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                                                                                                                                00:50 Sunday, October 10, 2019      1

                                                                                  rocedimiento REG
                                                                                    Modelo: MODEL1
                                                                        Variable dependiente: Bte

                                                                              Analysis of Variance

                                                                                            Sum of                      Mean

                    Fuente                                      DF                Squares                  Square        F-Valor        Pr > F

                    Modelo                                        1            317.86252            317.86252            25.41        0.0001

                    Error                                        17            212.66379              12.50963
                    Total corregido                    18            530.52632

                                        Root MSE                                  3.53690        R-cuadrado          0.5991

                                        Media dependiente              20.84211        Adj R-Sq              0.5756
                                        Coeff Var                              16.96996

                                                                              Parámetros estimados

                                                                        Parameter              Standard
                              Variable          DF              Estimate                    Error        Valor t        Pr > |t|

                              Término i          1                8.68966                2.54372              3.42            0.0033

                              Adependie          1                0.72155                0.14314              5.04            0.0001

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