Rebirth of A Star General

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She did not see that the handsome young man sitting beside her, bowing his head,

and smiling blandly,

said, "It is more precious than an imperial gift."

Wo Yan took advantage of the other party's absentmindedness and quickly ripped off the candy paper
and stuffed it into his mouth.

"You ......" he was stunned.

"I've already eaten and swallowed it!" Wo Yan played rascally.

The other party did not answer.

That was the first candy she had ever received in her life, the taste of the candy was odd, mixed with
her tears, so bitter, she thought, so be it.

"Has the rain stopped?" She didn't feel the rain drifting down on her body, reached out and scratched
messily, asking the person beside her.

The young man beside her has been on one knee, holding an umbrella for her, the umbrella is not
large, most of his body has been drenched, angular side of the face, eyelashes stained with fine droplets
of water, the light of the eyes will be dense with a layer of pale tenderness.

"It stopped."

"Is there a moon in the sky?"

The sky was lifeless, without a single star, but was there a moon?

He replied, "Yes."

"What is it like......?"
"The bright moon is like frost, the breeze is like water, and the clear view is endless."

Wo Yan revealed a rare smile, "That's nice."

She heard the person beside her ask, "Don't you want to die?"

"I don't want to."

"If you don't want to die, go home." He said, pulling He yan up with one hand. He Yan subconsciously
tried to grab his hand, but the bony, slender hand had already let go extremely quickly.

Xiao Jue walked up to Fei Nu and ordered in a low voice, "Send her to sister-in-law's room and have
her send her back, I'm a man and it's not convenient for me to show up."

Fei Niu answered.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly added: "Warn Xu Zhiheng, tell him not to go too far."

This meant he wanted him to stick up for He Yan.

Fei Nu came over and wanted to hold He Yan, He Yan seemed to sense that the other party was going
to leave, reaching out in the direction of that person, she said, "...... thank you, who are you?"

He did not speak, Wo Yan only had time to grab a piece of the corner of the sleeve, but slipped
through her hands, cold and soft, like moonlight.

Obviously, she could not see anything, but she saw the light in a trance, warm and cool, hot, and
bright, without half reproach, patient, tolerant, at glance seeing through all her secrets, and covering
her tenderly.
She didn't know who the other party really was until the end.

That was the worst mid-autumn festival that He Yan had ever had, covered in mud and murky hair,
just a hair's breadth away from death, but thankfully, the moon was always by her side.

She couldn’t see the moon that night, but fathomed the moon must have been beautiful, shining that
slim and soft light that has been warming her for many years.

But the other party said the sentence "If you really want to be strong, what's the harm in being blind,
even if you are blind, you can also be the most different one in the blind", has always been in her mind,
not a word has been forgotten.

She later tried to hear sounds and shapes and live without her eyes. The process was difficult, but
whenever she wanted to give up, she would think of the moon behind the mountain temple that day.

The moon was beautiful, and it would be a shame to just give up.

It's not that I haven't thought about all that happened that day. When I take a moment to
remember, there are some things that may not be intentional. The conversation of the maids at the
door, how could she have heard it by such a coincidence? A person stumbled towards the mountain,
none of the Xu family underlings even noticed. When she was returned, Xu Zhiheng easily believed what
she said and did not pursue it.

But I just hope that she is relieved of herself.

She is not a snow-white kitten kept in the courtyard of a rich family, held in the arms of a lady,
teased with a ball of thread and then happy, docile and soft. She is a wild cat from the dark alley, dirty
and tenacious, even blind, can sit on the wall and hunt.

They want her to die, she does not want to die. After all, there are people in this world who have
given her a candy, and taught her to taste the sweetness of the earth.
Wo Yan had always thought that the strange passerby that night might be a kind-hearted
gentleman or a patient young master, but to her surprise, it was Xiao Jue.

How could it be him?

She spoke softly, "What kind of person is Grandma Xu ......?"

Xiao Jue laughed a little and said lazily, "A very fierce, weepy, bad-tempered woman."

Wo Yan also followed suit and laughed, but her eyes were a little moist. She said, "You talk about
people like that behind their backs, does Grandma Xu know?"

In her life, the worst side of her had been reserved for Xiao Jue that night. And the gentlest side of
Xiao Jue's life was probably reserved for her that night as well.

