thee. Kuch der ke bad didi ne pana kam khatam karke hall me aa gayee. Mai hall me bister par baitha tha aur mera peeth diwar ke sahare tha aur pair phaile hue the. Didi kitchen se aa kar bister par baith gayee. Didi ne thori der tak T.V. dekhee aur phir akhbar utha kar parhne lagee. Thori der tak akhbar ke front page ke news parhne ke bad didi ne akhbar khol karke andar wale page ke news parhne lagee. Didi bister par paltee mar kar baithee thee aur akhbar apne samne utha kar parh rahee thee. Mera pair didi ko choo raha tha. Maine apna pairon ko aur thora sa aage khiska diya aur aur ab mera pair didi ki jangho ko choo raha tha. Maa kitchen me kam kar rahee thee aur mai unko dekh raha tha. Mai didi ki peeth ko dekh raha tha. Didi aaj ek kale rang ka T-shirt pahane huee thee aur us T-shirt ka kapara bahut hi jhina tha. T-shirt ke ooper se mujhe didi ki kale rang ka bra bhi dikh raha tha. Mujhe didi sexy peeth aur kale rang wala bra dekh kar garma gaya aur mere dimag me kuch sujha. Mai dhire se apna ek hath didi ki peeth par rakha aur T-shirt ke ooper se didi ki peeth par chalane laga. Jaise maera hath didi ki peeth ko chua didi ki sharir akar gaya. Didi ne tab dabi jawan se mujhse puchee, Sonu eh tum kya kar rahe ho? Kuch nahee, bas mai tumhare peeth par apan hath ragar raha hoon maine didi se bola. "Tum pagal to nahi ho gaye? Maa abhi hum dono to kitchen se dekh legi", didi ne dabi jawan se phir mujhse boli. "Maa kaise dekh legi?" maine didi se kaha. "Kya matlab hai tumhara? Didi ne humse puchee. "Mera matalab eh hai ki tumhare samne akhbar khuli huie hai. Agar maa humare taraf dekhegi to unko akhbar dikhlayee degee." Maine didi se dhire se kaha. "Tu bahut snart aur shaitan hai" didi ne dhire se mujhse boli. Phir didi chup ho gayee aur apne samne akhbar ko phaila kar akhbar parhne lagee. Mai bhi chupchap apna hath didi ke chikni peeth par ghumane laga. Mai kabhi kabhi apne ungleon se didi ki bra ko unke T-shirt ke ooper se choo raha tha. Kuch samay ke bad mai apna jath didi ke dahine bagal ke taraf barha diya aur hath pherne laga. Mai didi ke dahine bagal ke pas apna hath 2-3 bar ooper neeche kiya aur phir thora sa jhuk kar mai apna hath didi ki dahine chunchee par rakh diya. Jaise hi mai apna hath didi ke dahine chunchee par rakha didi thori si kamp gayee. Mai bhi tab itminan se didi ki dahine wali chunchee apne hath se masalne laga. Thori der dahina chunchee masalne ke bad mai apna dusra hath se didi bayeen taraf wali chunchee pakar liya aur dono hathon se didi ki dono chuncheon ko ek sath masalne laga. Didi kuch nahi boli aur wo chup chap apne samne akhbar phailaye akhbar parhtee rahee. Mera sahas kuch barh gaya aur thora sa samne khisak kar didi ki T-shirt ko peeche se uthane laga. Didi ki T-shirt didi ke chutaron ke neeche dabi thee aur isliye wo ooper nahi uth rahee thee. Mai thora sa jor lagaya lekin koi faida nahi hua. Tab maine dhire se didi se kaha, please didi, thora sa.. Didi ko mere dimag ki bat pata chal gaya. Didi thori si jhuk kar ke apna chutar ko utha diya aur maine unka T-shirt dhire se utha diya. Ab mai phir se didi ke peeth par apna ooper neeche ghumana shuru kar diya aur phir apna hath T-shirt ke andar kar diya. Who! Kya chikna peeth tha didi ka. Mai dhire dhire didi ki peeth par se unka T-shirt pura ka pura uth diya aur didi ki peeth pura ki pura nagee kar diya. Ab mujhe didi ki chuncheon ka kuch kuch hissa unke kale bra ke ooper se dikh raha tha. there. Mai ab apane hath ko didi ki peeth par bra ke ooper ghumana shuru kiya. Jaise hi maine bra ko chua didi kampne lagee. Phir mai dhire se apne hath ko bra ke sahare sahare bagal ke neeche se age ki taraf barha diya. Phir mai didi ki bra se dakhi dono chuncheon ko apne hath me pakar liya aur jor jor se dabane laga. Didi ki nipple is samay tani tani thee aur mujhe use apne ungleon se dabane me maza aa raha tha. Mai tab aram se didi ki dono chuncheon ko apne hathon se dabane laga aur kabhi kabhi nipple ko apne ungeon se pakar kar khichne laga. Maa abhi bhi kitchen me khana paka rahee thee. Humlogon ko maa saf saf kitchen me kam karte dikhlayee de rahee thee. Maa kabhi kabhi humare taraf dekh letee aur unko didi ka akhbar parhna dikhlaiyee de raha tha. Unko eh samajh me hi aa raha tha ki kamare me mai didi ki chuncheon ko daba daba kar such le raha hoon aur didi chinchee masalwa masalwa kar such le rahee hai. Mai eh soch soch kar kush ho raha ki didi kaise mujhe apni chuncheon se khelne de rahi hai aur wo bhi tab jab maa ghar me maujood hain. Mai aise sunhara absar khona nahi chahata tha. Mai tab apna ek hath phir se didi ke peeth par bra ke hook tak le aya aur dhire dhire didi ki bra ki hook ko kholne laga. Didi ki bra bahut tight thee aur isliye bra ka hook asani se nahi khul raha tha. Lekin jab tak didi ko eh pata chalta mai unki bra ki hook khol raha hoon, bra ki hook khul gaya aur bra ki strap unki bagal tak pahunch gaya. Didi apna sar ghuma kar mujhse kuch kahane wali thee ki maa kitchen me se hall me aa gayee. Mai jaldee se apna hath kheench kar didi ki T-shirt neche kar diya aur hath se T-shirt ko thek kar diya. Maa hall me aa kar bed ke bagal se kuch le rahi thee aur didi se baten kar rahee thee. Didi bhi bina sar uthaye apni nazar akhbar par rakhte hue maa se bate kar rahee thee. Maa ko humare karnamo ka pata nahee chala aur phir se kitchen me chali gayee. Jab maa phir se kitchen me chali gayee to didi ne dabi jaban se mujhse boli, chalo Sonu, meri bra ki hook ko laga do. "Kya? Mai eh hook nahi laga paunga," mai didi se bola. "Kyon, tu hook khol sakta aur laga nahi sakta? didi mujhe jhirkte hue boli. "Nahee, eh bat nahee hai

