Seasonal and Spatial Variation in Suspended Matter, Organic Carbon

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Limnologica 57 (2016) 1–13

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Seasonal and spatial variation in suspended matter, organic carbon,

nitrogen, and nutrient concentrations of the Senegal River in
West Africa
Mamadou L. Mbaye a,b,∗ , Amadou T. Gaye a , Alejandro Spitzy c , Kirstin Dähnke d ,
Abel Afouda b , Birgit Gaye c
Laboratoire de Physique de L’Atmosphére et de l’océan, Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique, 5085 Dakar-Fann, Senegal
Université Abomey Calavi, Laboratoire d‘Hydrologie Appliquée, WASCAL, Benin
Institute for Geology, University of Hamburg, Bundesstraße 55, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH, Max-Planck-Straße 1, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Senegal River is of intermediate size accommodating at present about 3.5 million inhabitants in its
Received 29 April 2015 catchment. Its upstream tributaries flow through different climatic zones from the wet tropics in the
Received in revised form source area in Guinea to the dry Sahel region at the border between Senegal and Mauritania. Total sus-
21 November 2015
pended matter, particulate and dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen as well as nutrient concentrations
Accepted 11 December 2015
were determined during the dry and wet seasons at 19 locations from the up- to downstream river basin.
Available online 19 January 2016
The aims of the study were to evaluate the degree of human interference, to determine the dissolved and
particulate river discharges into the coastal sea and to supply data to validate model results. Statistical
Senegal River
analyses showed that samples from the wet and dry season are significantly different in composition
Suspended matter and that the upstream tributaries differ mainly in their silicate and suspended matter contents. Nutri-
Nutrients ent concentrations are relatively low in the river basin, indicating low human impact. Increasing nitrate
Particulate organic carbon concentrations, however, show the growing agriculture in the irrigated downstream areas. Particulate
Dissolved organic carbon organic matter is dominated by C4 plants during the wet season and by aquatic plankton during the
dry season. The total suspended matter (TSM) discharge at the main gauging station Bakel was about
1.93 Tg yr−1 which is in the range of the only available literature data from the 1980s. The calculated
annual discharges of particulate organic carbon (POC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved
organic nitrogen (DON) are 55.8 Gg yr−1 , 54.1 Gg yr−1 , and 5.3 Gg yr−1 , respectively. These first estimates
from the Senegal River need to be verified by further studies.
© 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction has occurred in rivers with strong flow regulation and irrigation
(Milliman et al., 2008). The variations in dissolved and particu-
Anthropogenic activities have modified quantity and quality of late river discharge are more significant than the changes in water
river discharge for about 3000 years (Anthony et al., 2014). A first discharge. Many rivers experienced a significant increase of sus-
amplification of human impact led to a strong increase of riverine pended matter discharge related to deforestation and land use
sediment load about 1000 years ago and a second amplification change beginning with the early human interference. Around 1950
started decreasing sediment load in most river basins about 100 urbanization and dam building led to a net decrease of sediment
years ago (Syvitski and Kettner, 2011). Observational data covering transport (Syvitski and Kettner, 2011). This reduction of suspended
1945 to 2004 document a net decrease of continental freshwa- matter export to estuaries and coastal seas in concert with sea
ter discharge which is correlated with a reduction in precipitation level rise and ground water extraction has evoked fast drowning
(Dai et al., 2009). Additional anthropogenic induced water loss of deltas of which most are densely populated accommodating 500
million people worldwide (Giosan et al., 2014). Increasing nutrient
concentrations as well as the release of inorganic and organic pol-
∗ Corresponding author at: Laboratoire de Physique de L’Atmosphére et de l’océan,
lutants has further changed biogeochemical processes in rivers and
Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique, 5085 Dakar-Fann, Senegal.
coastal seas and is very problematic in regions where rivers are used
E-mail address: (M.L. Mbaye). for drinking water as well as irrigation, and industrial purposes
0075-9511/© 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
2 M.L. Mbaye et al. / Limnologica 57 (2016) 1–13

