Cognition and Intention

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Cognition and Intention

According to Brand, it is apparent that intending involves some level of cognition. However, it is

unknown whatever type of cognitive attitude is related with intending as well as firstly how

much intending is cognitive. In response to this, a thesis by Jia, et. al., studied how information

and perception stimulates homeowners’ cooperation in residential building energy retrofits in

China. The findings highlighted the critical roles that both the benefits of retrofitting and relevant

information regarding retrofitting services have in encouraging homeowners to cooperate with

energy retrofitting in temperate zones in Jia. Ling, et., al. suggested that the public should value

information dissemination of retrofitting benefits and information services to the general public.

Government Interventions in Green Movement

Ernst and Young leaders believed that it is no longer sustainable to pursue economic expansion

at the expense of environmental deterioration and climate change. Germany allocated €2.5

billion for EV infrastructure investment as well as a €9,000 per vehicle subsidy to boost

implementation. Three big bus companies in Shenzen, China, were given an annual subsidy of

USD 75,500 for each vehicle as an incentive to switch to electric vehicles. Additionally, since

the start of 2019, rooftop Solar PV installations in Vietnam have surged by 2,435%, primarily

due to a feed-in-tariff program. These countries were able to neutralize or increase their

environmental positive contribution based on the recent Greenness of Stimulus Index. These

statistics means that there is a positive relationship between government policies and

environmental movements across the world (Atalla, et. al., 2022).

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