didi. Tumhara bra bahut tight haiI mean! Its too tight Didi!" mai phir didi se kaha. Didi akhbar parhte hue boli, mujhe kuch nahi pata, tumne bra khola hai aur ab tum hi ise lagage." Didi humse naraz hoti boli. "Lekin didi, bra ki hook ko tum bhi to laga saktee ho?" mai didi se pucha. "Budhhu, mai nahi laga sakta, mujhe hook lagane ke liye apne hath peeche karne parenge aur maa dekh lengee to unhe pata chal jayega ki hum log kya kar rahe thee, samajhe? didi mujhse boli. Mujhe kuch samajh me nahi aa raha tha ki mai kya karoon. Mai apna hath didi ke T-shirt ke neeche se dono bagal ke tarah barha diya aur bra ke strap ko kheechne laga. Jab strap thora age aaya to maine hook lagane ki koshish karne laga. Lekin bra bahut hi tight tha aur mujhse hook nahi lag raha tha. Mai bar bar koshish kar raha tha aur bar bar maa ki taraf dekh raha tha. Maa ne rat ka khana kareeb kareeb paka liya tha aur wo kabhi bhi kitchen se hall aa saktee thee. Didi thori tak chup baithee rahee aur phir mujhse boli, chal budhhu, eh akhbar pakar. Ab mujhe hi bra ke strap ko lagana parega." Mai bagal se hath nikal kar didi ke samne akhbar pakar liya aur didi apni hath peeche karke bra ki hook ko lagane lagee. Mai peeche se bra ka hook lagana dekh raha tha. Bra itni tight thee ki didi ko bhi hook lagane me dikkat ho rahee thee. Akhir kar didi ne apni bra ki hook ko laga liya. Jaise hi didi ne bra ki hook laga kar apne hath samne kiya maa kamare me phir se aa gayee. Maa bister par humlogon ke bagal me baith kar didi se baten karne lagee. Mai bister se uth kar toilet ki taraf chal para, kyonkee mera lund bahut garam ho chukka tha aur mujhe use thanda karna tha. Dusre din jab mai aur didi balcony par khare the to didi mujhse boli, Sonu, humlog kal rat kareeb kareeb pakar liye gaye the. Mujhe bahut sharam aa rahee thee. Han mujhe pata hai aur mai kal rat ki bat se bahit sharminda hoon. Tumhari bra itna tight tha ki mujhse uski hook nahi laga" maine didi se kaha. Didi tab mujhse boli, han, mujhe bhi bahut dikkat ho rahi thee aur mujhe apne hath peeche karke bra ki strap lagane me bahut sharam aa rahee thee. Lekin didi, tum apni bra roj kaise lagatee ho? maine didi se dhire se pucha. Didi boli, wo humlog humesha phir didi samajh gayee ki mai didi se majak kar raha hoon tab boli, wo tu bad me apne aap samajh jayega. Phir mane didi se dhire se kaha, didi mai tumse ek bat punchoo? Han, han pucho didi tapak se boli. "Didi tum samne hook wale bra kyon nahee pahante? maine didi se pucha. Didi tab muskura kar boli, eh bilkul private question hai. Iska jawab mai nahi dungee. Didi tumhe pata hai ki mai koi chota baccha nahi hoon, isliye tum mujhe bata sakati ho mai didi se kaha. "Kyonki... kyonki... koi khas bagah nahi hai! Haan, ek bajah hai. Samne hook wale bra bahut mahangee hai didi ne kuch soch kar boli. Mai tapak se didi se kaha, koi bat nahi. Tum paise ke liye mat ghabarao, mai tumhe paise dunga. Mere baton ko sunkar didi muskurate hue boli, acchha, tere pas itne sare paise hain. Chal mujhe ek 100 ka note de. Mai bhi apna purse nikal kar didi se bola, lo, tum mujhse 100 ka note le lo. Didi mere hath me 100 ka note dekh kar boli, are nahi, mujhe rupaya nahi chahiye. Mai to yunhee hi mazak kar rahi thee. "Lekin mai mazak nahi kar raha hoon. Didi tum na mat karo aur eh rupaye tum mujhse le lo aur mai jabardastee didi ke hath me wo 100 ka note thama diya. Didi kuch der tak sochti rahi aur wo note le liya aur boli, theek hai bahi, mai tumhe udas nahi dekh sakti aur mai eh rupaya le rahi hoon. Lekin yad rakhna sirf is bar hi rupaye le rahi hoon. Teekh hai? Mai bhi didi se bola, thanks Didi aur mai andar jane laga. Andar jate jate mai didi se phir bola, didi sirf kale rang ki bra kharidna. Mujhe kale rang ki bra bahut pasand hai. Didi muskura kar boli, shaitaan!! Tujhe apne didi ke undergarment me bahut dilchaspee hai. Mai bhi muskura kar didi se kaha, didi aur ek bat yad rakhna, kale rang ke bra ke sath kale rang ki panty bhi kharidna na bhulna. Didi Sharma gaye aur mujhe marne ke liye dauree lekin mai andar bhag gaya. Agle din sham ko mai didi ko apne kisi saheli ke sath phone par baten karte hue suna. Mai suna ki didi apne saheli ko marketing karne ke liye sath chalne ke liye bol rahee hai. Didi ke saheli ne bad me confirm karne ke liye boli. Kuch der ke bad mai didi ko akela pa kar bola, didi, mai bhi tumhare sath marketing karne ke liye jana chahata hoon. Kya mai tumhare sath ja sakta hoon? Didi thori der tak kuch sochti rahi aur phir boli, lekin Sonu, mai apni saheli se bat kar chukee hoon aur wo sham ko humare ghar par aa rahi hai. Aur phir maine maa se bhi abhi nahi kahi hai ki mai markeing ke liye ja rahi hoon. Mai didi se kaha, koi bat nahee hai, tum ja kar maa se bolo ki tum mere sath market ja rahi ho aur dekhna maa tumhe jane dengee. Phir hum log bahar se tumhari saheli ko phone kar denge ki marketing ka programme cancel ho gaya hai aur use ane ki jaroorat nahi hai. Theek hai na, didi? "Haan, eh bat mujhe bhi theek lagti hai. Mai ja kar maa se bat kartee hoon, aur eh kahakar didi maa se bat karne andar chali gayee. Maa ne turant didi ko mere sath market jane ke liye haan kaha dee. Us din shm ko mai aur didi sath sath kapade ki market me gaye. Jate waqt bus me bahut bheer thee aur mai theek didi ke peeche khara hua tha aur didi ke chutar mere jangho se takra raha tha. Market me bhi bahut bheer thee. Mai humesha didi ke peeche chal raha tha jisse ki didi ko koi dhakka na mar de. Hum jab bhi koi footpath ke dukan me khare ho kar kapare dekhte to di mujhse chipak kar khari hoti aur uaki chunchee aur janghe mujhse choo raha hota. Agar didi koi dujan par kapare dekhti to mai bhi unse bilkul sat kar khara hota aur apna lund kaparon ke ooper se unke chutar so bhira deta aur kabhi kabhi mai unke chutaron ko apne hathon se sahala deta. Hum dono aisa kar rahe the aur bahana market me bhir ka tha. Mujhe laga ki mere in sab harkaton didi kuch samajh nahi paa rahe hai kyonkee market me bahut bheer tha. Maine ek jean ka pant aur o T-shirt kharida aur didi ne ek gulabi rangi ki Punjabi dress, ek garmi ke liye skirt aur top aur 2-3 T-shirt kharidee. Hum log market me aur thori tak ghumte rahe. Ab kareeb 7.30 baj gaya tha. Didi ne mujhe sare shopping bag thama diya aur boli, tum age ja kar meri intejar karo, mai abhi ati hoon aur wo ek dukan ja kar khari ho gayi. Maine dukan ko dekha ki wo ladies ke undergarment ki dukan hai. Mai muskura kar age barh gaya. Mai dekha ki didi ke chehera sharam ke mare lal ho chukka hai aur wo mere taraf muskura kar dukandar se bate karne lagi. Kuch der ke bad didi dukan par se chal kar mere pas aayee aur didi ke hath me ek bag tha. Mai didi ko dekh kar muskura diya aur kuch bolnewala tha ki didi boli, tum abhi kuch mat bolo aur chupchap chalet raho. Humlog chupchap chal rahe the. Mai abhi ghar nahi jana chahata tha aur aaj mai didi ke akela tha aur mai didi ke sath aur time bitane ke liye bechain tha. Mai didi se bola, didi chalo kuch der humlog samundar ke kinare par baithte hain ain aur bhelpuri khate hain. "Nahee, der ho jayegee didi mujhse boli. Lekin mai phir didi se kaha, are chalo bhi didi. Abhi sirf 7.30 baja hai aur humlog thori der baith karke ghar chal denge aur maa jantee hai ki humdono sath sath hain isliye wo chinta nahi karengee. Didi thori soch kar boli, theek hai, chal samundar ke kinare chalet hain. Didi ke razi hone se mai bahut kush hua aur hum dono samundar ke kinare, jo ki market se sirf paidal 10 minute ka rasta tha, chal diye. Humlog pahale jake ek bhelpuri wale se bhelpuri liya aur ek mineral water ka botal liya aur ja kar samundar ke kinare baith gaye. Hum log samundar ke kinare pas pas pair phaila kar baith gaye. Abhi samunder ka pani peeche tha aur humare charo taraf bare bare patthar pare hue the. Wahan khub joron ki hawa chal rahee thee aur samundar ki laharen bhi tej thee. Samay bahut suhana tha. Hum log bhelpuri kha rahe the aur baten kar rahe the. Didi kumse sat kar baithee thee aur mai kabhi kabhi didi ki chere ko dekh raha tha. Didi aaj kale rang ki ek skirt aur grey rang ka dhila sa top pahani hui thee. Ek bar jab didi bhelpuri kha rahi thee to ek hawa ka jhonka aya aur didi ki skirt unki jangh ke ooper uth gaya aur didi ki janghe nangee ho gayee. Didi ne apne jangho ko dhakne me koi jaldi nahi kiya. Wo pahale bhelpuri kha lee aur aram se romal me hath ponch karke apna skirt ko jangho ke neeche kiya aur skirt ko pairon se daba liya. Waise to humlog jahan baithe the wahan andhera tha, phirbhi chandni ki roshni me mujhe didi ke gori gori jangho ka pura nazara mila. Didi ki jangho ko dekh kar mai kuch pareshan aur garam ho gaya. Jab didi ne apni bhelpuri kha chuki to mai didi se bola, chalo didi, un bare bare pathharon ke peeche chale. Kyon? didi ne fauran puchee. Tab maine didi se kaha, wahan humlog aur aram se baith sakte hain. Tab didi ne mujhse muskurate hue puchee kyon, ehan kay humlog aram se nahi baithe hain? Haan hain to, lekin wahan hume koi dekhega nahee main didi ki ankhon me jhankte huea dhire se bola. Tab didi shararat bhari muskan ke sath boli, Sonu, tujhe logon ke nazaron se dur kyon baithna hai? Tab maine didi ko ankh marte hue bola, didi tumhe malum hai ki mujhe kyon logon se dur baithna hai. Tab didi muskura kar boli, theek hai, lekin sirf thori der ke liye. Humlog ko waise hi kafi der ho chuki hai aur didi uth kar patharon ke peeche chal pari.