(Mouri et al., 2011; Lipp et al., 2001; Jiménez, 2003; Maya et al., western Sahel region in Mali, Mauritania and Senegal and opens
2003; WHO, 2004). Eutrophication facilitates harmful algal blooms into the sea at Saint Louis. Its catchment has an area of about
in many coastal areas and models predict enhanced nutrient dis- 300,000 km2 and it has a length of 1800 km (OMVS, 2009). The basin
charges due to growing anthropogenic impact (Struijk and Kroeze, is subject to a large north–south precipitation gradient ranging
2010; Yasin et al., 2010). Whereas water discharge data are avail- from 150 mm yr−1 in the north to more than 1650 mm yr−1 in the
able for many African rivers, the database of sediment discharges south (Fig. 2). The predominantly natural vegetation of the region
and especially of biogenic elements such as carbon, nitrogen, phos- follows this rainfall gradient, ranging from sub-humid forest in the
phorous and silica is poor (Yasin et al., 2010). Thus, base line data are south to semi-arid savannah in the north (Stisen et al., 2008). Peak
missing to evaluate the degree of human interference. Moreover, discharge occurs in September with a maximum of 1700 m3 s−1
data are lacking to validate model results and predict the impact at the gauging stations Bakel and Matam (Senegal River; Fig. 3).
of changing river discharges on coastal oceans (Beusen et al., 2005; The lowest discharge values are obtained at the upstream gauging
McCrackin et al., 2014). stations Kidira, Gourbassi, and Fadougou in the Faleme tributary
The Senegal River is among the 30 world’s largest drainage (Fig. 3). The three main tributaries (Bafing, Bakoye and Faleme)
basins (Potter et al., 2004). At present about 3.5 million people ensure over 80% of the Senegal River’s flow of which the Bafing
inhabit its catchment; due to rapid population growth this may transfers half. The gauging station Bakel after the confluence of
double in the coming decades (OMVS, 2007). The majority of the the river Senegal and the Faleme is used in the literature as the
basin’s people, particularly the rural, highly rely on the exploitation reference station for discharge estimates (Kattan et al., 1987).
of largely water-dependent natural resources (traditional agricul- Part of the upstream Senegal River and its tributaries Bafing
ture, fisheries, livestock farming). In addition, most of the people and Bakoye pass through Precambrian sandstone deposits, lower
living alongside the river use its water directly without treat- Cambrian schisto-dolomitic deposits, and Palaeozoic metamorphic
ment (e.g. domestic usage, recreation); this increases the risk of rocks, mainly composed of schists and quartzites from a volcano-
water-borne diseases. Moreover, the water is used for irrigated sedimentary complex and granites (Michel, 1973). Downstream
agriculture, hydropower generation, water navigation, drinking the Senegal River is bordered by Holocene fluvio-deltaic deposits
water industries, and foodstuffs industries. composed of fine sands, silts and clays, surrounded by stabilized so-
Water discharge has been measured at the gauging station Bakel called red dunes (Michel et al., 1993). Surface runoff in the region
since 1903 and was found to fluctuate in accordance with the peri- of these soft sediments has a suspended matter concentration of
odicity of Sahelian rainfall (Faure and Gac, 1981; Hubert et al., 2007; ∼1 g L−1 and is responsible for 50–80% of the riverine suspended
Kattan et al., 1987). Dam building in the late 1980s has induced load via slope erosion. In the river bed, this suspended load is
studies of changes of the agricultural systems in the upstream diluted by subsurface and groundwater discharge (Kattan et al.,
river basin (Rasmussen et al., 1999), of the morphology of the river 1987).
mouth (Barusseau et al., 1995, 1998), and of the plankton assem- Human impact has increased considerably since the 1970s when
blage (Monteillet et al., 1993). Most chemical and biological studies the natural flooding of the banks ceased due to droughts and irri-
were carried out in the lagoon and river mouth at Saint Louis and gated areas were rapidly created and replaced the natural flood
discussed the consequences of dam building and the artificial open- receding agriculture (OMVS, 2007; Rasmussen et al., 1999). Dam
ing of a new river mouth in 2003 (Baklouti et al., 2011; Bouvy et al., building further impacted the river in the late 1980s.
2006, 2010; Ka et al., 2011; Quiblier et al., 2008; Troussellier et al., The Manantali dam with a reservoir capacity of 11.5 × 109 m3
2004, 2005). There is currently a lack of data on the composition of was functional in 1988. It was constructed to store water for
particulate and dissolved river discharge and no database on water irrigation during the dry season, to attenuate extreme floods and
quality particularly in upstream tributaries (OMVS, 2007). to generate hydropower (OMVS, 2009). This damming has further
In this study, we attempt to supply base line information on added to upstream discharge reduction and withdrawal of the flood
dissolved and particulate river discharge and on water quality of receding agriculture (Rasmussen et al., 1999). The Diama dam is
the Senegal River. Samples were taken during three sampling cam- located 23 km from Saint Louis near the River mouth in the delta
paigns along the river from its three major upstream tributaries (Diene, 2012). It was functional in 1986 and was built to block sea-
to downstream stations at the river mouth. The main objectives of water intrusion which had extended more than 200 km upstream in
this work are: (i) to determine inorganic nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, the dry season prior to dam building (Monteillet et al., 1993). Water
ammonia, phosphate, silicate), DOC and DON concentrations as upstream of the Diama dam can be used for irrigation which has
indicators of the trophic state and human interference (Seitzinger facilitated population growth and intensified land use and has aug-
et al., 2005); (ii) to understand the major mechanisms controlling mented eutrophication and pollution in the estuary (Troussellier
the sources and concentrations (De Brabandere et al., 2002; Paolini et al., 2004, 2005). Further eutrophication occurred after an artifi-
and Ittekkot, 1990; Voss and Struck, 1997; Coynel et al., 2005) of cial breach of a sand bar shortened the estuary by 30 km favoring
TSM, POC, particulate nitrogen (PN) and their stable isotopic ratios intrusion of salt water which is strongly nutrient enriched dur-
(␦13 C, ␦15 N) during the wet and dry seasons; (iii) and finally, to ing the upwelling season (Baklouti et al., 2011). The data used in
give quantitative estimates of TSM, POC, PN, DOC, DON, dissolved Figs. 2 and 3 are taken from OMVS (Organization in charge of the
inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP) management of the Senegal River Basin).
and dissolved silicate (DSi) fluxes at the gauging stations in order
to quantify the discharge to the Atlantic. A better understanding 2.2. Sampling
of the seasonal and spatial variability in water quality will help to
formulate effective water resource management to reduce water Dry season sampling was done during December 2012 and
pollution. March 2013 and wet season sampling during July 2012 (one sam-
ple) and August 2013 from upstream to downstream (Table 1;
2. Material and methods Supplementary material). Water samples were taken at 19 loca-
tions (Fig. 1) with a syringe at midstream where maximum mixing
2.1. Study area occurs. Filters were air dried and the filtrates were stored in plas-
tic bottles and cooled with ice during transport to the laboratory
The Senegal River Basin is the second major river basin in West where they were deep frozen before analyses. Sediment samples
Africa (Fig. 1). From its source in Guinea, it flows through the were taken from the river bank at each location and were air
M.L. Mbaye et al. / Limnologica 57 (2016) 1–13 3

