Instructions For Getting Salt From Rock Salt Homework

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Getting salt from rock salt.

The statements can be put in order to give instructions for getting

salt from rock salt. Sort the cards in to the correct order and
stick in your exercise book.
Heat the evaporating dish until all the
water has evaporated.
Put the evaporating dish on the clay
Put the evaporating dish on the large
Scrap the crystals into the centre of the
Set up a tripod with a wire gauze. Put a
large beaker filled with 100ml of water on
top. Put a Bunsen burner underneath on a
heat proof mat.

Congratulations you have salt!

Crush the rock salt in to a powder using a

pestle and mortar.

Filter the mixture into a small conical flask.

Pour the solution into an evaporating dish

Dissolve the crushed rock salt in a beaker

containing 30ml of distilled water.

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