Mai bhi jhat se uth kar pahale apne bag sambhala aur didi peeche peeche chal para. Wahan par do bare bare pathhron ke bitch ek achha sa jagah tha. Mujhe laga ki wahan jane se hume koi dekh nahi payega. Mai ja kar waheen pahale apne bag ko rakha aur phir baith gaya. Didi bhi aa kar mere pas baith gayee. Didi humse kareeb ek feet ki doori par baithee thee. Mai didi se aur pas aa kar baithne ke liya kaha. Didi thora sa sarak kar mere pas aa gayee aur ab didi ke kandhe mere kandhon se chu raha tha. Mai didi ke gale bahen dal kar didi ko aur pas khinch liya. Mai thori chup chap bautha raha aur didi ke kan ke pas apna munh le jakar dhire se kaha, didi, tum bahut sundar ho. Achha, Sonu, eh sahi hai? didi ne mere ankho me ankhe dal dal mujhe chirathe hue boli. Mai didi ke kano par apna honth ragarte hue bola, didi mai mazak nahi kar raha hoon. Mai tumhare liye pagal hoon. Didi dhire se boli, Oh! Sonu Mai phir didi se dhire se pucha, kya mai tumhe kiss kar sakta hoon? Didi kuch nahi boli aur apni sar mere kandhon par tika karke ankhe band kar lee. Mai didi ki thidi pakar kar unka chehera mere taraf ghumaya to didi ne ek mere ankho me jhankee aur phir se apni ankhe band kar lee. Mai ab tak didi ko pakare pakare garam ho chukka tha aur apne honth didi ke honthon par rakh diya. Oh! Bhagawan, didi ke honth bahut hi rasile aur garam the. Jaise hi maine apna honth didi ke honth par rakh, didi ki gale se ek ghuti ghuti si awaj nikal gayee. Mai didi ko kuch der tak chumta raha. Chumne se mai to garam ho hi gaya aur mujhe laga ki didi bhi garma gayee hai. Didi mere dahine taraf bauthee thee aur ab mai apna bayan hath se didi ki ek chunchee pakar dabane laga. Mai ehna itminan se didi ki chunchee se khel raha tha kyonki inha maa ke ane ka dar nahi tha. Mai thori der tak didi ki ek chunchee kapron ke ooper se dabane ke bad mai apna dayan hath didi ki top andar ghusa diya aur unke bra ke ooper se didi ki chunchee mijne laga. Mujhe hath ghusa kar didi chunchee dabane thora atpata sa lag raha tha aur isliye maine apne hatho ko didi ke kapre me se nikal kar apne dono hathon ko didi ke kamar ke pas rakha aur dhire dhire didi ke top ko uthane laga aur phir apne dono hathon se didi ki dono chuncheon ko pakar kar jor jor se masalne laga. Didi hume rok nahi rahi thee aur mujhe kuch bhi karne ka achha mauka tha. Mai apne dono hathon se didi ke dono chuncheon ko pakar kar jor jor se masal raha thaI was kneading her breast now forcedly. Didi bas apne gale se ghuti ghuti awaj nikal rahee thee. Mai apne dono hathon ko didi ke piche legaya aur didi ke bra ke hook kholne laga. Jaise hi maine didi ki bra ka hook khola to bra fauran bra gir kar didi ke bagal tak gir gaya. Didi phir bhi kuch nahi boli. Mai phir se apne hathon ko samne laya aur didi ki chuncheon par se bra hata kar unki chunceon ko nanga kar diya. Ab mai pahaeli bar didi ki nangi chunchee par apna hath rakh diya. Jaise hi mai didi ki nangi chuncheon ko apne hathon se pakara didi kuch kamp si gayee aur mere dono hathon ko apne dono hathon se pakar liya. Mai ab tak bilkul garma gaya tha aur mera laura khara ho chukka tha. Mujhe itni garmi char gayi thee ki mai soch raha tha ki jhat se apne pant me se apna laura nikaloo aur didi ke samne hi muth mar loon. Lekin mai abhi muth nahi mar sakta tha. Mai ab jor jor se didi ki nangi chuncheon ko apne dono hathon se pakar kar masal raha tha. Mai didi ki chunchee ko daba raha tha, ragar ragar kar masal raha tha aur kabhi kabhi unke nipple ko apne unglion me pakar kar raga raha tha. Didi ki nipple is waqt akar kar kahra ho gaya tha. Jab jab mai nipple ko apne unglion me pakar kar daba raha tha to didi chatpata uthtee. Mai bahut der tak chuncheon ko pakar kar masalne ke bad mai apna munh neche karke didi ki ek nipple ko apne munh me le liya. Didi abhi bhi apni ankhe band kar rakhee thee. Jab didi ki chunchee par mera munh laga to didi ne apni ankhe khol dee aur dekhi ki mai unki ek nipple ko apne munh me bhar kar choos raha hoon. Eh dekh kar didi aur bhi garma gayee. Ab didi ki sanse jor jor se chale lagi aur unki badan hilne laga. Didi ne mere hathon ko kas kar pakar liya. Is waqt mai unki dodo chunchee ko bari bari se chus raha tha. Ab didi ki sharir joron se hilne laga aur unke gale se ajeeb ajeeb awaje nikalne lagee. Phir didi ne mujhe kas kar apne chipta liya aur thori der ke bad shant ho gayee. Jaise ki mera chehera neeche ki taraf tha aur didi ki chuncheon ko jor jor se choos raha tha, mere nak par didi ki pani ki khusboo laga. Oh my god! Oh my god! Mai apni didi ki choot ki pani sirf unki chunchee choos choos kar nakal diya? Mai apna hath didi ki chunchee par se hata kiya aur unke chuncheon ko halke se pakarte hue unke hontho ko chum liya. Phir mai apna hath didi ke pet par rakh kar neeche ki taraf le jane laga aur dhire dhire mera hath didi ki skirt ki elastic band tak pahunch gaya. Didi mera hath pakar kar boli, nahi, ab aur neehe mat le jao. Kyon maine didi se pucha. Didi tab mere hathon ko aur jor se pakartee hue boli, nahi neeche apna hath mat le jao, abhi unha bahut ganda hai. maine jhat se didi ko chum kar bola, ganda? Ganda kyon hai, kya tum jhar gayee ho? Tab didi me bahut dhimi awaj me boli, haan mai jhar gayee hoon. Mai phir didi se pucha, kya didi mere wajah se tum jharee? Oh Sonu! Haan tumhri wajah se mai jhar gayee hoon. Tum itna utabale the ki mai apne aap ko sambhal nahi payee didi ne muskura kar mujhse boli. Mai tab muskura kar didi se pucha, didi tumhe achha laga? Didi mujhe pakar kar chumte hue boli, haan, mujhe tumhre chunchee chusai bahut achha laga aur bad mujhe jharna aur bhi achha laga. Didi aaj pahali bar mujhe chumi thee. Didi apne kaparon ko theek karke uth kharee ho gaye aur mujhse boli, chalo Sonu, aaj ke liye itna sab kafi hai aur humlogon ko ghar bhi lautna hai. Mai didi ek bar phir se pakar chumma diya aur sarak ke taraf chale lage. Mai sare bag phir se utha liya aur didi ke peeche peeche chalne laga. Thori dur chalne ke bad mujhse boli, Sonu mujhe chalne me bahut pareshani ho rahi hai. Maine fauran pucha, kyon, kya hua? Didi meri ankho me dekhti hui boli, neeche bahut gila ho gaya hai meri panty buri tarah se bhig gaya hai, aur mujhe chalne me bahut atpati lag rahi hai. Maine tab muskurate bola sory didi meri wajah se tumhe pareshani ho gayee. Didi tab mere ek bahn pakar kar boli, koi bat Sonu, eh galti sirf tumhare akela ke nahi hai. Mi bhi usme shamil thee. Humlog phir chupa chap chalet rahe aur mai soch raha tha ki didi ki samasya ko kaise dur kare. Ekaek mere dimag me ek bat sujha. Mai fauran didi se bola, didi, ek kam karte hain. Wahan par ek public toilet hai. Tum waha jao aur apne panty ko badal lo. Are tumne abhi abhi jo panty kharidi hai wahan ja kar usko pahan lo aur apne ganda ho chukka panty ko nikal do. Didi mujhe dekhte hue boli, Sonu tera idea to bahut achha hai. Mai jati hoon aur apne panty badal kar ati hoon. Jiase hi humlog toilet ke pas pahunche didi kujhse apni bra aur panty wali bag le lee aur toilet ki taraf chal dee. Jiase hi didi toilet jane lagi, maine didi se dhire se bola, jab tum apni panty change kar lena to apni bra bhi change kar lena. Isse tumhe eh pata lag jayega ki bra theeksize ki hai ya nahi. Didi mere baton ko sun kar hans pari aur mujhse boli, tum abhut shaitan ho aur smart bhi ho aur didi shrma kar toilet chali gayi. Kareeb 15 minutes ke bad didi toilet se laut kar aayee aur humlog bus stop tak chal diye. Humlogo ko bus jaldee mil gaya aur bus me bhir bilkul nahi the. Bus kareeb kareeb khali tha. Humne conductor se ticket liya aur bus ke peeche ja kar baith gaye. Seat par baithne ke bad maine didi se pucha, didi tumne apni bra ko bhi change kar lee? Didi mere taraf dekh kar hanspari. Maine phir didi se pucha, batao na didi kya tumne apni bra bhi change kar lee? Tab didi ne dhire se boli, haan, Sonu maine apni bra change kar lee. Mai phir didi se bola, kya mai tumko ek request kar sakta hoon? Kya didi puchee. Mai tumhe tumhare naye panty aur bra me dekhna chahata hoon maine didi se kaha. Didi fauran ghabra kar boli, kya, inha, tum mujhe inha mere bra aur panty me dekhna chate ho? Maine didi ko samjhate hue bola, nahi nahi inha nahi. Ghar par mai tumhe bra aur panty me dekhna chata hoon. Didi phir mujhse boli, ghar par, ghar par kaise hoga. Maa ghar par hogi. Ghar par eh sambhav nahi hai, Sonu. Eh koi samasya nahi hai. Maa ghar par khana bana rahi hogi aur kitchen me ja kar apne kapre change karogee, jaise tum roz karteeho. Lekin jab tum kapare badalo, kitchen ka parda thora sa khula chor dena. Mai hall me baith kar tumhe bra aur panty me dekh lunga. Didi meri bat sun kar boli, pata nahi Sonu, phir bhi dekhte hain. Phir hum log chup ho gaye aur apne ghar pahunch gaye. Hum log ghar pahunch kar dekha ki maa kitchen me khana bana rahi hain. Humlog pahale 5 minute tak rest kiya aur phir didi apni maxi utha kar kitcen me kapare badlne chali gaye aur mai hall me hi baitha raha. Kitchen me pahunch kar didi ne parda kheencha aur parda kheenchte samaya usko thora sa chor diya aur meri taraf dekh kar muskura dee aur halke ankh mar dee. Mai chupchap apne jagah se uth karke parde ke pas ja kar jhara ho gaya. Didi mujhe sirf 5 feet ki doori par khari thee aur maa humlog ki taraf peeth karke khana bana rahi thee. Maa didi kuch baten kar rahi thee. Didi pahale mjhkodekhi aur phir maa ki taraf mur kar maa se baten karne lagi. Phir didi ne dhire dhire apni T-shirt ko utha kar apne sar ke ooper le gaye aur phir dhire dhire apna T-shirt ko utaree. T-shirt ko utarte hi mujhe aaj ka kharida hua bra dikhne laga. Wah kya sexy bra