Fig. 1. Senegal River Basin with sampling locations (stations with “+”), rainfall stations (stations with “*”) and stations that are both sampling and rainfall (stations with “*+”).

dried before analyses. Some upstream sampling stations were not volume ranged from 20 mL to 105 mL. After filtration, the filters
accessible during the wet season due to flooding and some sam- were put into a plastic box and dried at outside temperature by
ple amounts were too small for analyses, especially from the dry leaving the lid open for about one mm. TSM concentrations were
season. Therefore, there are data gaps at these stations. calculated after weighing the samples in the home laboratory. Dou-
ble to triple sampling was carried out during the wet season and had
2.3. Analytical methods an average standard deviation of 11% (range 0.2–33%). The filters
and sediment samples were used for quantification of particulate
Pre weighed Whatman GF/F glass fiber filters with a pore size carbon (PC) and PN by using a Carlo Erba Nitrogen Analyser 1500.
of about 0.7 ␮m were used for TSM determination. The filtered The PC of all filter samples represents POC because no weight loss

Fig. 2. Annual mean of precipitation at river stations from up- to downstream, averaged for the period from 1981 to 1990.
4 M.L. Mbaye et al. / Limnologica 57 (2016) 1–13

Fig. 3. Seasonal cycle of river discharge at five gauging stations as monthly means averaged for the period from 1984 to 2009.

was found after acidification. The analytical precisions are 0.05% for DOC concentrations [mg/L] were determined via high temper-
carbon and 0.005% for nitrogen. ature combustion method using a Shimadzu TOC-VCSH Analyzer
If enough material was available on the filters, an aliquot of the equipped with a non-dispersive infrared sensor. 20 mL of GF/F-
filters could be used to determine stable isotopic ratios of nitrogen filtered sample water is filled into pre-combusted (4 h at 450 ◦ C)
(␦15 N) and organic carbon (␦13 C). These were determined using 24 mL vials and put in the auto-sampler of the analyzer. The inor-
a Delta Plus XP isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected with ganic carbon is outgassed for 2.5 min after adding 1.5 ␮L of 2 M HCl.
a ConFlo-III interface after high-temperature flash combustion in The carrier gas is synthetic air. Afterwards 150 ␮L of the sample is
a Thermo Finnigan Flash EA 1112 at 1050 ◦ C (Gaye et al., 2013). injected into the combustion tube, which is filled with a platinum
The relative abundance of the heavy and light isotope of nitro- catalyst, and oxidized at 720 ◦ C. All organic carbon compounds
gen (15 N/14 N) and carbon (13 C/12 C) are calculated according to the are oxidized to CO2 and transferred into the detector. The TOC-
following formula: VCSH Analyzer is rinsed daily with ultrapure water. It is five-point
calibrated with an aqueous stock solution of potassium hydro-
Rsample gen phthalate (KHP) and DOC concentrations of 1, 2, 5, 10 and
ıX(in ‰) = − 1 × 1000 20 mg/L. For additional measurement of DON, a four-point cali-
bration with an aqueous stock solution of potassium nitrate and
DON-concentrations of 0.5, 1, 2.5, and 5 mg/L is done. After each
where X = 15 N or 13 C and R = 15 N/14 N or 13 C/12 C. tenth freshwater sample, the calibration is checked; if uncertainty
The N2 was calibrated against the reference standards IAEA-N1 exceeds 5% a new calibration is done. DOC concentrations are aver-
(ammonium sulfate, ␦15 N = +0.4‰) and IAEA-N2 (ammonium sul- aged from three to five injections. The error of measurement is less
fate, ␦15 N = +20.3‰) of the International Atomic Energy Agency. than 2% (Brockmeyer and Spitzy, 2013).
␦15 N is given as the per mil deviation from the N-isotope com-
position of atmospheric N2 . Duplicate measurements of samples
differ less than 0.1‰ for sediment samples and less than 0.3‰ for 2.4. Statistical analyses
suspended matter. The laboratory’s long-term 2 standard devi-
ation for IAEA-N-1 is 0.09 (Bahlmann et al., 2010). For the ␦13 C T-tests, discriminant analysis and principal component analy-
analyses, carbonates (if present) were removed by HCl (1 N) and sis (PCA) were carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics 22. The t-test of
the results are given as the per mil deviation from the isotopic two dependent means (or paired samples t-test) was carried out for
composition of the Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB) standard. Working each variable measured at the sampling stations using the means
standards were IAEA-CH6 and saccharose with a ␦13 C of −26.3‰. of the dry and wet season measurements. A confidence interval of
Duplicate measurements of samples deviate by less than 0.15‰ for 95% was chosen to identify if the two data sets were adequately dif-
sediment samples and by less than 0.3‰ for suspended matter sam- ferent. The discriminant analysis provides a model to group a set of
ples because of inhomogeneous particle coverage of filters (Nagel variables/observations obtained for example at different stations or
et al., 2009). at different times. A set of discriminant functions is calculated based
Nutrient samples were measured with a Bran & Luebbe auto- on the linear combination of the variables in order to obtain the
analyzer by applying standard methods. This included reduction best discriminant between the groups. The discriminant function
of nitrate to nitrite with a cadmium reduction column and subse- can be used to predict the group membership of new samples but
quent reaction to an azo dye with N-(1-naphtyl-)ethylenediamine. also to identify samples which were assigned to the wrong group
The nitrite ion is then reacted with sulfanilamide and N-1- in the initial assumption. This is indicated by a large distance to the
naphthylethylenediamine to form a red azo dye. The relative error mean of the groups. A PCA is used to determine the factors respon-
of triplicate sample measurements was below 1.5% for nitrate, sible for the correlation pattern observed in a set of variables or
nitrite and phosphate concentrations, and below 5% for ammonium observations. It is an orthogonal transformation of a set of corre-
concentrations. lated variables into a set of uncorrelated variables called principal
M.L. Mbaye et al. / Limnologica 57 (2016) 1–13 5