He did not know that his stay at that time became the only salvation for the desperate Wo Yan.

The moon was lonely and cold, hanging in the sky, but no one knew that he had shone its light, so
tenderly, on a person.

"She doesn't have a chance to know." Xiao Jue said lightly.

Because Grandma Xu was dead.

"Maybe she knows." Wo Yan smiled down and suddenly looked to the sky, lamenting, "The moon is
so beautiful."

Xiao Jue propped his hands on his side and followed, looking up without looking at her, "Didn't you
say you were going to drink with Chu Zilan? Didn't bring any wine?"
Wo Yan said aloud, "A glass of wine from the mountains, rivers, lakes and the sea!" She held her
hands in an imaginary way, the moonlight fell in her hands, as if filled with a whole cup, raised her hand
to the long sky a toast: "To the moon!"

The youth looked on coldly and snorted: "Sick."

But the girl turned around again, solemnly raised the "cup" in her hand to him: "To you too!

No longer as tired and obscure eyes, now the Wo Yan, eyes bright, smile bright, look at him in the
gaze, there is a trace of gratitude.


He raised an eyebrow and grunted, not bothering to respond to her silly gesture, "Flattering."

Wo Yan stared into Xiao Jue's eyes, his heart silently saying.

Really ...... thank you very much.

On the way back, Wo Yan kept looking at the flower basket in Chu Zhao's hand.

The flower basket looks beautiful, the vendor wrote the word "Zilan" with extra care, his words are
elegant, and the fragrance in the basket of flowers in one place, really complement each other.

"When brother Chu goes back, he must eat it early." Wo Yan said, "Otherwise, with the weather in
Ji Yang, it should melt away soon." She herself bought a qilin-like one and finished eating it long ago,
"I've tasted it, it tastes quite good and not too sweet."

Chu Zhao smiled gently, "Many thanks to A-Ho, I will be very careful when I go back."
Only then did Wo Yan put his heart down.

After they bought the sugar paintings, they walked back along the river bank, and when there was
nothing to talk about, Wo Yan even asked Xu Zhiheng occasionally.

"Brother Chu went back to attend a friend's wedding banquet last time, how was it, was it very

Chu Zhao was slightly stunned, then smiled and replied, "Well, it was very lively. After all, it was
General Fei Hong's sister, and His Highness the Crown Prince was even there to congratulate her

The words made Wo Yan a little suspicious, His Highness the Crown Prince? The prince came to see
Xu Zhiheng marry his wife, was it for Xu Zhiheng, or for Wo Rufei, or both? The conspiracy between the
Wo family and the Xu family, could it be that the crown prince is also involved in it? What's more, does
the crown prince also know her identity?

"But ......" Chu Zhaoge sighed again: "Master Xu is perhaps deeply attached to his late wife, and
shed tears during the wedding banquet."

Wo Yan: "ah?"

Xu is her face expression written full of disbelief, Chu Zhao also some laughter: "What is it? Is it
because you don't believe that there are men with deep love in the world?"

She said, "Of course she believes that there are men with deep love in the world, such as her
current father, Wo Sui, who raised her two children alone after Mrs. Wo died. Miss Wo is so arrogant,
Wo Sui can be because the little girl looks like his wife and spoil her, so there must be that kind of deep
love without regret infatuation man. But this person can be any person, and definitely not Xu Zhiheng.

"It's not that I don't believe it," Wo Yan said, hiding the ridicule in his eyes, "it's just that if he's like
this, won't the newly married lady be angry?"
"This current Grandma Xu is very kind and innocent at heart, seeing Grand Master Xu sad, she also
has red eyes herself." Chu Zhao said, "Not only was she not angry, but she was also very empathetic.
Caused General Feihong and other Wo family members are very sentimental. So that the lively is lively,
is that this happy feast, not inevitably held a bit of sadness."

The most important thing is that the company has a lot of jokes to tell this year, but this is the
funniest one that Chu Zhao is telling. The family will be sad and sad for her? This is said to the pigs in the
pig pen, the pigs will feel their brains are insulted. But Chu Zhao's expression about this matter, it is
obvious that a large part of people think so.

The bad deed is done, but after it is done, you have to pull out a pathetic look of sorrow and
weeping, pretending to be the world's rare pitiful person with love and righteousness, really disgusting.

