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The Role Of Technology In Advancing Society 

The honorable jury of speech contest in CHAINS, 
The honorable committee of speech contest in CHAINS, 
The respectable teacher who attends in this speech contest and all of the audience that I'm proud
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. 
First of all, let us praises and thanks to ALLAH SWT, who has bestowed grace and guidance so,
we can gather in this room on healthy. 
Secondly, sholawat and salutation be upon to our lovely prophet Muhammad SAW who was
guided us from the dark age to light age, with a hope we will get his help in the day later,
fiddunya wal akhiroh, aamiin. 
Ladies and gentleman, my name is Muhammad Hilman Luthfi Pratama and I’m standing here for
speech about The Role Of Technology In Advancing Society. Before i’m explain the role or
impact of technology in advancing society, i will define the technology and society so we can
more understand about the theme. 
What is society? 
Society is defined as the group of among human beings sharing social relationships. Or in other
words, a society is a group of people that lives together in a community that includes some form
of government, along with some rules and economy. 
What is technology? 
Technology is defined as the body of knowledge that deals with the innovation, invention, and
application of technical means, as well as their interrelationship with life, society, and the
environment. Or in other words, technology means the use of scientific knowledge to achieve
some specific goal or create applications that are used in industry or in everyday life. So, if we
are using some scientific knowledge to achieve some goal means we are using technology. 
After we know the definition of technology and society, it will much easier to explain the
As we know, in nowadays we utilize and rely on technology in our daily lives, and our technical
requirements and demands continue to grow. Technology is used by humans to explore, connect,
study, and do work. The manner in which we use technology decides whether its effects are
beneficial or detrimental for society. 
Technology has a more positive impact on humans or society as compared to negative. It makes
our life easier and reward us by providing resources or tool that make our life much easier. There
are some positive changes that technology brings to our life: 
- Improved Communication: Communication is the most important part of society, we build or
transfer our thoughts with each other with the help of communication. Earlier people used
pigeons or birds to transfer their messages to their loved ones. After that technology slowly
grows and the medium of transferring information is changed to mobile phones, email, etc.
Nowadays, we send messages to loved ones or known people via email, social media platforms,
etc. It is the fastest, efficient, and effective medium. People can talk or share information with
their loved ones easily even if they are very far away from them. 
- Improved Education and learning process: Technology enhances the education and learning
process. Nowadays, people can easily enhance their knowledge using the internet. Most of the
data is present on the internet is free of cost, and you can access this data anytime and anywhere. 
- Mechanized Agriculture: Technology changes the working mechanism of farmers. Lots of
machines and technical instruments were introduced in the agricultural area which makes
farming very easy, effective, automated, etc. 
- Easy to access information: We can easily access information via the internet anytime and
anywhere. Most of the information is present on the internet are free of cost, so you can use them
to enhance your knowledge, skills, etc. 
Technology has big impact to our social life and mindset, because in nowdays we get many
informations from the internet when we use phone, laptop, etc. If we can learn more about
technology, update more about the advanced technology, its will be more usefull for the society
because our daily life almost always about technology and technology. The awareness about the
negative impact should be become a priority in society so we can avoid the things we don’t want
to happen. So, let’s started to more care about the impact of technology be more educated about
the positive negative impact that can advancing our society. 
That’s all from me, thank you for the attention. 
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. 

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