thee. Phir didi ne fauran apne hathon se apni skirt ki elastic ko dhila kiya aur apni skirt bhi utar dee. Ab didi mere samne sirf apni bra aur panty me thee. Bah mere didi ne kya mast bra aur matching panty kharidi hai. Mere paise to pure usul ho gaye. Didi ne ek bahut sundar net ki bra kharidi thee aur uske sath panty me bhi khoob lace laga hua tha. Mujhe didi ki bra se didi ki chuncheon ke adhe adhe brown colour ke aureole dikh rahe the. Phir mere ankhe didi ke pet aur unke sundar navi par ja gira. Didi ki panty itni tight thee ki mujhe unke pairon ke beech unki choot ki ched saf saf dikh raha tha aur uske sath sath didi ki choot ke honth bhi dikh rahi thee. Mujhe pata nahi ki mai kitni der tak apni didi ko bra aur panty me apni ankhe phar phar kar dekhta raha. Ho sakta ki maine didi ko sirf ek ya do minute hi dekha hoga, lekin mujhe laga ki mai kai ghanto se didi ko dekh raha hoon. Didi ko dekhte dekhte mera laura pant ke andar khara ho gaya aur usme se lar nikalne laga aur mere pair kampne lage. Sare waqt didi mujhse ankhe chura rahi thee. Shayad didi ko apne chote bhai ke samne bra aur panty me khari hona kuch atpati silag rahi thee. Jaise hi didi mujhe dekhi to maine ishare se didi peeche ghum jane ke liye bola. Didi dhire dhire peeche mur gayee lekin apna chehera maa ki taraf rakhee. Mai didi ko ab peeche se dekh raha tha. Didi ki panty bilkul sat kar didi ke chutaron me phansa hua tha. Mai didi ki gand dekh raha tha aur man hi man soch raha tha ki agar mai didi ko puri nangi dekhunga to shayad mai apne pant ke andar hi jhar jaunga. Thori der ke bad didi meri taraf phir mur kar khari ho gaye aur apni maxi utha liee aur mujhe ishara kiya ki mai wahan se hat jaoon. Mai didi ko ishara kiya ki apni bra utaro aur mujhe nangi chunchee dikaho. Didi bas muskura dee aur apni maxi pahan lee. Mai phir bhi ishara karta raha lekin didi mere baton ko nahi mani. Mai samajh gaya ki ab bat nahi banegee aur mai parde ke pas se hat kar hall me bister par baith gaya. Didi bhi apne kaparon ke lekar hall me aa gayi. Apne kapron ko almarih me rakhne ke bad didi bathroom chali gayi. Mai didi ko sirf bra aur panty me dekh kar itna garma gaya tha ki ab mujhko bhi bathroom jana tha aur muth marna tha. Mere dimag me aaj sham ke har ghatna bar bar ghum raha tha. Pahale humlog shopping karne market gaye. Phir humlog samundar ke kinare gaye. Phir humlog ek pathhar ke peeche baithe the. Phir maine didi ki chuncheon ko pakar kar masla tha aur didi chunchee masalwa kar jhar gayee. Phir didi ek public toilet me jakarke apni panty aur bra change kee thee. Ekaek mere dimag eh bat aaya ki didi utaree hui panty abhi bhi bag me hi hoga. Mai kitchen me jhank kar dekha ki maa abhi khana paka rahi hai aur jhat se uth karke bag me se didi uteri hui panty nikal kar apne jeb me rakh liya. Mai jaldi se jakar ke bathroom ka darwaja band kiya aur apna jean ka pant utar diya aur sath sath apna underwear bhi utar diya. Phir mai didi ki gili panty ko khola aur aur use ulta kiya. Mainedekha ki jahan par didi ki choot ki ched tha wahan par safed safed garha garha choot ka pani laga hua hai. Jab maine wo jagah chua to mujhe chipchipa sa laga. Mai panty apne nak ke pas le jakar us jagah ko sungha. Mai dhir dhire apne dure hath se apna laure par pherne laga. Didi ki choot se niklee pani ka mahak mere nak me ja raha tha aur mai pagal hua ja raha tha. Mi didi ki pantu ki choot wali jagah ko chatne laga. Wah didi ki choot ki pani ka kya taste hai. Maza aa gaya. Mai didi ki panty ko chatta hi raha aur eh soch raha tha ki mai apni didi ki choot chat raha hoon. Mai eh sochte sochte jhar gaya. Mai apna lund hila hila karke apna lund saf kiya aur phir peshab kiya aur phir se pant pahan karke aur didi ki panty aur bra apne jeb me bhar karke wapas hall me pahunch gaya. Thori der ke jab didi ko apni bhigi panty ka yad aaee to do unko bag me dhudne lagee. Shayad didi ko unhe saf karna tha. Didi ko unki panty aur bra bag me nahi milee. Thori der ke bad didi ne mujhe kuch akela payee to mujh se pchee, Sonu, mujhe apni purani panty aur bra bag me nahi mil rahi hai." Mai didi se kuch nahi kaha aur muskurata raha. Sano, tu hans kyon raha hai. Isme hansne ki kya bat hai didi ne mujhse puchee. Tab maine didi se pucha, didi tumhe apni purani panty aur bra kyon chahiye. Tumhe to naya bra aur panty mil gaya hai. Tab kuch kuch samajh kar mujhse puchee, kya unko tumne liya hai, Sonu. Mai bhi kaha diya, haan maine liya hai. Lekin kyon mujhe wo dono apne pas rakhna hai, tumhari gift samajh kar. Tab didi boli, Lekin Sonu, wo gande hain." Tab mai muskura kar didi se bola, didi maine unko saf kar liya hai. "Lekin kaise? didi pareshan hoi kar mujhse puchee. Tab maine didi se kaha, wo mai bad mr bolunga. Ab maa kamare aa gayee thee aur isliye didi ne aur kuch nahi puchee. Agle Sunday subah maine didi se pucha ki kya wo mere sath noon show me picture jana chahengee? Didi ne hanste hue puchee, kaun sa? Mai bhi hans karke bola, jo bhi tum chaho. Didi tab boli, mujhe kya pata tere ko kaun sa picture dekhne la man hai. Mai tab didi se bola, chalo humlog New Theater par chalet hain. Wo picture hall thora sa sahar se bahar hai. "Theek hai, chal chalet hain didi mujhse boli. Asal mujhe didi ke sath picture dekhne ka sirf ek bahana tha, mere dimag me aur kuch ghum raha tha. Picture ke bad mai didi ko aur kahin ghumane le jana chahata tha. Pichle kai dino se mai didi ki chunchean kai bar dabaya tha aur masla tha aur do teen bar chusa bhi tha. Ab mujhe aur kuch chahiye tha aur isiliye mai didi ko aur kahin le jana chahata tha. Mujhe didi ko chune ka achha mauka picture hall me tha ya phir picture ke bad aur kahin le jane ke bad. Jab didi picture jane ke liye tayar hone lagi to mai dhire se didi se kaha, didi aaj tum skirt pahan kar chalna. Didi bas thora sa muskura dee aur skirt pahane ke liye razi ho gayee. Thand ka mausam tha isliye mai aur didi ne ooper se jacket bhi pahan liya tha. Mai aaj eh picture hall jan bujh kar chuna tha kyonkee eh hall sahar se thora sa bahar tha aur wahan jo picture chal raha tha wo do hafte purani ho gayee thee. Mujhe malum tha ki hall me jadya bhir bhar nahi hogee. Humlog wahan pahunch kar ticket le liya aur hall me jab ghusa to kisi aur picture ka trailor chal raha tha. Isliye hall ke andar andhera tha. Jab andar ja kar mere ankh andhera se kuch sambhal gaya to maine dekha ki hall me kuch log hi baithe hue hain aur mai ek kinare wali seat par didi ko le jakar baith gaya. Humlog jahan baithe the uske as pass aur koi nahi tha aur jo bhi hall me baithe the wo sab kinare wali seat par baithe hue the. Hum log bhi baith gaye picture dekhne lage. Mai picture dekh raha tha aur dimag me soch raha tha mai pahale didi ki chunchee ko dabaunga masalunga aur agar didi man gayee to phir didi ki skirt ke andar apna hath dalunga. Mai kareeb 15 minutes tak intejar kiya aur phir apne seat par mai aram se pair phaila kar baith gaya. Sangita didi mere dahine taraf baithee thee. Mai dhire se apna dahina hath barha kar didi ke jangho par rakh diya. Phir mai dhire dhire didi ke jangho par skirt ke ooper se hath pherne laga. Didi kuch nahi boli. Didi bas chupchap baithee rahi aur mai unke jangho par hath pherne laga. Ab mai dhire dhire didi ki skirt ko pairon se ooper uthane laga jisse ki mai apna hath skirt ke andar dal sakoon. Didi ne mujhko roka nahi aur ooper se mere kano ke pas apni munh lekar ke boli, Sonu, koi dekh na le. Dekh ke karo. Maine bhi dhire se bola, koi nahi dekh payega didi. Didi phir se boli, Sonu screen ki light kafi jyada hai aur isme koi bhi hume dekh sakta hai. Mai tab didi se kaha, didi apna jacket utar kar ke apne god me rakh lo. Didi thori der ruk karke apni jacket utar kartke apni godi par rakh lee aur isse unki jangh aur mera hath dono jacket ke andar chup gaya. Mai tab apna hath didi ke skirt ke andar dal kar ke ubnke pairon aur janghon ko sahalane laga. Didi phir phusphusa kar boli, koi hume dekh na le. Mai didi ko samjhate hue kaha, didi hume koi nahi dekh payega. Aap chupchap baithee rahoo. Mai apna hath ab didi ke jangho ke andar tak le jakar unke jangh ke androni bhag ko sahalane laga aur dhir dhire apna hath didi ki panty ki taraf barhane laga. Mera hath itna ghum gaya ki didi ki panty tak nahi pahynch raha tha. Mai phir halke se didi ke kano me kaha, didi thora neeche khisak kar baitho. kyon didi ne humse puchee. Mera hath tumhre wahan nahi pahunch raha hai maine dabijaban se didi ko bola. Didi dhire se hanste hue boli, tujhe kahan apni hath pahuchana hai? Mai tab sharmate hue bola, didi, tum bhi..Samjha karo Didi mere bato ko samajh gayee aur neeche khisak kar baithee. Mera hath shuru se didi ke skirt ke andar rakha hua tha aur jaise hi didi neeche khiskee mera hath ja kara apne aap didi ki panty se lag gaya. Phir mai apne hath ko utha kar panty ke ooper se didi ki choot par rakha aur jor se didi ki choot ko pakar liya. Eh pahali bar tha ki apne didi ki choot ko choo raha tha. Didi ki choot bahut garam tha. Mai apne unglee ko didi ki choot ke ched ke ooper chalne laga. Thori der ke bad didi phusphusa kar boli, Sonu, ruk jao nahi to phir se meri panty gelee ho jayegee. Lekin mai didi ki bat ko unsuni kar dee aur didi ki choot ki ched ko panty ke ooper se sahalata raha. Didi phir se boli, Sonu, please, ab mat karo, nahi to meri panty aur skirt dono gandee ho jayegee.