Fig. 4. Total suspended matter (mg/L) during the dry (gray bars) and wet season (black bars).

components. The first principal component explains most of the with the Senegal River. TSM concentrations in the Senegal River
variance of the data and all other components explain consecutively from Bakel to Diama were 4.5–27.0 mg/L with a maximum at Salde
less of the variance of the data set. After the initial PCA the most and a minimum at Diama. Highest TSM concentrations of 70.6 and
relevant components are selected for rotation by varimax to sim- 82.3 mg/L were measured at the estuarine stations Capitainerie PSL
plify the results. The selection can be done by selecting eigenvalues and Direction RHSL, respectively. A small secondary TSM maxi-
(the variances of the principal components) >1. Alternatively, the mum occurred between Bakel and Ngouye, after the confluence of
kink method can be applied to the scree plot, selecting the com- the Senegal and Faleme. Much higher TSM concentrations occurred
ponents of the steep slope above the “kink” for rotation. The factor during the wet season with values between 5.4 and 366.4 mg/L
coefficients give the relative weight of each variable in a compo- (Fig. 4). There was a general increase of TSM from up- to down-
nent. The factor score of each data set from a sampling location stream stations and a slight reduction at the two estuarine stations
is obtained by multiplying the standardized data with the factor Capitainerie PSL and Direction RHSL. TSM concentration was mea-
coefficients. A high (low) factor score shows that a sample has high sured at one station in July 2012 (Dembancane; between Bakel and
(low) concentrations of the variables with high factor coefficients. Matam) and was, with a value of 540 mg/L, much higher than con-
A plot of factor scores and factor loading helps to visualize the centrations from the same part of the river in August 2013 (Table 2;
relationship between factor coefficients and scores at the sampling Supplementary materials). This is in agreement with TSM concen-
locations. trations presented in Kattan et al. (1987) who found maxima in the
early wet season in June/July prior to the discharge peak of August
2.5. Discharge calculation to October.
POC concentrations in river water were between 0.5 and
As there are very few data of total annual TSM discharge which 1.2 mg/L during the dry season and between 0.2 and 4.0 mg/L
are from the early 1980s and no data on carbon, nitrogen and nutri- during the wet season, following the same pattern as TSM. POC
ent transport in the river, we used our database for a first estimate and PN weight percentages of TSM were between 1.2–14.3% and
of annual discharge of dissolved and particulate biogenic elements. 0.15–1.65%, respectively (Table 2; Supplementary materials). C/N
For these calculations we used our wet season concentrations mea- (atomic) ratios were between 4 and 10.2 during the dry season
sured in August as averages of the months July to October (high flow with lowest values at the two estuarine stations and between 8.1
period) and the dry season concentrations measured in December and 14.7 during the wet season with a clear decrease from up- to
and March as averages for the months November to June (low flow downstream (Table 2; Supplementary material). Stable isotopes of
period) and multiplied them with the monthly discharges at sta- POC could be determined at only three stations during the dry sea-
tions where discharge data and results of sample analyses were son due to the low SPM concentrations (Table 2; Supplementary
available of the year 2012/2013. materials). Two of these samples were not influenced by sea water
and have ␦13 C values of −27.2 and −29.4‰. The sample from station
Capitainerie PSL has a ␦13 C value of −20.8‰. In the wet season there
3. Results was no considerable difference between the up- and downstream
stations (samples from the upstream tributaries could not be ana-
3.1. TSM, POC, PN, ı13 C and ı15 N of suspended particulate lyzed due to low TSM concentrations) and the ␦13 C values range
organic matter from −24.4‰ to −22‰.

The TSM concentrations were between <2 and 16.0 mg/L

during the dry season in the investigated tributaries Bakoye 3.2. Nutrient, DOC and DON concentrations
(Oualia), Bafing (Bafing M, Manantali up, Manantali dw) and
Faleme (Fadougou, Gourbassi, and Kidira) without a significant dif- Nitrate concentrations (Fig. 5a) were higher in the wet season
ference between them (Fig. 4). Enhanced values were only found at (average: 12 ␮M) than in the dry season (average: 3 ␮M) and reveal
Kidira which is the station just before the confluence of the Faleme a clear pattern from upstream to downstream stations. During the
6 M.L. Mbaye et al. / Limnologica 57 (2016) 1–13

Fig. 5. Nitrate (a), phosphate (b) and silicate (c) concentrations in ␮M during the dry (gray bars) and wet season (black bars).

dry season, nitrate concentrations were elevated with values up to 0.02 and 0.34 ␮M and ammonium concentrations between 0.39
10 ␮M in the upstream tributaries. They dropped to trace values and 2.19 ␮M, respectively (Table 3; Supplementary materials).
between Bakel and Diama indicating plankton blooms in the slug- Phosphate concentrations (Fig. 5b) were between 0.1 and 4.2 ␮M.
gish downstream waters. Elevated concentrations were found at Generally, wet season’s samples have lower concentrations, mostly
the stations with marine influence. During the wet season, nitrate <0.5 ␮M, due to dilution. Average phosphate concentrations were
concentrations generally increase from up- to downstream and 0.75 ␮M during the dry season and, respectively, 0.34 ␮M dur-
have maxima of >20 ␮M. Nitrite concentrations ranged between ing the wet season. Salde has the highest concentration during
M.L. Mbaye et al. / Limnologica 57 (2016) 1–13 7

