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Conservation news

Launch of innovative guidance to protect marine Policy and legislation increasingly incorporate commit-
biodiversity and ecosystem services ments to no net loss of biodiversity, and require or allow
biodiversity offsets and/or compensation. The guidance
Fauna & Flora International (FFI) has developed guidance considers the potential for marine biodiversity offsetting
for the oil and gas sector to protect marine biodiversity or compensation to address the residual impacts of project
and ecosystem services. The guidance is designed to help development after all avoidance, minimization and restor-
operators identify and prioritize marine biodiversity and ation measures have been applied. Specific considerations
ecosystem services, determine impacts from their activities, for the marine environment are considered and a selection
and select suitable measures to avoid, minimize, restore and, of case studies illustrate current opportunities and chal-
where appropriate, offset these impacts. This guidance is lenges in marine biodiversity offsetting.
the first to address oil and gas in the marine environment This good practice guidance is evidence-based and draws
and will be officially launched at the IUCN World on the best available science and practice from leading oil
Conservation Congress in September . and gas companies, impact assessment practitioners, re-
Oceans produce more than half of the oxygen in the at- search organizations, finance sector experts and marine bio-
mosphere and absorb carbon. The coastal environment pro- diversity and ecosystem service specialists. Current good
vides food for over  billion people and supports the practice approaches are explored alongside new and innova-
livelihoods of over  million people. Awareness of the im- tive opportunities for impact mitigation.
portance of marine habitats for biodiversity and ecosystem This guidance is an essential reference for oil and gas op-
services is growing, yet the oceans are under threat from pol- erators, particularly those located in marine environments
lution, overfishing and degradation. with high biodiversity value and/or where there are oper-
It is within this context that the extractive energy sector is ational and stakeholder dependencies on ecosystem ser-
increasingly turning to oil and gas reserves offshore to meet vices, and where measures to avoid, minimize, restore and
rising energy demands; currently over a third of oil and gas offset impacts on marine biodiversity and ecosystem ser-
is extracted from offshore sources and this is expected to in- vices are being applied to achieve no net loss or a net
crease. Marine oil and gas developments and their effects on gain. It is also a valuable resource for impact assessment
marine biodiversity and ecosystem services are subject to in- practitioners, marine biodiversity and ecosystem service
creasing scrutiny at local, national and international levels, specialists, lender banks and auditors, policy makers and
and operations face reputational, operational and financial regulatory agencies involved with oil and gas sector interests
risks. National policy and legislation, lender safeguards, in the marine environment.
and company commitments are further driving improve-
ments in the mitigation and management of impacts. PIPPA HOWARD, GUY PARKER, TWYLA HOLLAND, DAVID MARSH,
However, little guidance exists on how to apply, monitor NICKY JENNER and ERIN PARHAM Fauna & Flora
and enforce existing standards and policies in a marine International, Cambridge, UK
context. E-mail
FFI’s good practice guidance provides pragmatic advice
for identifying, mitigating and managing risks and impacts
on marine biodiversity and ecosystem services for oil and Good management of biodiversity and ecosystem
gas developments. The mitigation hierarchy is central to services makes economic sense for farmers and
the application of this guidance, which describes potential agricultural supply chains
impacts and preventative mitigations (avoidance and mini-
mization) at each phase in the oil and gas project cycle. A growing body of research and practice from Brazil and
Supporting activities such as shipping are also assessed. elsewhere demonstrates that many components of biodiver-
For each phase of the project cycle a table identifying activ- sity benefit agricultural production and also generate
ities, potential impacts, and known avoidance and mini- benefits for wider society. Well-planned management of
mization measures is presented. biodiversity both within and beyond the farm makes farm-
Remedial mitigations, in the form of restoration and off- ing landscapes more resilient, more cost effective, more sus-
setting, are presented in dedicated sections. The challenges tainable and more productive.
and opportunities for marine ecosystem restoration are dis- The Atlantic rainforest of eastern Brazil has exceptional
cussed in the context of recent progress in ecological restor- levels of diversity and endemicity but less than % of its ori-
ation research. Restoration case studies for a range of high ginal extent remains. Most of the remaining, highly frag-
value habitats, including mangrove, sea grass and coral mented forest is on privately owned land, much of which
reefs, are drawn upon. is on smallholder family farms. These farms, which are