Mi samahg gaya ki didi bahut garma gayee hai. Lekin mai eh bhi nahi chahata ki jab humlog picture se nikale to logon ko didi gandee skirt dikhe. Isliye mai ruk gaya. Maine apna hath choot par se hata kar didi ke janghon ko sahalane laga. Thori der ke interval ho gaya. Interval hote hi mai aur didi alag alag baith gaye aur mai uth kar popcorn aur Pepsi le aya. Phir mai didi se didi se dhire se kaha, didi, tum toilet ja kar apni panty nikal kar aao. Didi ankhe pahr kar mujhse puchee, kyon, mai apni panty kyon nikaloon. Mai tab hans kar bola, panty nikal lene se panty gila nahi hoga. Didi tapak se puchee, :aur skirt ka kya kare, kya use bhi utar doon? Are wo simple se bat hai. Jab toilet se laut kar aaogee to baithne se pahale apni skirt utha kar baithna mai didi ko ankh marte hue bola. Didi tab muskura kar boli, Sonu, tum bahut shaitan ho aur tumhare pas har bat ka masla hai. Jaisa maine kaha tha, didi toilet me gayee aur thori der ke bad laut ayee. Jab mai didi ko dekh kar muskuraya to didi sharma gayee aur apni gardan jhuka lee. Humlog phir se hall me chale gaye. Jab baithne lagi to apni skirt ooper utha lee lekin puri nahi. Humlogon ke jacket apne apne god me thee aur hum log popcorn khana shuru kiya. Thori der ke bad humlogon ne popcorn khatam kiya aur phir Pepsi bhi khatam kar liya. Phir humlog apni apni seat par neeche ho kar pair faila kar aram se baith gaye. Thori der ke bad manie pana hath barha kar didi ki god par rakhi hui jacket ke neeche se le jakar ke didi ki janghon par rakh diya. Mere hathon ko didi ki janghon se chute hi didi ne apne janghon ko aur faila diya. Phir didi ne apne chutar thora ooper utha karke apne neeche se apni skirt ko kheench karke nikal diya aur phir se baith gaye. Ab didi hall ke seat par apni nangee chutaron ke sahare baithee thee. Seat ke rexin se didi ko kuch thand lagi par wo aram se seat par neeche hokarke baith gayee. Mai phir se pana hath ko didi ki skirt ke andar dal diya. Mai sidhe didi ki choot par apna hath le gaya. Jaise hi mai didi ki nangee choot ko chua didi jhuk gayee jaise ki wo mujhe rok rahi ho. Mujhe didi ki nangi choot me hath pherna bahut achha lag raha tha. Mujhe choot par hath pherte pherte choot ki oopri bhag par kuch bal ka hona mahasoos hua. Mai didi ki nangi choot aur uske balon ko dhire dhire sahalane laga. Mai didi ki choot ko kabhi apne hath me pakar kar kas kar daba raha tha, kabhi apne hath uske ooper ragar raha tha aur kabhi kabhi unki clit ko bhi apne unglion se ragar raha tha. Mai jab jab didi ki clit ko cher raha tha tab tab didi ki sharer kamp uth rahi thee. Mine apna ek unglee didi ki choot ke ched me dal diya. Oh Bhagawan, choot andar se bahut garam bhi tha aur mulayam bhi tha. Choot andar se pura pura ras se bhara hua tha. Mai apna unglee ko dhire dhire choot ke andar aur bahar karne laga. Thori der ke bad maine apna dusri unglee bhi choot me dal diaya ur bhi asani se choot me sama gaya. Mai dono unglion se didi choot ko chodna shuru kiya. Thori der ke didi ki sari sharer akar gayee aur thori der ke bad didi shant ho kar seat par baith gayee. Ab didi ki choot me se dher sara pani nikalne laga. Choot ki pani se mera pura hath gila ho gaya. Mai thiri der ruk kar phir se didi ki choot me apna unglee chalane laga. Thori der ke didi dobara jharee. Phir mujhe jab laga ki picture ab khatam hone wala hai to maine apna hath diidi ki choot par se hata liya. Jaise hi picture khatam hua mai didi uth kar bahar nikal aaye. Bahar ane ke bad mai didi se kaha, didi, agle show jo bhi us seat par bauthega uska pant ya uski sari bheeg jayegee. Didi mere baton ko sun kar bahut sharma gayee aur mujhse nazar hata lee. Didi pjir se toilet chali gayee, ho sakta apni choot aur jangho ko dho kar saf karne ke liye aur apni panty phir se pahanne ke liye. Abhi sirf teen baje the aur maine didi se bola, didi to bahut time hai, aur maa bhi ghar par so rahi hongee, kya tum abhi ghar jana chahti ho? Waise mujhe kuch private me chalne ka ichha hai. Kya tum mer sath chalogee? Didi meri ankho me jhanktee hui boli, eh private me chalne ki kya bat hai? Waise mai bhi abhi ghar nahi jana chahatee hoon. Mai bola, are private ka matalab, hai ki kisi hotel me jana hai ki nahi? Didi boli, hotel? Sirf hotel aur kuch nahi? Mai didi se bola, haan, sirf hotel aur kuch nahi. Didi boli, Sonu, tera matalab hotel ka kamra se hai? Haan mera matlab hotel ke kamare se hai maine kaha. Didi ne tab mujhse phir puchee, lekin hotel ke kamare me hi kyon? Maine didi ki baton ko sun kar eh samjha ki didi abhi bhi hote chalne ke liye na nahi kiya hai. Tab maine didi ki ankho me jhankte hue didi se bola, didi, abhi tak maine kai bar tumhari chunchee ko chua, dabaya, masla aur chosa bhi. Phir maine tumhari chhot ko bhi chua aur uske andar apni ungli bhi dali. Lekin tumne kabhi bhi mana nahi kee. Jab mai ruka to is bat se hume puro privacy nahi mili aur is bat ki dar se ki koi aa na jaye. Isliye hum chahate hain ki ab hotel ke kamare me jakar humlogo ko puri privacy mile. Mai itna kaha kar ruk gaya aur didi ki taraf dekhne laga ki ab didi bhi kuch bole. Jab didi kuch nahi boli to mai phir unse kaha, ab tum kya chahatee ho? Didi tab mujhse boli, iska matlab eh hua ki tum isliye mere sath hotel jana chahate hai wahan ja kar tu muje achhee taraf se choo sake. Mere doodh ko chus sake aur mere pairon ke beech apna hath dal kar maza le sake. Bilkul theek kaha rahi ho, didi. Mai jab bhi tumhe choota hoon to humlogo ko privacy na hone ki wajah se rukna parta hai, jaise aaj picture hall me hi dekh lo maine didi se kaha. To tu mujhe theek se aur bina dar ke chuna chata hai, meri doodh pina chahata hai aur meri tango ke beech hath dal kar apni unglee dal dekhna chahata hai? didi mujhse punchee. Mai tab thora jhalla ke didi se kaha, haan, tum bilkul sahi kaha rahi ho. Aur mujhe lagta hai ki tum bhi ehi chahatee ho. Didi kuch nahi boli aur mai unki chuppi ko unki haan samajh raha tha. Phir didi thori der tak sochne ke bad boli, hotel ke kamare me jane ka matalab hota ki hum wo sab bhi karenge? Maine tab didi ko samjhate hue kaha, haan, lekin tum chahogee tabhi. Nahi to kuch nahi hoga. Didi phir bhi boli, mujhe pata nahi Sonu, eh bahut baree kadam hai. Mai tab phir se didi ko samjhate hue didi se bola, are baba, agar tum nahi chahogee to wo sab kam nahi hoga aur wahi hoga jo jo tum chahogee. Lekin mujhe tumhari dono doodh bina kisi ke dar ke sath chahiye. Mai samajh raha tha ki didi man hi man cha rahi thee mai unki chunchee ko bina kisike dar se choosu aur unki choot se kheloo. Tab didi boli, mujhe kuch samajh me nahi aa rahi hai. Lekin eh bat saf hai mai abhi ghar nahi jana chahtee hoon. Iska matlab saf tha ki didi mere sath hotel me aur hotel ke kamare me jana chahatee hain. Isliye maine kaha, chalo hotel chalet hain. Didi mere sath chal paree. Mai bahut khoos ho gaya ki didi mere hotel me chale ke liye razi ho gayee hain aur mai khooshi khooshi hotel ki taraf chal para. Mai itna samajh gaya tha ki shayad didi mujhe khul kar apni chunchee aur choot mujhse chuana chahatee hain aur ho sakta hai ki wo bad me mujhse apni choot bhi chudwana bhi chahatee hain. Eh sab soch soch karke mera lund khara hone laga. Mai soch raha tha ki aaj mai apni didi ko jaroor chodunga. Mai bahoot khus tha aur garam ho raha tha. Mujhe eh maloom tha ki us picture hall ke pass do teen aise hotel hain jahan par kamare ghante ke hisab se milta hai. Mai ek do bar un hotlon me apne girl friend ke kai bar aa chukka hoon. Mai waise hi ek hotel me apni didi ko lekarke gaya aur reception par bat karke register par nam pata lika (sab galat salat) aur kamare ka kiraya bhi de diya. Tab hotel ka attendent humlogon ko ek kamare me le gaya. Jiase hi attendent wapas gaya mai kamare ke darwaje ko achhi taraf se band kiya. Phir mai kamare ke ki khirkee bhi ko bhi check kiya aur unme parda tan diya. Tab tak didi kamare me ghus karke kamare ke beech me khari ho gaye. Didi ko kuch samajh me nahi aa rahi thee aur wo chupchap khari thee. Mai tab bathroom me gaya aur bathroom ki light ko jala karke bathroom ka darwaja adha band kar diya jisse ki kamare me bathroom se thori bahut roshni atee rahe. Phir mai kamare ki roshni band kar diya. Didi tab aram se bister ke ek kinare par baith gayee. Kamare me roshni bahut kam thee lekin hum log ek dusre ko dekh pa rahe the. Mai atba pane shirt ki button ko kholne laga aur didi se bola, didi, tum bhi apne kapre utar lo. Mai samajh raha tha ki agar didi me mujhe kapare utarte dekhngee to wo bhi apne kapare utar dengee. Aur didi ne bhi kapare utarne shuru kar di. Jaise hi apna pant khola to maine dekha ki didi bhi apni bra aur panty utar rahi hain. Ab didi mere samne bilkul nangee ho chukee thee. Mai samajh gaya ki didi bhi aaj apni choot humse chudwana chatee hain. Ab mai dhire dhire bister ki taraf barha aur ja kar didi ke bagal me baith gaya. Palang par baith kar maine didi ko apne bahon me bhar liya aur unko apne pairon ke beech khara kar diya. Kamare ki halki roshni me bhi mujhe apni didi ki nanagee badan saf saf dikh raha tha aur mujhe unki nangee chuncheon ko pahali bar dekh dekh kar maza aa raha tha. Mai ab tak didi ko sirf kaparon ke ooper se dekha tha aur mujhe pata tha ki didi ki badan bahut sudol aur bhara bhara hoga, lekin itne achhee hogi nahi pata tha. Didi ki bhari bhari chunchee, patli si kamar aur gol gol sundar se chutaron ko dekh kar mai to jaise pagal hi ho gaya. Mai dhire se apne hathon me didi ki chuncheon ko lekar ke dhire dhire bare payar se dabane laga.