"A-Ho doesn't seem to agree much with my words?" Chu Zhao paid attention to her expression.

Wo Yan laughed: "Nothing, I just think this Master Xu is quite interesting."

"What do you mean by that?"

"If he is really deeply in love and can't forget his wife, even if His Majesty personally gives the
marriage, he can still refuse if he wants to. After all, he is a man," Wo Yan lightly mocked: "If it is a
woman, it is common that she cannot decide her own marriage. Brother Chu has heard of the son who
takes by force, of the bully who forces a good man to become a prostitute, of the beastly father who
sells his daughter for glory, but have you ever heard of a woman who does this?"

"I heard what Brother Chu just said, that Grand Master Xu, rather like a weak girl who was forced
into marriage, that newly married Grand Grandmother Xu looks like she forced him to marry his own evil
man. What does this mean? He does not want to get married, no one can pull him to the wedding hall. If
he does not want to get married, can Grandma Xu still take it by force? If he continues to be obsessed
with his late wife, how can the new Grandma Xu live with herself? I think it's not fair to that one, and
this friend of Brother Chu's is also a bit hypocritical."

She said without any politeness, Wo Xinying was her half-sister, even though she extremely hated
the Wo family, but Wo Xinying had not done anything to her, Wo Yan had no way to love her, nor could
she hate her, she could only treat her as a stranger.
Anyone who is sober and hears about this will only feel that the fault is more Xu Zhiheng's. The
family has ruined one is not enough, but also to send in another sacrifice.

It's cold-blooded and ridiculous.

Chu Zhao froze for a moment, suddenly laughed, stopped and arched his hand to Wo Yan: "Is it
because I am narrow-minded, or is Brother Wo, as a woman, able to stand in the woman's position and

"It's that no one has ever thought about standing in their shoes at all just."

"A-Ho is very different from ordinary women."

Wo Yan looked at her, "What's different?"

Chu Zhao continued to walk forward, her voice still soft: "Most women, even though they are faced
with such a predicament, have long been numb and indifferent, and do not think as much as Ah He. Ahe
is now thinking for them, but most likely, they are happy with it, and will also blame you for meddling."

He Yan laughed: "Brother Chu's words sound a bit high and mighty."

Chu Zhao smiled slightly: "Why do you say that?"

"The court is a man's court, the world's events are men's world events, even reading and going to
war, it is also men who have the sole style, the world praises men as heroes, but the praise for women is
at most beauty. It is so unreasonable, men have taken advantage of the world, but in turn blame the
women numb-minded, do not think about progress, this is not what is high and mighty?"

"Brother Chu thinks that I am different from ordinary women because I have read books, come out
of the house, and even went out of the way to enter the military camp, there are not many women like
me in the world. But if you let those women also like me, have seen the snow of Liangzhou Wei, have
seen the water of Jiyang City, have seen the long moon of the desert, have seen the rivers and
mountains, do you think they will still be willing to be trapped in the jealousy of the mansion, will they
still be complacent, numb and foolish?"

She smiled a smile, and at this moment, her smile was a bit mocking, actually a bit similar to Xiao
Jue: "I think the men in the world are worried about this, so they have listed many ridiculous rules to
bind women, using the three rules to break their wings, and use those unwarranted 'virtuous wife and
beauty' to judge them. The more foolish they are, the more reassured the men are that they are the
ones who caused it, and yet they say, 'Look, women are shallow'!"

"Because they also know that once women have the opportunity to 'choose', they will never
become a vase in the harem waiting to be fed by their husbands. Those excellent women will become
generals, become chivalrous, become scribes, become staff members, and compete with them for the
grace of the world, and they, may not win."

The girl's eyes, clear as the water in the spring of Jiyang City, transparent and clear, see clearly,
clean and transparent, as if they can reflect the most brilliant daylight.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. It
seems that whatever you say, you can't refute the person in front of you. It is clearly ridiculous,
insouciant, naive and annoyingly righteous, but it shines out of the shadow of the person, the darkness
has nothing to hide.

The heart of Wo Yan is also uneven.