Fig. 6. DOC (a) and DON (b) concentrations in mg/L during the dry (gray bars) and wet season (black bars).

the dry season. This may be due to local anthropogenic activities 3.3. POC, PN, carbonate and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes
of the riparian people during our sampling period (e.g. domestic of river bed samples
usages, agricultural activities). Silicate concentrations (Fig. 5c) were
between 22 and 107 ␮M and were higher during the wet season The river bed samples consist of sandy silt or silty sand and
(average: 78 ␮M) than during the dry season (average: 53 ␮M). have POC contents of 0.1–1.5% and PN contents of 0.01–0.08%,
These values are in the lower range of rivers draining into the respectively (Table 4; Supplementary materials). There is no clear
tropical Atlantic (Araujo et al., 2014). trend in downstream direction and POC contents in most sam-
In the dry season, DOC concentrations (Fig. 6a) ranged from 1.25 ples are below 0.3%. There are a few higher values which may
to 3.25 mg/L (average: 1.65 mg/L) and in the wet season from 2.0 hint at local depositional centers and these samples have finer
to 3.0 mg/L (average: 2.6 mg/L), respectively. DON concentrations grain sizes in which organic matter tends to be enriched (Wiesner
(Fig. 6b) ranged from 0.10 to 0.233 mg/L during the dry season et al., 1990). The sediments from Dagana to the river mouth
and from 0.024 to 0.184 mg/L during the wet season, respectively. have carbonate contents with a maximum of 3.7% at Diama. All
According to Meybeck (1982), the average of DON in three tropical other samples are carbonate free. The ␦13 C values of carbonate
rivers (Solimoes, Negro, and Amazon) is 0.216 mg/L. He calculated free sediments are between −17.7 and −27.2‰ (Table 4; Supple-
0.26 mg/L of DON as the average of world rivers. mentary materials). The ␦15 N values are between 4.7 and 12.4‰
8 M.L. Mbaye et al. / Limnologica 57 (2016) 1–13

Fig. 7. ␦15 N values (‰) of river bed sediments.

and are higher at downstream stations than at upstream stations River (Bakel to the estuary) and shows a general downstream
(Fig. 7). increase, especially of TSM and nitrate. The estuarine stations group
within the other wet season samples as the estuary is fresh water
dominated with only slightly elevated salinities of ∼5 (Baklouti
4. Discussion
et al., 2011). Suspended and dissolved loads are not significantly
different in the wet and dry season in the upstream tributaries
4.1. Seasonal and spatial variations in particulate and dissolved
river load of the Senegal River and its tributaries

The results of the t-test showed that dry and wet season con-
centrations are significantly different at a confidence level of >95%
for all variables (TSM, POC, PN, DOC, DON, NO3 , Si) except NO2 ,
NH4 and PO4 (Table 5; Supplementary materials). A discriminant
analysis was carried out to group the stations. We forced it with
three groups consisting of the three sampling campaigns. Variables
selected for the discriminant analysis were TSM, nitrate, DOC and
DON; the other variables either had many data gaps or their mean
values were not significantly different in the three selected groups.
The first discriminant function explains 73% of the variance and
all four variables have their highest (and significant) correlation
with the first discriminant function (Fig. 8). The results showed
that some of the samples deviate from the predicted groups. All
wet season samples from the Senegal River are in one group which
is distinguished from the other two groups by high scores of the first
function and their high scores are due to concentrations maxima of
all four variables in these samples. The scores of the second func-
tion explain only 27% of the variance and separate samples from the
tributaries Faleme and Bakoye from the samples of the Bafing and
the dry season sampling in the river Senegal (with few exceptions).
In order to retain the information of all variables and to deter-
mine the factors responsible for the observed temporal and spatial
variation we carried out a PCA using TSM, DOC, DON, nitrate, nitrite,
Fig. 8. Discriminant analysis: sample scores of the first (F1) and second (F2) discrim-
ammonium, phosphate and silicate. POC and PN, which are signif- inant function. The analyses was forced with three groups indicated by the sample
icantly correlated with TSM, were not included in the PCA as there codes a (dry season: December 2012), b (dry season: March 2013) and c (wet season).
are many upstream data gaps. The first two factors of the PCA had Sample codes are taken from Table 1 (Supplementary materials). Colors indicate the
eigenvalues >1 and were selected for rotation by the method vari- three groups identified by the discriminant analysis which partly deviate from the
initial forcing. Group 1 (blue): wet season samples from the Senegal River; group
max. The first factor explains 45% of the variance and has high factor
2 (black): mainly Bakoye and Faleme; group 3 (red): mainly Bafing and dry season
loadings of TSM, nitrate, DON and DOC (Fig. 9). It clearly distin- samples from the Senegal River. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
guishes the wet season from the dry season samples of the Senegal figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
M.L. Mbaye et al. / Limnologica 57 (2016) 1–13 9