"Didi tumhari chuchean bahut pyaree hai. Bahut hi sundar aur kari kari maine didi se kaha aur didi ne muskura karke apne mere kandhon par rakh dee. Mai jhuk karke apne honth unki chuncheon par rakh diya. Mai didi ki chuncheon ke nipple ko chusne laga aur didi sihar uthee. Mai apne munh ko aur khol karke didi ki ek chunchee ko aur mere munh me bhar liya aur chusne laga. Mera dusra hath didi ki dusree chunchee par tha aur usko dhire dhire daba raha tha. Phir mai apna munh jitna khul sakta khol karke didi ki chunchee ko apne munh me bhar liya aur chusne laga. Apna dusra hath ko mai dhire se neeche lakar ke didi choot ko pahale masala aur phir dhire se apna ek unglee choot ke andar kar diya. Mai kuch der tak apne munh se didi ki chuchee chusta raha aur apne dusre hath ki unglee didi ki choot ke andar bahar karta raha. Mujhe laga raha tha ki didi aaj apni choot mujhse chudwangee jaroor. Thori der ke bd maine apna munh didi ki chunchee par se hata kar didi ko ishare se palang par letne ke liye bola. Didi chupchap palang par let gayee aur mai bhi unke pas let gaya. Phir mai didii ko apne bahon me bhar kar unki hothon ko chumne aur phir chusne laga. Mera hath phir se didi ki chuncheon par chala gaya aur didi ki bhari bhari chuncheon ko apne hathon le kar bare aram se masalne laga. Is waqt didi ki chuncheon ko masalne me mujhe kisika dar nahi tha aur bare aram se didi ki chuncheon ko masal raha tha. Chunchee masalte hue maine didi se bola, didi tumhari chuncheon ka jawab nahi, Bari mast chunchee hain. Man karta ki mai inhe kha jaoon. Maine apna munh neeche karke didi ki chunchee ke ek nipple ko apne munh me bhar kar dhire dhire chusne laga. Thori der ke bad maine apna ek hath neeche karke didi ki choot par le gaya aur chhot se khelne laga, aur thori der ke apna ek unglee choot me ghuser kar andar bahar karne laga. Thori der ke bad didi ki choot pani chorni shuru kar dee. Mai samajh gaya ki didi ab chudwane ke liye tayar hain. Mai bhi didi ke ooper char kar didi ko chodne ke liye betab ho traha tha. Thori der tak mai didi ki chunchee aur choot se khelta raha aur phir unse sat gaya. Mai didi ke ooper jhukte hue didi se pucha, didi tum tayar ho? Bolo na didi kya tum apni chote bhai ka apni choot ke andar lene ke liyetayar ho? Us samay mai man hi man janta tha ki didi ki choot mera lund khane ke liye bilkul tayar hai aur didi mujhe chodne se na nahi karengee. Didi tab meri ankho me jhankte hue boli, "Sonu, kya mai is waqt na kar saktee hoon, Is samay tu mere ooper chara hua hai aur hum dono nange hain. Didi apni hath barha kar mere lund ko pakar liya aur use sahalane lagi. Tab mai apna lund ko apne hath me lekar didi ki choot se bhira diya. Choot par lund lagte hi didi Ah! Ahhhhh! Ohhhhh! Karne lagi. Mai halke se apne kamar hila karke apna lund didi ki choot me apne lund ka supara dal diya. Didi ki choot bahut tight thee lekin wo itni chor rahi thee ki choot ka rasta bilkul chikna ho chukka tha. Jaise hi mera lund ka supara didi ki choot me ghusa, didi uchal pari aur bolne lagi, nikalooooo, meriiiiii choooooot pahteeeee ja rahiiiiiii haiiiiii. Niakl apni lund meri choooooot seeeeeee. Hai mai mar gayeeeeee. Meriiiiiiii chooooooot phaaaaaaat gayeeeeeeee. Maine didi ke hothon ko chumte hue bola, bas didi, bas ho gaya aur thori der tak takleef hogi aur phir maza hi maza. Lekin didi phirbhi girgiratee raheeee. Phir maine didi ki koi bat nahi suni aur unki chuncheon ko apne hathon se majbutee se pakarte hue ek aur jor dar dhakka mara aur mere sara ka sara lund ki choot ki choot me ghus gaya. Didi ki choot se khoon ki kuch boond nikal pari. Mai apna pura lund dalne ke bad chupchap didi ke ooper leta raha aur didi I chuncheon ko masalta raha. Thori der ke bad didi mere neeche leti leti apni kamar uthana shuru kar dee. Mai samajh gaya ki didi ki choot ka dad khatam ho gaya hai aur wo ab mujhse khul kar chudawana chahatee hai. Mai bhi dhire se apna lind thora sa bahar kheencha aur use phir didi ki choot me halke jhatke ke sath ghuser diya. Didi ki choot mera lund ko kas kar pakar rakha hua tha aur mujhe lund ko andar bahar karne thori si mehanat karni par rahi thee. Lekin mai bhi nahi ruka aur dhire dhire apna speed barhana shuu kar diya. Didi bhi mere sath sath apni kamar utha utha kar mere har dhakko ka jawab de rahi thee. Mai jan gaya ki didi ki choot ragar ragar kar lund khani chahatee hai. Mai bhi didi ko apne bahon me bhar kar unke chuncheon ko apne munh me bhar kar dhire dhire lund utha utha karke dhakke marna shuru kiya. Ab mera lund asani se didi ki choot me aa jaa raha tha. Didi bhi ab mujhe apne bahon me bhar karke chumte hue apni kamar uchka rahi thee aur bol rahee thee, hai bhai, bahut achha lag rahi hai. Aur jor jor se chodo mujhe. Meri choot me kuch chitiyan reng rahi hai. Apna lund ki ragar se unhe maro. Hai chodo aur jor jor se chodo mujhe. Mai ab apna lund didi ki choot ke andar dal kar kuch sustane laga. Didi tab mujhe chumte hue boli, kya hua, ruk kyon gaya, ab meri choot ki chudai puri kar aur mujhe ragar ragar kar chod karke meri choot ki pyas bujha. Mai bola, abhi chodta hoon didi. Thora mujhe apki choot me phansee land ka anand to utha lene do. Abhi mai tumhari chod chod kar pharta hoon. Meri didi tab boli, jo bhi hai, jaldee se mujhe chod. Mai mari jaa rahee hoon. Mai tab didi ko jor jor se chodne laga aur didi bhi maujhe apni hath aur pairon se pakar kar apni chutar uchal uchal kar apni choot chudwane lahgi. Mai thori der tak didi ki choot me pana lund pelne ke bad didi se puucha, didi kaisa lag raha hai apne chote bhai ka lund apni choot me dalwa kar? mai ab didi se bilkul kar baten kar raha tha aur unhe apne lund se chid raha tha. "Eh kam humulogon ne bahut hi bura kiya. Lekin mujhe ab bahut achhi lag rahi hai, Amit didi mujhe apne se chipkate hue boli. Thori der ke bad mai phir se didi ki choot me apna lund tezee se pelne laga. Kuch der ke bad mujhe lag raha tha ki mai ab jharne wala hoon. Isliye maine apna lund didi ki choot se nikal kar apne hath se pakar liya aur tab tak pakre rakha ja

1st time choot ka pani or college bathroom main lesbian sex ka maza dosto mara name madhu hai mumbai ki rehna wali hoain sunny ki couzin hoain. Age mare 23 saal hai, figure 36c 24 38 hayin, figure sa ap sisters pachan saktee hayin ka mai aik sex ka automic bum hoain. Mai ap dostoon ko bataon gi maina 1st time choot ka pani kasa nikala. Mai us waqt 18 saal ki thee, college mai mara pehla saal tha. Maree aik new dost bani name rakhee tha or dikna average girl thee. Mujha is waqt tak sirf apna period ka bara main kuch maloom tha magar sex ka bara main bohat kam, maree family bohat sakht hai or 4 mara bahai hayin. Is leya maina boys ka sath dosti nahi ki. Rakhee ka sath maree bohat achee dosti ho gae magar ya dosti sirf college tak he thee. Magar ab hum dono sex ki batain be karna lageen. To mujha rakhee na hi fingring karna sekhae, aik din jab mai college gae to rakhi ground main bathee mara intazar kar rahi thee mujha jab rakhi na dakha to foran awaz laga kar bula leya vo bohat khoush thee. Ab jo baat hue vo ap ko batate haoin. Mai: kaya baat hai aj class nahi laga rahi Rakhi: vo madam aj nahi ae ise leya mai yahan bath gae. Mai: to chalo canteen mai chalte hayin. Rakhi: nahi yahean bath aj maza maza ki batain karte hayin. Mai: kaya huva aj tujha kon se maza ki baat karni hai? Rakhi: maree bholi dost tujha aj aik maza ki baat batate hoain. Mai: kaya pakale mat bol sedhe baat kar. Rakhi: karte haoin bath ja, quain maree ja rahi hai. Mai: ya la bath gaee, Rakhi: zara qareeb ho kar bath koe sun na la, chal vo wahan chalta hayin, wahan saya be hai or wahan girls be nahi atee hayin. Mai: ok or hum ground ka doosra kona par bath gaeen. Rakhi: aj main tumha sex ka tareeqa batate haoin Mai: chal besaram mujha ya baqwas nahi sunanae, chal mai ja rahi haoin toon bath yahan. Rakhi: ara baat to sun qasam sa tujha bohat maza aa ga. Mai: mara bahaeyoon ko jantee hai na agar unho na mujha kise boy ka sath dakh leya to maree jan wasa he la lain ga. Rakhi: ara yaar mai kon sa kah raho haoin tum boy ka sath sex karo. Mai: to or kasa sex hota hai, boy ka sath h hota hai na. Rakhi: maree bholi dost yahi to mai tujha batana lagi haoin sex sirf boys ka sath nahi hota, or bi bohat tareeqa hayin. Mai: chal rehna da mujha nahi karna abhi ya sex. Rakhi: ara bat to sun (us na mara hath pakar kar pass bitha leya. Mai: acha bol par ya baqwas band kar. Rakhi: ya baqwas nahi hai maree baat to sun. Aj raat main try karna kal main poochoon ge ya baqwas hai ya maza he maza hai. Mai: acha bol. Rakhi: sex sirf boys ka sath nahi hota, maina aik film dakhee hai jis main 2 girls sex karte hayin or aik to akalee he choot ko thanda karte hai. Mai: yaar ya kasa ho sakta hai. Rakhi: maree baat sun toon akale soti hai na? Mai: hain Rakhi: taree choot ko chudvana ka shok hai?