Although pretending to be "Wo Ru Fei" has brought a lot of pain to her life, it has also taught her to
see the scenery that many women never see in their lifetime. If she hadn't pretended to be "Wo Ru Fei",
she wouldn't have known that men can do so much more than women. If you have literary talent, you
can be a bachelor full of scriptures, if you have excellent skills, you can become a general with great
success in battle. Even if everything is mediocre, you can still be the most ordinary ordinary people on
the street. To put it in a bad way, even the Le Tong Zhuang, in which women are gambling prostitutes
and men are gamblers.

It is because she later became "Grandma Xu" and worked as both a man and a woman that she
realized that the world treats men and women so differently, and it's not that men don't suffer, but their
suffering can be the cornerstone for judging themselves. Women, on the other hand, have been waiting
for men's affirmation of their suffering all their lives.
It is clear that both are born as human beings, who is more noble than who? The funny thing is that
some men still look down on girls from the bottom of their hearts, teaching people speechless.

She finished in one breath and found that Chu Zhao did not speak for a while, and secretly
pondered, could it be that this sentence will be Chu Zhao offended?

But on second thought, offended, so offended. Anyway, he has no hands, even if he fights, it is
impossible to beat himself.

"Brother Chu, what I said just now was a little too hasty." Wo Yan smiled, "I hope that Brother Chu
will not take my rudeness into account."

"No," Chu Zhao looked at her with a strange tinge in his gaze, "A-Ho's heart is admirable, Chu Zhao
is ashamed of himself. In the future, I will never say such delusional words as I did today, and I will
always take A-Ho's words to heart."

Chu Zhaoge, this person, really has the manners, just now she cracked a bunch of words, he is still
as gentle as spring, very gentle.

Wo Yan smiled, "Then let's go quickly."

Chu Zhao nodded and smiled in response.

The two continued on their way back to the Cui Mansion, and Wo Yan lowered his head, sighing
secretly in his heart.

Chu Zhao and Xiao Jue, after all, were different. They both thought that women were weak and
could not protect themselves from women. But the former's judgment was a touch negative and
condescending, while the latter, as evidenced by the treatment of the female corpse in the Sun family's
backyard in Liangzhou City, was more of a pity.
For the general, when the frank and upright, calm and heroic, but more important character is, pity
the weak heart.


When Wo Yan and Chu Zhao returned, it was already very late. The courtyard where Chu Zhao lives
is a little farther away than Wo Yan's. When they reached the door, Chu Zhao said, "A-Ho should also
rest early today."

"Brother Chu remember to eat before it's too late." Wo Yan still thought about his flower basket of
sugar paintings and instructed.

He took a look at the flower basket in his hand and shook his head and smiled, "Sure."

Wo Yan watched him leave, before turning around to go back inside, a turn back, but saw a person
standing under the long corridor, in the small pavilion, is looking at her lost smile, white clothes flowing,
it is Liu Bu forget.

"Hasn't Master rested yet?" Wo Yan walked over and asked. She rarely saw Liu Buqi during the
night these days.

"Came out to get some air." Liu Bu forget looked at her, "Went to buy sugar paintings?"

He Yan nodded: "The fourth son of Chu concealed my identity for me, and after thinking about it, I'd
better send him something. He can't talk about my secret everywhere. I gave him one of the most
expensive ones, which cost at least 10 yuan in Shuojing, but only 8 yuan here. It's cheap and good."

Liu Bu forget smiled and looked at her and said, "A-ho, you're a lot livelier now than you used to

Wo Yan was stunned.

In her previous life, when she met Liu Bu Zhi, it was the most difficult time. She had just escaped
from the stable days of Shuojing to the cruel and iron-blooded military camp, and was carrying many
secrets, so she always acted with a bit of caution. Even though he and Liu were in the mountains,
occasionally showing his unbridled side, most of the time, he always tried not to cause trouble.

Now think about it, it seems that since she became "Miss Wo", unknowingly, actually let go of a lot.
Just like this day and Chu Zhaoge on the street to buy candy paintings, which in the past, is absolutely
impossible to do.

Is it because she is now a woman, or is it because she is no longer bound by the Wo family, so she
can do whatever she wants and doesn't have to worry about the secrets under her mask being seen?

"Is this bad now?" Wo Yan smiled and said, "It doesn't necessarily have to be stable and plushy,

Liu Bu forget said, "This is good."