Fig. 9. Results of a principal component analysis using TSM, DOC, DON and the dissolved inorganic nutrients from the dry and wet season samples. Individual sampling
locations are indicated by their station number as given in Table 1 (Supplementary materials) with the letters indicating the time of sampling in December 2012 (a), March
2013 (b) and July 2012/August 2013 (c). Numbers in red denote samples from the dry season and numbers in blue samples from the wet season. For better visibility of
numbers some samples are marked as dots and numbers in italics plotted next to those dots denote their station numbers. Factor coefficients were multiplied with 5 in order
to present them in one plot with site/factor scores of samples. The factor coefficients for the individual variables are indicated in black. Nitrate (NO3 ) plotted very close to
TSM and DON and the exact position of NO3 is indicated by a dot and arrow. Encircled samples are from the upstream tributaries Bafing (green circle) and Bakoye and Faleme
(blue circle). All encircled samples are from these tributaries except one sample from the Senegal River (16b – Diama) which plots within the Bafing circle. (For interpretation
of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

as also indicated by their similar site scores of the first and sec- 14% to total discharge of the Senegal River on an annual average
ond factor (Fig. 9). The second factor of the PCA reveals differences and is strongly enriched in TSM with values up to 1.1 g L−1 (Kattan
between the tributaries. It explains 20% of the total variance and et al., 1987). 50–80% of the total suspended transport originates
has high factor loadings of ammonium, phosphate and nitrite and from slope erosion and 13–22% from channel erosion (Kattan et al.,
a negative loading of silicate. The Bakoye and Faleme samples have 1987). Highest concentrations of both, dissolved and particulate
low scores of the second factor due to their higher silicate contents matter occur in the early wet season due to erosion of particu-
and are, moreover, enriched in TSM. Additionally, their scores of the late matter and flushing of DOC into the river when vegetation is
first factor are slightly higher than those of the Bafing. The Bafing still sparse (Coynel et al., 2005; Kattan et al., 1987). We have one
has less silicate and TSM concentrations and is more enriched in sample from this season taken at Dembancane and it has the high-
phosphate. Exceptions are the two samples upstream of the Man- est TSM, POC, PN and nitrate concentration of all our samples. All
antali dam which have higher silicate contents within the range of other wet season samples were taken in August during the high
Bakoye and Faleme samples. This implies that the dam acts as a discharge period when reduced erosion due to growing vegetation
silicate trap and can thus alter the plankton community. Reduction and stronger dilution led to reduced suspended matter concentra-
of silicate was observed to occur in regulated rivers, especially by tions. Further dropping of TSM, POC, PN and DOC discharge are due
dam building as it increases the residence time of river water and to deposition of particulate matter over alluvial plains, settling of
thus enhances consumption relative to supply of silicate (Humborg particles to the river bed as well as to uptake and adsorption of
et al., 1997, 2008). The dry season samples from the river Senegal DOC, as the current speed reduces toward the end of the wet sea-
are a mixture of the three tributaries (with locally elevated phos- son (Coynel et al., 2005; Kattan et al., 1987). During the dry season,
phate and ammonia concentrations) which indicates that there is the river becomes very sluggish and low turbidity and flow speeds
no significant additional source of dissolved and suspended load facilitate plankton blooms.
after the confluence of the Senegal with the Faleme. Downstream
samples even become more depleted in nitrate indicating assimi- 4.2. Anthropogenic impact
lation by plankton. The two estuarine stations are enriched in TSM
and nitrate during the dry season. This shows that the estuary is Nutrient concentrations in rivers reveal a wide range depend-
dominated by sea water as was observed by Baklouti et al. (2011) ing on rock type, climate and vegetation in their drainage area.
who found salinities >20. Sea water is enriched in nutrients dur- However, human population density and agricultural activity in the
ing the first half of the year as coastal upwelling has its maximum catchment have the most significant impact on riverine nutrient
(Hagen, 2001) leading to the import of nutrients and aggravating discharge. Globally, only 35% of riverine nutrients are of natural
eutrophication in the estuary (Baklouti et al., 2011). origin (Seitzinger et al., 2005). Nutrient concentrations in Sene-
A seasonal pattern of TSM, POC and DOC contents was shown gal River are low compared to rivers from more industrialized and
to be characteristic of flat African river basins (Coynel et al., 2005; denser populated areas (Meybeck, 1982; Meybeck and Ragu, 1996)
Kattan et al., 1987). The enrichment of wet season samples in these and range among rivers with low human impact such as the Orinoco
variables is due to the strong slope erosion leading to leaching, and and Amazon (Araujo et al., 2014). The locally elevated concentra-
loading of particulates into the river. Surface flow contributes about tions (>1 ␮M) show that phosphate is contributed by anthropogenic
10 M.L. Mbaye et al. / Limnologica 57 (2016) 1–13

Fig. 10. Ratios of DOC/POC during the dry (gray bars) and wet season (black bars).