Mai: hai to magar bahaeyoon sa dartee haoin. Rakhi: acha maree baat sun raat sona sa pehla ya book par lana or kahayl karna jasa mai bataon wasa karna. Mai: yaar ya mai nahi rakh sakte, koe dakh na la, Rakhi: yaar tu is book ko apni panti main dal da, chotee se to hai. Mai: ok dekha (maina pantee main dal kar dakhee to itna nahi mehsoos ho raha tha. Rakhi: ab mare baat sun pehla ya book parna jab maza ana laga to choot par hath pharna, thora boobs dubana, phir choot main apni aik finger thoree se dana, zayada mat dana, warna choot phat jaa ge or blood nikla ga, dard be bohat hoga. Agar zayada maza lana hayin to jalde mat karna or choot main finger andar tak dalna, magar itne jis sa choot ka parda mehfooz raha. Mai: yaar agar blood nikal aya to? Rakhi: kuch nahi hota, pass kapra rakh lana, or blood thoree daar main ruk jaa ga, dard to hoga. Control karna blood sa taree chal be badal jaa gee. Mai: yaar mujha dar lagta hai mara sa nahi hota Rakhi: tum try to karna, chal ab 2nd period ka time ho gaya hai. Or phir college ka baad mai bahai ka sath ghar a gae or foran room mai chale gaee, or vo book apna drawz main rakh kar drawwz lock kar deya. Muj sa koe kam nahi ho raha tha, bus raat hona ka intazaar tha, 11 baja tak sab apna room main chala gaa or main be apna room main a gaee. Room ko lock keya, or kapra badal kar foran drawz main sa book nikal le or apna bed par late gaee, upar kambal or leya. Book bahir sa blank thee, maina pehla page khola to us main kuch larkeyyan nangi theen jo apni choot or boobs par hath rakh kar action main kharee theen, maina doosra page khola to us main hide story thee, suhag raat ki. Maina parna shuru kar de, book main aik page par pics or doosree taraf story thee. Ya story parna sa mujha paseena ana laga or wahi huva jo rakhi na bataya tha mara hath choot par pounch gaya, mai ab choot ko masalna lagi or book be parna lagi. Mujha maza ana laga to maina apni shalwar neecha kar dee or apna hath geela kar ka choot masalna lagi. Phir maina kameez be utha li or brouse to tha nahi ab mai boobs ko dubate nipal ko dubate choot ko masaltee rahi. Asa karna sa maree choot na 20 mintue mai he panee chor deya. Jo maina kapra sa saaf kar leya. Mai abhi be story par rahi thee. Or aik baar phir mara hath choot par chala gaya, is baar maina apni middle finger geele ki or choot par rakh kar halka sa jhatka deya, thora sa dard huva magar mai asa he finger geele karte phir choot main daal gate, phir geele karti phir choot main, ab mai choot main poore finger la chuki thee, or choot main finger ko hila rahi thee or story ka maza la rahi thee, phir mujha nasha sa ana laga or maina doosre finger be geele kar ka choot main dal dee or choot ko zor zor sa hilana lagi or mara moon sa siskareeyyyan nikal gaee, ahhhhh ohhhh yes yes uu maina ab thore speed barha lee, jis sa mujha or be maza ana laga, maree choot geele hona lagi thee, choonka abhi story kafi baqe thee is leya maina choot sa fingers nikal kar choot ko aram aram sa masalna lagi, or story parna lagi, taqreeban 10 mintue ka baad Muj sa bardasht nahi huva or maina phir finger apni choot main dal kar zor zor zore ohhhhh ohhhhh ahhhhaaaaaahhh ahhh yaaa uuu ohhhhh come come come come come come coem cmoemc mecmeocmeod come, oh oh ohhhh ahhhh or choot main finger ko hila rahi thre ahhhh choot main 2 fingers then or mare choot teesree be mang rahi the aaahhh ohh uuuu maree maree choooooottttttttt ahhhhh choot ahhh, or asa mara zindage main

doosreee baar magar maza poora 1st time aya, or main asa he bed par behosh ho kar late gaeeee. Jab maina time dakha to raaat ka 1 baj raha tha mai asa he so gae, subha mujha kuch thakan see ho rahi thee. Mai jaldee sa tayar ho gae college ka leya book ko pantee main chupaya or college pounch gaee, jasa he maina rakhi ko dakha to usa khoush ho kar kiss karna lagi. Rakhi na mujha ahsas delaya ka mai college main haoin phir rakhi ko maina saree baat bata de or us ki book be lota dee. Rakhi na mujha break sa kuch pehla period ka doran bahir ana ko kaha or mai rakhi ka peecha class room sa nikal gaee, rakhi seedha bathroom main ja kar ruki mai be us ka peecha bathroom main chale gaee, idhar udhar dakha koe nahi tha, rakhi mujha hath sa pakar kar aik bath room mai la gaeor mujha kiss karna lagi, thoree daar baad jab ruki to hama mehsoos huva sath wala bath room main be kuch ho raha hai, maina rakhi ka sahara la kar dakha to wahan 2 nangi larkeyaan sex kar rahi theen. Maina 2 mintue unha dakha to mujha be nasha a gaya, maina rakhi ko pakar leya or us ka lips par kissing karna lagi, phir rakhi na mara boobs ko dubana shuru kar deya or maina rakhi ka boobs pakar leya, rakhi ka hath maree choot par aya to mara hath rakhi ki choot par Chala gaya, maina rakhi ki shalwar ka andar hath dal kar rakhi ki choot sulhana lagi or rakhi na maree shalwar main hath dal kar Choot sulhana lagi. Phir choot main finger dono na aik dossre ki choot main 2 , 2 , fingers dal kar aik hath kameez ka andar dal kar boobs ko masalna lageen, sath main kissing be jaree rakhi, chonka hama dar tha break be hona wali thee hum sa sub kuch jalde jalde keya or 20 mintue main he dono ki choot geele hona lagi, rakhi na mujha foran aik tissue paper da deya jisa maina apni choot par sa pani saaaaf kar leya. Or dono kapra theak kar ka groung ki taraf bhag gaeen. Phir aik din hama moqa mila main rakhi ka ghar chale gaee vo akale thee, mujha bahi na rakhi ka ghar drop kar deya. Maina tight shalwar kameez bareeq wali pehni thee. Jis sa maree body kasee hue or be sexy lag rahi thee, jasa he mai andar gaee rakhi na door lock kar ka mujha pakar leya or (mad) pagal ho gaee or kissing karna lagi. Maina usa peecha hitaya or kaha aram sa, to rakhi boli tum jasee larki ka sath sex, us main be intazar, muj sa nahi hota.or vo mujha kheench kar apna room main la gaee. Ab us na apna pc par aik lesbain movie chala dee 1st hum na usa 30 to 40 mintue dakha, vo kaya kar rahi hayin, or sath main hum aik doosree ki kabhi choot, to kabhi boobs, kabhi legs par hath pahr rahi theen. Phir rakhi na maree kameez utar dee, or mara bara bara boobs dakh kar bohat khoush hue or boli yaar tumhara boobs to bohat bara hayin, kon kenchta hai in ko? Or hans pare, phit us na mara brouse be khol deya or mara white boobs uchal kar bahir a gaa, rakhi na foran moon main la kar choosna shuru kar deya. Kabhi kabhi choosna ka doran vo maree nipple par bite kartee jis sa maree ueeee nikal jate. Rakhi na ab mare shalwar be neecha kheench dee, or phir pantee be neecha kar dee.maree choot ko masalna lagi, phir maina us ki kameez or brouse be utar kar usa dhaka da kar bed par gira deya, or us ki shalwar or panti be nikal di, or apni be shalwar or pantee complete utar dee us ki choot par bohat zayada baallll tha jo mujha bohat acha laga,choot par balls ko chatna main aik alag maza hai.dono completee nangeee, dear sisters nangee girls wow, kaya sence tha, room main lesbian movie ki awaz or Do jawan haseen, khoobsurat or sexy girls vo be nangi Soch kar he choot gelleeee ho jatee hai, am i rite?phir maina us ka lips par kiss karna shuru keya, or us ka feet tak kiss karte he chale gae, phir dubara 1st lips par

kissing, phir boobssss ko choosna or nipple par bite, phir mid main apni zuban sa fuck karna, phir choot ka lips ko choosna chatna bite karna, phir legs par. Phir feet ko moon main la kar choosna like feetish.. Repeate it more the 5 time, then rakhi na be same mara sath asa he keya 5 time keya, kabhi mara boobs ko chooste or nopple bite karta huve, choot ka lips ko chooste or apni zuban maree choot main dal dateee, jab vo mujha zor sa bite karte to mai usa kahtee, kameena aram sa kar is par mara hubby ka zayada haq hai, isa aram sa chod na ka zor laga kar ya bite kar ka, asa to maree choot ka shape be kharab ho jaa ga, or is par nishan be par jaain ga. To rakhi na maree choot ko ab sulhana shuru kar deya, kabhi hath sa, kabhi finger sa kabhi zuban sa choot ko khoob masla chata choosa, or mai us apna boobs ko duba rahi thee, or khoob maza la rahi theeeee, ahhhh rakhiiiii tum too bohatt eexpert hoo, maareee chtt koo bohatttt mazzza aaaaaaa rahaa haiiii, tum bohat mazaaaa darahi ho 25 mintue main maree chooot na pani chorrr deya or mai sudh ho kar late gaee or rakhi na maree choot ka ganda pani peeleya.ab rakhi ki bari thee, maina rakhi ko neecha leta deya orus na mujha bed ka neecha sa aik bareeee see gajar nikal kar da dee, or boli is chodna hai mujha, maina poocha tum virgin nahi ho? Vo boli nahi, or phir kaha ya pooree maree choot mai dalni hai tum na, maina 1st rakhi ke choot ko khoob Chat kar chikna kar deya, phir gajar us ki choot main dalna lagi, vo to maza sa kara rahi theee, or usa dard be Nahi ho raha tha, or mote gajar itna aram sa rakhi choot main utar gaee jasa vo is sa be bari cheez choot main kae saloon sa la rahi ho. Tab maina gajar sa rakhi ki choot ko chodna shuru kar deya, or 20 mintue ki chudae main he rakhi ka pani nikal gaya, rakhi na mujha choot ka pani peena ko kaha, jo maina bari mushkil sa peya or mujha ultee a gaee, to dosto kasee lagi maree story umeed karte haoin pasand aa gee, reply to must hai specially u girls, aunties, moms etccc. .. Have a nice day. to dosto ya sab kasa laga ?

Me aapko apna exprience batane ja raha hu lekin batane se pahale me aapko ye bata du ki ye story 100% sacchi story hai so es story ke nam sare duplicate honge. Ye story hai 3 bahano ki jinki me chudai kar chuka hu.hai na great exprience. Ok ab me aapko apna nam bata du mera nam hai kumar umar es time 31 sal.weight 52 kg 5.7 long lund ki lambai normal 7 inch jyada mota nahi hai par theek hai.meri saadhi feb 2000 me hui time 1 bacche ka bap bhi hu patni smart hai aur puri tarah se sex life se me santust kahani hai 3 bahano ki jo meri mrs ki cousin sister time un ki age bhi bata deta hu. Badi bahan ka nam hai neeru age 22 sal us se choti bali ka nam hai amrita age 20 sal aur sabse choti ka nam hai sonu age 18 all readrs ab me apni story aage le jata hu but ek bar aapko phir bata du ye ek 100% real story hai.meri koi sali nahi hai so mera aur meri mrs ka en tino bahano se bahut lagab hai. Aur hamara aana jana har sal 3-4 bar ho jata hai vo meri citi se 250 km door rahate hai phir bhi ham sal me 3-4 bar mil hi lete hai.kahani shuru hoti hai 2001 me neeru se us time