When he said this, his expression was a bit depressed, not knowing what he was thinking. When he
saw Liu Buzhi's bland gaze, he swallowed his words.

Liu Buzhi seems to be a little sad.

The moon in spring is not as bright as in autumn, hazy and fuzzy and lovely. The first thing that
came to mind was another figure.

Mu Hongjin.

When the Mu Hongjin, is also the same, eyes clean and clear, occasionally swept a hint of wisdom,
her red dress is also delicate, always embroidered in the corners of the skirt some flowers and birds,
delicate and proud. The young girl always combed two long discernment, braid under the adorned with
silver bells, walking around, the bells emitted a tinkling pleasant bell. Sometimes not close enough to
hear the bell ringing, you know it's her coming.
He was followed by such a tail every day, really annoying. I have said many times that I hope the
two of them go their separate ways, each time Mu Hongjin is a flat mouth, immediately to cry, Liu Bu
forget even if the heart is as hard as iron, but also not good at dealing with the girl's tears. So each time
she easily defused, in the end, has acquiesced to this person is unable to get rid of the cowhide, let her
follow around to add to their own trouble.

Mu Hongjin is very good at enjoying, obviously brought a generous amount of silver, less than half a
month, will squander it all. At that time, Liu Buzhi did not know that Mu Hongjin was the beloved
daughter of King Mengji and only despised her extravagant and lavish life. She didn't care how Liu Buzhi
looked at herself, spent her silver as usual, and had to let him follow along to enjoy it.

Half a month later, Mu Hongjin's silver spent, only to follow Liu Bu forget to eat together with the
chaff and vegetables.

The inn, sleeping is the simplest kind, meals, eating is also very ordinary. Without money to buy
street gadgets, Mu Hongjin persisted for half a day and protested to Liu Bu forget: "Young warrior, can
we have a good meal?"


Liu Bu Forget had little money, and the seven disciples of Daoist Master Yun Ji went down to the
mountain for training, said they were going down to the mountain for training, but in fact, they were
just experiencing some red earth and mundane world. As for what to do on a regular basis, it is the
brothers previously received a little bit of work divided to him, to put it plainly, taking money from
others to eliminate disasters. But their division, not to do evil, not to exploit, so that the last really do, is
what "to help the tenants of the village to find the lost sheep" "for the married girl to send a secret
letter back to her mother's family" such minor details, the money is also very little. Sometimes even
have to help people write letters home, no matter what, and take everything.

A cold and dusty white boy leading a lost sheep walking in the path of the village, the picture is a bit
funny, Mu Hongjin laughs at him: "What kind of division are you? How come you have to do everything.
How about following me, I ......"

"You what?" Liu Bu forget asked her in no good humor.

"I ......" Mu Hongjin's beautiful eyes turned, "I pay you more than he does!"

Liu Bu Forget was angry and did not want to speak.

But indeed, that's it, after all, the task given to him by senior brother has not yet been done.
Precisely because of all the little things that were done, the money was very little. He is okay if he is
alone, but now Mu Hongjin follow, and will spend their money, one person into two people, the inn,
eating ...... days are stretched to the limit, hated to put a text

"I ......" Mu Hongjin's beautiful eyes turned, "I paid you more than he did!"

Liu Bu forget angry do not want to talk.

But indeed, that's it, after all, the task given to him by his senior brother has not yet been done.
Precisely because of all the little things that were done, the money was extraordinarily little. If he is a
person okay, but now Mu Hongjin follow, and will spend their money, a person into two people, the inn,
eating ...... days are stretched to the limit, hate to break a penny into two halves to spend.

Can see, Mu Hongjin is also trying desperately to adapt to this rough life. She made a fuss for a few
days, but when she saw that Liu Buzi was really a bit angry, she did not dare to say anything else. The
company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

But the habit of wanting to buy everything she sees in her bones has not changed.

Liu Buzhi still remembers that one day they met an old woman selling flowers at a tea shop outside
Jiyang City. The old woman had two bamboo baskets and a stretcher in front of her, and the bamboo
baskets were filled with wild chrysanthemums. They were slender and lovely, light pink and white. Also
very cheap, should be picked directly from the foot of Quyun Mountain.

Mu Hongjin went over to look, and when the old woman saw this, she smiled and said, "Little
Gongzi, buy a flower for the girl to wear."
"No need."