Oryx, 2016, 50(3), 389–392 © 2016 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605316000466
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390 Conservation news

critical to many international commodity supply chains, are complying with and going beyond the requirements of the
key to the conservation of the biome. Forest Code. To realize these benefits, frameworks such as
In recognition of the roles of farmers and corporations in payments for ecosystem services need to be established.
biodiversity conservation, Fauna & Flora International, Such mechanisms are increasingly used in Brazil and else-
Souza Cruz (a subsidiary of British American Tobacco) where as the economic case for biodiversity management in
and the Brazilian NGO Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida farming landscapes becomes recognized. The frameworks are
Selvagem e Educação Ambiental (Society for Wildlife most effective when private landowners, NGOs, government
Research and Environmental Education) partnered with  agencies and companies form partnerships to realize com-
smallholder farmers in Paula Freitas municipality, Paraná, mon, sustainable land management goals.
in a -year project Parcerias pela Biodiversidade (Partners
for Biodiversity), which was completed in December . JOÃO GUIMARÃES and STEVEN LOWE Agricultural Landscapes,
The partners built knowledge of financial and legislative fra- Fauna & Flora International, Cambridge, UK
meworks, enabling and constraining factors for farmers, E-mail
and the costs and benefits of practical interventions to
improve biodiversity and ecosystem services on farms.
Interventions included forest restoration, enhancing habitat 17th Student Conference on Conservation Science
for pollinators, removal of invasive species, and manage-
‘There is a darkness threatening the biodiversity of this pla-
ment of crops to reduce fertilizer use. The results demon-
net. There is one generation that can act.’ No, not a line from
strate that costs of interventions, particularly restoration,
a new blockbuster film, but the words of the RSPB’s Chief
are significantly less than previously reported. For example,
Executive as he opened the th Student Conference on
tree-planting restoration techniques, which include labour
Conservation Science (SCCS).
costs for planting, maintenance for  years and native seed-
More so than in perhaps any other field in biology, young
lings from local state nurseries, were found to be cheaper
conservationists may feel overwhelmed by the tasks that lie
(BRL ,, USD ,, per ha) than expected. This can be
ahead. Conservation is poised to become increasingly inter-
explained in part by not using agrochemicals and by imple-
disciplinary, international and ambitious, and it must also
mentation being carried out by farmers and hired labour ra-
gather pace. It is encouraging therefore to see the SCCS in
ther than project staff. In addition, fencing (at USD –
its th year, with  graduate student delegates (including
per  m, including labour) to exclude livestock can result
myself) attending the most recent conference on –
in significant early natural forest regeneration in areas with
March  in the Department of Zoology, University of
previous low-impact land use. Monitoring from  to date
Cambridge, UK.
by farmers and project staff demonstrated the success of
A varied programme of plenary lectures stimulated dis-
these actions: , % mortality of planted seedlings, good
cussion covering the length and breadth of conservation,
average growth ( m) of diverse native plants in naturally re-
from fieldwork to policy and business. Taylor Ricketts of
generating areas, % increase in maize yield and % reduc-
the University of Vermont, USA, took the much-discussed
tion in urea application by using inoculants, and a reported
topics of ecosystem services and pollinators and through
increase in fruit yield as a result of an increase in pollinators.
elegant field studies provided a new and quantified perspec-
We used InVEST to map and value some key ecosystem
tive. Nancy Knowlton of the Smithsonian Institution, USA,
services influenced by the interventions. The models for car-
bon, crop pollination, and sediment and nutrient retention
spatially prioritized areas to improve ecosystem services and
estimate economic gains by comparing the pre-project land-
use scenario with two riparian forest restoration scenarios
( and  m wide buffers). Estimated revenues derived
from reduced costs of soil recovery, water treatment and
dredging, and value of carbon credits, represented total
potential annual gains of USD , and , in the
- and -m scenarios, respectively. Including the oppor-
tunity cost of forgoing usual economic activity in riparian
zones, the potential annual ecosystem service benefits
from the - and -m scenarios equate to USD  and
 per farm, respectively.
The Brazilian Forest Code requires that landowners main- New friendships developing at the th Student Conference on
tain or restore forest in areas delivering ecosystem services. Conservation Science, Cambridge, UK. Copyright Gorm
The project demonstrated clear economic benefits for Shackelford

Oryx, 2016, 50(3), 389–392 © 2016 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605316000375
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