neeru ki age 18 sal thi uska size tha 36 ke boobs hight 5.2 color fare lekin dosto me aapko bata du ki kuch ladkiya esi hoti hai ki unke chahare par ek kashish hoti hai jo bhi usko dekhta hai chahe kisi age ka ho uska dil es tipe ki ladki ko chodne ka jarur karta haito meri es neeru me ye hi khoobi thi ki usko dekhkar hi lund khada ho jaye sorry me ab aapko dusri jagah na le jakar aage ki story par le jata hu. Neeru ke exam hone ke bad may month me uska phone aaya ki me aapke pass aana chahati hu so mrs ne mujhe bola ki jau neeru ke exam ho gaye hai pls usko lekar aa jau meri sunday ko ****ti hoti hai so hamne usko phone kar diya ki sunday ko lene aa raha hu aur next Sunday morning me usko lene chalagaya aur usi din me neeru ko apni car se apne ghar le aaya raste me jo thodi sharam thi vo bhi nikal chuki thi kyu ki ham 4 ghante ke raste me bate hi karte aaye the vo meri sali thi aur me uska jiju so aap samajh sakte hai ki kis tipe ki bate ki hongi.aakhir ham ghar pahuch hi gaye.ghar aane ke bad mrs neeru se milkar bahut khush thi.aur neeru bhi dono mujhe bhoolkar bate karne lagi jab khane ka time aaya to unko khana banane ka hosh aaya khana khane ke bad ham apne room me aa gaye bese mere pass 3 room ka makan hai par neeru ko mrs ne apne sath hi sula liye ab possition ye thi ki me bed ke kinare uske bad meri mrs uske bad mera nanha sa baccha uske bad neeru sone ke liye ready ho gaye bahut sari bate karte rahe aur bate karte karte hame neend aa gai.abbi tak mera usko chodne ka bichar mere mind me nahi aaya tha ha ye jarur tha kabhi kabhi usko ched jarur deta tha. Es tarah 4 days nikal gaye 5th day mrs boli ki neeru apni naity bhool aai hai esko sone me problem hoti hai so markit se esko dila me usko nighty dilane le gaya.markit mere ghar se 2 km door thi aur bheed bhaad bala ariya me usko car se na lejakar apni bike par betha kar le gaya rat ke 9 baj chuke the andhera ho chuka tha me majak me neeru se bola neeru tum mujhe sahi pakad lena kahi gir na jana to neeru ne mujhe thoda jor se pakad liya aur boli ab theek hai jiju par mene kaha nahi abhi theek nahi hai thoda aur jor se to usne pure jor se mujhe pakad liya etni jor se ki uske 36 ke boobs ne mere uper pura dabab bana diya to mene majak me kaha neeru kuch chub raha hai mujhe neeru boli kya chub raha hai jiju mene kaha tere 2 aam boli dhatt aap bhi bade besharm ho etne me markit aa gaya aur usne apne liye nighty le li bapas aate time bhi mene usko bola pls neeru pahale jese padka tha usi tarah es bar bhi padko to usne meri bat man li aur mujhe kaskar pakad liya me uske mumme ke dabab ka maja leta huaa ghar aa gaya aur usi time mujhe uske mumme dawane ke sapne dikhne lage.ghar aakar vo mere se apni nazre churane lagi aur me bhi man hi man me muskarane mind me Program banana laga ki aaj kese neeru ke mammo ka maja liya jaye so mene apna program final kar liya. Me aapko bata du ki meri mrs ka

mere uper pura biswas hai usko sapne me bhi ummid nahi hai ki me uske sath daga kar sakta mene rat me der tak jagne ka natak kiya aur neeru se bate karta raha.mrs boli ab to so jau par mene kaha neend nahi aa rahi hai me neeru se bat karke apna time pass kar leta hu aur me neeru ke pass aa gaya.aur bate karne laga.thodi der me mrs so gai aur ham bate karte rahe mrs ke sone ke 15-20 minute bad mene room ki light off kar di.aur sone ka natak karne laga. Mrs so chuki thi lekin meri ankho me neend nahi thi mujhe to aaj neeru ke mumme ka maja lena tha.light off karne ke 15-20 minute bad mene dekha ki sara room bilkul shant hai me aage ki karwai ab shuru kar sakta hu to mene dheere apni karwat badli aur apna face neeru ki taraf kar diya aur dheere se apna hath neeru ki kamar par rakh diya me nahi janta tha ki neeru abhi tak so chuki hai ya jag rahi hai par mujhe neeru ke jagne ka bhi dar nahi tha kyu ki mujhe wiswas tha ki vo jawan hai aur uske dil me mere liye bhi prem jag chuka uski kamar par hath rakh chuka tha 2 minute tak uski taraf se koi harkat nahi hui to mene apna hath thoda sa aur uper kiya to mere hath uske boobs ko chune lage phir koi harkat nahi hui to mene dheere se apna hath neeru me mumme par rakh diya aur neeru ki kisi harkat ka intjar karne laga 2 minute phir nikal gaye neeru ki taraf se koi respons nahi mila to mene dheere dheere uske mumme sahalane laga neeru ki taraf se koi bhi respons nahi mil raha tha lekin me samajh chuka tha ki neeru jag rahi hai.aur vo mera virodh karne ki condition me nahi haiaur barabar maje le rahi hai.mera sahas badh chuka tha mujhe neeru ki taraf se hari jhandi ( green signal ) mil chuka tha phir mene apna hath thoda aur uper kiya aur uske lips ke uper pahuch gaye. Wow kasam se dosto uske lipps etne mulayam the jese shahad me duba huaa gulab ka phool.aapko me bata du ki me abhi tak kam se kam ladkiyo ki chudai kar chuka hu lekin mujhe abhi tak neeru jese lips bali koi dusri ladki nahi mili hai beleve me me uske sath 25-30 minute tak ke long kiss kar chuka hu kher uski tarif phir kabhi aapko bataunga ab me story aage badhata thodi der uske lips ko sahalata raha uske bad mene uski nighty me hath dala kyu ki me uske mammo ko nange hatho se sahalana chahate tha lekin uski nighty dabi hui thi so nighty ko uper karne ke liye neeru ka thoda sa uper karna jaruri tha mene apne hath se uske uper dabab banaya vo samajh gai aur thoda uper ho gai.uper hone ke bad mera hath aaram se uske nighty me ghus gaya aur uske mammo tak pahuch gaya usne bra pahan rakhi thi lekin mujhe to uske bina bra ke mamme chahiye the mene uski bra ka hook khol diya sach bolo dosto aap khud soch sakte ho ki 18 sal ki ladki ke 36 inch bale boobs agar kisi ko mil jaye to vo kya feel karega vo hi stithi meri thi me pagal ho chuka tha uske mummo ko daba daba kar.mera 7 inch ka lund bilkul bandook ban chuka tha aur goli dagne ke liye taiyaar tha. Aag dono taraf lag chuki thi vo peri madhosh ho chuki thi.aur me bhi ab rookne ke mood me nahi tha.mene uska hath

padka aur apne underwear me dal diya.usne mera lund apne hatho me daba liya par dosto jis tarah se usne mera lund dabaya tha mujhe nahi laga ki vo lund ko pahali bar daba rahi hai.mujhe laga ki vo sex ke maje se anjan nahi hai pahale bhi eski chudai ho chuki hai.mera anuman sahi tha aage ki story se aapko bhi malum ho jayega ki mera anuman sahi time ham dono es condition me pahuch chuke the ki rookna kisi ke liye bhi possible nahi tha mene uski penty ko niche sarka diya aur uski choot ke uper apna hath rakha Mulayam mulayam balo se saji hui choot thi uski. Thodi der mene uski* ko sahlaya uski pury body akadne lagi aur vo mujhe upper aane ka sanket karne uska sanket samajh gaya aur uske uper aa gaya ab vo mere niche thi aur me uske uper lund ka dabad * ke uper tha sine aapas me mile huye the lips ek dusre ke touch ho rahe the mene usko lips ko apne lips me dawa liya aur uske lips ki chusai karne laga mujhe lips chusne me etna maja aa raha tha ki me bhool chuka tha ki sex me chudai bhi karte hai.neeru etni garam ho chuki thi ki usne mere lund ko pakda aur khud hi apni * me ghusane lagi. Me samajh gaya ki ab eska kya irada hai mene apne lund ko nishane par lagaya aur sach kahu dosto ek hi jhatke me pura lund uski * me ghus mera pakka biswas ho gaya ki neeru ki chudai pahali bar nahi ho rahi hai.lund ko * me ghusne ke bad thoda aaram mila sath me thoda mujhe bhi.mujhe bhi thoda aaram milne ke bad meri kuch sochne ki shakti jagi to mene dekha ki vasna ke nashe me me kya kar raha hu kunwari ladki ki me bina condom ke lund gusa raha hu agar kuch ho gaya to kya hoga meri ezzat ka aur neeru ki ezzat ka aur mene na chahate huye lund uski * se bahar nikal liya.lund nikala to neeru kuch samajh nahi pai aur na hi me bolkar usko samjha sakta tha. But dono ki vasna ki garmi shant hona bhi jaruri thi me to apni mrs se kar bhi sakta tha par neeru ka kya hota so me neeru ki bagal me aa gaya aur uske lips apne lips ke beach me dawa kar chusne laga aur neeru ki * me apni 2 finger dal kar usko pyar se sahlane laga shayad neeru meri condition samajh chuki thi ki mene kyu uski *me se lund nikala aur mera aage kya irada hai. So vo es esthiti ka bhi maja lene lagi. Aur karib 10 minute bad uski ne pani chor diya.usko relex mila aur usne jor se mujhe apne sine se bheech liya.neeru shant ho chuki thi par me uske lips chus chus kar jyada garam ho chuka tha ab meri shant hone ki bari thi.aur ab vo mere lund ki apne hath se uper niche karne lagi par mera to irada dusra tha mene uske hath se apne lund ko nikala aur usko niche sarakne ka ishara kiya aur me khud uper sarak gaya uper niche hone se mera lund ab neeru ke samne aa chuka tha
neeru samajh gai ki usko aaj apne jiju ke lund ko chusna hai usne bager birodh kiye bager der kiye gapp se mera lund apne muh me le liya aur honto se lund ki chusai karne lagi neeru ke hont the hi madhushala aur lund par uska dabab me jannat me pahuch chuka tha aur neeru bade pyar se mere

lund ko chusne lagi me pura uttejit tha kisi bhi samay apna viryarus chor sakta tha aur karib 10 minute bad mujhe laga ki ab me jharne bala hu mene apna lund neeru ke muh se bahar nikala aur bathroom me jake fresh ho gaya.bapas aaya aur neeru ko ek kiss uski * par diya ek kiss uske must mumme par diya ek kiss uske lips par diya aur apni mrs ki bagal me aake so gaya to dosto ye sroty thi meri aur meri sali ki pahali chudai ki lekin jo kam bacha huaa tha vo mene dusre din markit se condom lake pura kiya tha aur lagatar 7 night tak jab tak neeru mere ghar rahi choda tha.lekin ye sari chudai esi thi jisme ham 1 word bhi nahi bole the mera matlab chudai to aapne bhi bahut ki hongi lekin esi na ki hogi jisme aap apne sathi se kuch bhi na bole sara kam isharo me ho. Ab tak me neeru ko bar chod chuka hu aur esa koi week nahi hai jisme ham aapas me bate na karte ho phone par.mujhe neeru bahut yaad aati hai balki neeru se bhi jyada uske lips yaad aate hai.mujhe hamesha uske lips ka intjar rahata moke thondta rahata hu ki kab neeru ke pass jane ka moka mile.aur jo bhi milta hai usko miss nahi


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