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The two voiced out at the same time, Liu did not forget to give Mu Hongjin a warning glance, Mu
Hongjin flattened her mouth in aggression. The old woman laughed and picked one out of the bamboo
basket and gave it to Mu Hongjin: "The girl is beautiful; this flower is for you. Wear it on your head, it's

Mu Hongjin happily took it, she was sweet, smilingly called out: "Thank you, Granny!"

Since this is the case, Liu Bu forget cannot directly go away, so from the sleeve to feel a money
handed to the old woman.

"No, no." The old woman looked at him with a smile: "The little girl is cute, I like her. You just treat
her better in the future."

Liu Bu forget turned his head, Mu Hong Jin got the flower, beautifully wearing it in his ear, asked Liu
Buzhi: "Is it nice?"

Liu uncomfortably said, "It has nothing to do with me."

Mu Hongjin glared at him, self-conscious squatting, looking at the jewelry and powder in the
stretcher, a moment, from the pick out a silver bracelet, exclaimed: "This looks good!"

Very simple silver bracelet seems to be a person's own rough polished, even the edges are not very
smooth look, win on the side of the bracelet, carved a circle of lifelike wild chrysanthemum, so it looks
fresh and lovely up.

"This is really beautiful!" Mu Hongjin praised.

"This is called Yuexin Bangle, which was carved by the wife and husband together." The old woman
laughed: "Give one to your beloved to wear on your hand, and you will not be separated for the rest of
your life. Why don't you buy one for the girl? A lifetime of longevity."

"Hear that, young warrior Liu," Mu Hongjin begged, "give me one!"

Liu Bu forget looked at her coldly, took the silver bracelet from her hand and put it back into the
stretcher before saying coldly to the old woman, "She is not my beloved."

A trace of loss flashed in Mu Hongjin's eyes, but in the end she didn't go back for the silver bracelet,
muttering, "How do you know I'm not your sweetheart."

How do you know.

Yes, how does he know.

The young and proud, and do not understand that the joy of youth comes quietly, and when
understood, has surged into a robbery, inescapable.

Later, many years later, Liu often wondered, if that day, he bought the silver bracelet in front of Mu
Hongjin, wear it on her hand, is not that they did not come to that step later, as the old woman said in
general, a life without separation.

It's funny that he also believes in strange forces and destiny.

The moonlight sprinkled on the ground, falling a layer of white frost, the memory of the sound of
bells fading away, falling on the ears, only the sound of the wind in Jiyang City after years of isolation
and loneliness, a little cold through the heart of people.

"Do you like Xiao Jue?"

A cold voice interrupted Wo Yan's contemplation. Wo Yan looked sideways in surprise, and Liu Bu
forget retracted his gaze and looked at her, his gaze with a smile of understanding, repeating once again,
"A Wo, do you like Xiao Jue?"

"...... No." Wo Yan subconsciously retorted, and a moment later, asked, "Why did Master say that?"

"Haven't you noticed," Liu Buhui said lightly, "that you're very relaxed when you're around him. You
trust him more than you trust me."

Wo Yan was stunned, did she?

There may be. Whether in her previous life or in this one, the way Xiao Jue looked in her mind
might have been misunderstood in many ways, indifferent or not, harsh or not, but from the beginning,
she had not suspected that Xiao Jue would hurt herself. The seemingly open-minded Wo Yan was always
wary of anything, but at the bottom of her heart, she always kept a point of caution. This vigilance will
not be removed when facing Liu Bu Zhi, when facing Xu Zhi Heng, when facing Wo Ru Fei, and even
when facing Wo Sui's father and son, who are not aggressive in the Wo family, it is still there.

But with Xiao Jue, she always trusted.

"What makes you so relaxed today is not time or experience, it's him." Liu Bu forget's voice was
gentle, "A-Ho, do you still want to deny it?"

Wo Yan did not speak.

After a while, she raised her head and looked at the moon hanging on the roof, the moon was big
and white, silver light sprinkled all over the courtyard, gently gazing at the night.

"Master, look at the moon in the sky," she spoke slowly, "the light shines from the backyards of rich
and noble homes to the ditches of deserted graves and wild places. But you can't catch it, can you?"

"I can neither catch the moon nor make it come for me, so just stand here and look at it from afar."

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