point sources, especially in the more densely populated down- upstream stations to the dry downstream area. The DOC/POC ratio
stream areas and at upstream cities such as Kayes, Bakel and (Fig. 10) is higher than 1 during the dry season and around 1 during
Matam. Phosphate concentrations are considerably enhanced in the wet season. The reasons may be that DOC from groundwater is
untreated domestic and industrial wastewater and anthropogenic the main organic carbon source during the dry season while par-
point sources supply the major amount of phosphate to rivers, ticulate organic matter form surface erosion is a significant organic
whereas nitrate is more enriched in industrial wastewater and carbon sources during the wet season. The average DOC/POC ratio
most of it is diffusively transported into rivers from agricultural modeled for African rivers is around one due to the drainage of
sources (Baum and Rixen, 2014; Seitzinger et al., 2005). Similar to only few wetlands and mainly of regions with organic poor soils
phosphate, nitrate concentrations are in the lower range of large (Seitzinger et al., 2005). In contrast, rivers draining the wet tropics
African and South American rivers (Araujo et al., 2014). Even the such as the Congo or Amazon discharge about 80% of their organic
most elevated nitrate concentrations in Senegal River are not much carbon in dissolved form derived from organic matter degradation
above background values of 0.3 mg/L (21 ␮M) defined for European in wetlands and forest soils (Seitzinger et al., 2005; Richey et al.,
rivers (WEU2, 2004). Low ammonium values and trace amounts of 1990).
nitrite confirm that organic pollution is low (Table 3; Supplemen-
tary materials). 4.3. Organic matter sources
In contrast to most other nutrients, nitrate reveals a systematic
difference between the wet and dry season. Upstream tributaries C/N ratios hint at the different organic matter sources in the
have lower concentrations during the wet season than during the dry and wet season (as shown in Table 2; Supplementary mate-
dry season as more inorganic nitrogen is retained in the catchments rials). The C/N ratios of 4–10 found during the dry season are
during the (wet) growing season (McCrackin et al., 2014). In the typical of plankton (Meyers, 1994). The low flow velocity and high
downstream area the trend is opposite. Plankton blooms in the dry transparency of water during sampling in the dry season, lead
season deplete nitrate to concentrations below 1 ␮M which indi- to an increase of autochthonous carbon. This is supported by the
cates that nitrogen is the primary limiting nutrient in the Senegal depleted ␦13 C values of the two suspended matter samples from the
River as well as in the estuary and coastal waters (Quiblier et al., river. Phytoplankton in fresh water systems can have very depleted
2008). During the wet season high amounts of nitrate are flushed carbon isotopic values at oxygenated and non-eutrophic conditions
into the river. Its downstream increase (although still with a mod- (Leng et al., 2006). Station Capitainerie PSL is influenced by marine
erate effect on absolute nutrient concentrations) is in line with the waters. Its higher ␦13 C values are very likely to be related to marine
increase of agricultural activities, irrigation and fertilizer use in the plankton which has more enriched ␦13 C values (∼20–21‰) com-
downstream catchment. pared with aquatic plankton of inland waters (Meyers, 1994, 1997).
The anthropogenic impact on DOC and DON concentrations The high TSM concentrations in the wet season, lead to low
in rivers is much smaller than the impact on inorganic nutrients productivity as light penetration is reduced. Consequently, the
(Marwick et al., 2015; Seitzinger et al., 2010). DOC in river water is organic matter has a higher allochthonous proportion. C/N ratios
rather determined by climate, soil type and vegetation in the catch- are elevated during the wet season at most stations and show a
ment (Camino-Serrano et al., 2014). DOC concentrations in Senegal decrease from a maximum of 14.7 at Fadougou in the more densely
River are below the world average of 5.75 mg/L (Meybeck, 1982) forested upstream region to a minimum of 8.1 at Capitainerie PSL.
and are much lower than in black water rivers which drain the wet This decrease suggests increasing admixture of fresh plankton or
tropics (e.g. Baum and Rixen, 2014; Coynel et al., 2005). Mineral soil organic matter with a low C/N ratio at the downstream sta-
non-forest soil solution was found to have concentrations between tions (Table 2; Supplementary materials). Land plants can have C/N
1 and 11 mg/L (Camino-Serrano et al., 2014) and the DOC concentra- rations >20 (Meyers, 1994). As a result, even small amounts of land
tions in Senegal River are in the low range of these values. Generally, plants can raise the C/N ratios considerably. On the other hand C/N
there is no high gradient of DOC and DON concentrations between ratios of land derived organic matter may decrease during degrada-
stations during the same season. During the dry season there is tion due to the preferential removal of carbon rich lipids and sugars
a small decrease of DOC concentrations from the more vegetated (Meyers, 1997). Based solely on C/N ratios, it is difficult to estimate
M.L. Mbaye et al. / Limnologica 57 (2016) 1–13 11

the relative proportions of aquatic vs. land plant organic matter, and irrigation in the river basin. Irrigation may have reduced sur-
especially if soil organic matter with low C/N is also contributed. face erosion in the catchment during the last decades so that TSM
Carbon isotopic ratios are useful to distinguish C3 and C4 plants discharges may not have increased despite the higher water dis-
as well as marine and aquatic organic matter (Meyers, 1997). The charges during the present wetter period. Due to the large error in
␦13 C values of C3 plants range between −38 and −22‰ and those TSM concentrations, the estimated PON and PN discharges are also
of C4 plants between −15 and −8‰ (Darling et al., 2006); plank- quite uncertain and the values of 55.8 Gg yr−1 POC and 5.9 Gg yr−1
ton dominated dry season samples from the river Senegal had ␦13 C PN at Bakel (Table 6) are first estimates which need to be verified
values of −27 and −30‰. In the wet season, there is no signifi- by further studies.
cant difference between the stations from upstream to downstream The errors of our estimated DOC and DON discharges are not
(samples from the upstream tributaries could not be analyzed due much higher than the analytical errors of 2% and respectively,
to low TSM concentrations) and the ␦13 C values from −24.43‰ 5%. DOC and DON concentrations were almost constant during
to −21.98‰ indicate mixed origin. The vegetation in the Senegal the sampling campaigns as they are mostly conservative in rivers
River catchment is of mixed C3 and C4 source with dominance of and between 70 and 88% of their variance in world rivers can
C4 plants (Still et al., 2003). As C/N ratios imply that aquatic plank- be explained by water discharge alone (Seitzinger et al., 2005).
ton is admixed, the depletion relative to C4 plants can be due to, We estimate a total annual discharge of 54.1 Gg yr−1 DOC and
both, C3 plants and aquatic plankton. 5.3 Gg yr−1 DON at Bakel (Table 5). The DOC discharge of the Sene-
River bed samples integrate the organic matter source over gal River is much lower than 12,400 Gg yr−1 found by Coynel et al.
the year with a sorting effect as the coarser material is deposited (2005) in the Congo/Zaire River. The higher DOC discharge of the
whereas finer material is transported downstream and deposited Congo/Zaire is due to its much higher water discharge and its dense
only in very tranquil parts of the river. This sorting effect evidently tropical vegetation. An earlier estimate of the total TSM yield of
leads to a relative enrichment of land plants as C/N ratios are higher the river Senegal based on the data from Bakel was 8.75 t km2 yr−1
and ␦13 C values are more enriched in river bed samples compared (Kattan et al., 1987). Our TSM discharge produces a very similar
with suspended matter. River bed sediments have small carbonate total yield of 8.85 t km2 yr−1 which is within the range of the low
contents from the estuarine stations up to Dagana revealing proba- yield typical of rivers flowing through low-lying terrain and there-
ble sporadic salt water intrusion importing carbonaceous plankton. fore having much lower yields compared to rivers draining young
This may also be related to the rise of salty groundwater fed by mountain ranges (Milliman and Meade, 1983). DSi discharges were
marine water infiltration for a long time (OMVS, 2009). This rise around 49.9 Gg yr−1 at Bakel and 14.31 Gg yr−1 at Gourbassi; DIP
has led to salination of soils in the delta and the lower valley. The discharges ranged from 63.87 Mg yr−1 to 475.8 Mg yr−1 (Table 7).
␦15 N values are higher in river bed samples from downstream than We believe that the DSi, DIP, DOC and DON discharges estimated
from upstream stations (Fig. 7). This could be a signal of fertilizer for the main gauging station Bakel which covers 81% of the river
use, more intense agriculture and anthropogenic pressure in the catchment may be in the range of the discharges at the river mouth.
more densely populated downstream area of Senegal River as deni- But it is important to note that TSM and to a lesser extend POC and
trification and evaporative loss of heavy nitrogen isotopes lead to PN concentrations increase downstream of Bakel during the wet
elevated ␦15 N in fertilized soils (Deek et al., 2013). Soils from arid season probably due to erosion by surface runoff. The actual dis-
regions, generally, have elevated ␦15 N values; this means that the charge of TSM to the coastal sea may be by 100–200% higher and the
observed pattern may also reflect the increasing aridity (Amundson discharge of POC and PN by about 20–30% higher than measured at
et al., 2003). A more detailed investigation of nitrogen cycling in the main gauging station of the Senegal River. The most significant
the catchment including isotopic measurements of dissolved nitro- increase may be observed for DIN discharge as nitrate concen-
gen is required to evaluate if the enhanced ␦15 N values definitely trations increase by two to three times in the lower catchment
indicate human impact. (Table 3; Supplementary materials).

4.4. Estimation of TSM, carbon, nitrogen and inorganic nutrient

discharge 5. Conclusions

Total annual TSM discharges were calculated at gauging stations Higher TSM, DOC, DON and nitrate concentrations characterize
using wet and, respectively, dry season TSM concentrations (Table the Senegal River samples during the wet season and distinguish
6; Supplementary materials) and the average wet and, respec- them from the dry season samples. The composition of samples
tively, dry season mean water discharges of the sampling period from the upstream tributaries is not significantly different in the
2012/13 (Bakel: 1520.09 and 331.51 m3 s−1 ). Bakel station regis- wet and dry season. The Bakoye and Faleme are more enriched in
ters the highest discharge of the Senegal River gauging stations silicate and have higher TSM concentrations than the Bafing which
(as shown in Fig. 3), and all upstream flows are drained into this is depleted in silicate after damming at Manantali.
station. Using this approach, annual TSM discharge was estimated Nutrient concentrations in the Senegal River basin reveal a rel-
to 1.93 Tg yr−1 (Table 6), and more than 90% of it is discharged atively low anthropogenic impact compared with heavily polluted
during the wet season from July to October. A second method to European, Asian or North American rivers. Phosphate, supplied
calculate TSM discharge is to use an empirical exponential relation- from anthropogenic point sources, is locally enhanced to values
ship between mean monthly water discharge and TSM discharge up to 4 ␮M but is, generally much below 1 ␮M. Both, phosphate
derived by Kattan et al. (1987; Eqs. (8) and (9)). The resulting TSM and silicate concentrations show no systematic variations from
discharge of 2.69 Tg yr−1 is 40% larger than the estimate based on upstream to downstream stations. Nitrate, however, increases in
our TSM concentrations. The uncertainty of both methods is large the more densely populated downstream river basin to concentra-
and difficult to assess. We may have underestimated TSM dis- tions slightly above 20 ␮M which suggests that diffusive supplies of
charges if our sampling campaign was carried out during a period nitrate related to agriculture and anthropogenic land-use enhance
of minimum TSM concentrations. Average TSM concentrations in concentrations.
August of Kattan et al. (1987) were two times higher than our wet Low C/N-ratios, depleted ␦13 C values and enhanced TOC per-
season TSM concentrations at Bakel. However, Kattan et al.’s equa- centages indicate that aquatic plankton dominates organic matter
tion was derived from a data set collected during a period of draught in the Senegal River during the dry season when low TSM con-
in the early 1980s. Moreover, there were less population, land use centrations allow sufficient light penetration for plankton blooms.
12 M.L. Mbaye et al. / Limnologica 57 (2016) 1–13

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