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A- Word Formation

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages

of Watching Movies
With the 1) …introduction…… of technology and its 2) …speedy…. growth, the flair
for watching movies also grows. With many nations setting the pace in filmmaking
and movie production, high 3) …definition…… movies have been produced with big
names making 4) …appearances….. to thrill the audience. Youths no doubt
constitute the major 5) …percentage…. . of people who watch movies across the
globe either from the Television screen, their personal computers or mobile phones.
With the much attention we pay to movies, it is very important we know what
advantages of watching movies can be to us, and how 6) .....disadvantageous...... it
can be as well.

1) introduce
2) speed
3) define
4) appear
5) percent
6) advantage

B- Multiple-Choice Cloze

Disadvantages of Watching Movies

Everything that has an advantage always has its disadvantages as well. Some of the
disadvantages of watching movies include:

The (1) …….. movies showcase has a way of conditioning movie addict’s especially
young children in their teenage years. This is on the (2)………in recent times
because in a bit to increase productivity more and more movie directors seem to be
coming up with movies that have violent themes or (3)……… .

Watching movies sometimes send the wrong messages to individuals as some

circumstances and happenings are usually overrated or occasionally underrated in
movies. It’s (4)…….. to find movies that don’t (5)……..some sentiments or the other
because one (6)……….of society is always appreciated or downplayed at the
expense of the other.
Watching movies a lot results in (7)…….. Many people who get to watch many
movies become so addicted to it that they watch so many times (8)………their
primary assignments to (9)……. a movie, or keep up with one.

1) a) aggression b) power c) fury d) violence

2) a) growth b) increase. c) enlargement d) addition
3) a) plot b) history c) storyline d) characters
4) a) weird b) rare c) unusual d) ridiculous
5) a) distribute b) scatter c) propagate d) expand
6) a) aspect b) side c) característic d) part
7) a) habit b) addiction c) compulsion d) weakness
8) a) leave b) abandon c) let d) hate
9) a) see b) observ c) watch d)enjoy


As earlier said, everything in life always comes with its good and bad side. This
1) …not entirely to discredit watching movies; instead 2) …… article aims at creating
a balance between loving movies and being careful as well. As much 3) …….
watching movies can be beneficial 4)……. several extents, 5)….should be limited
else the same movie that 6)…… be beneficial to you, can also be harmful 7) ......
several other ways too.

As earlier said, everything in life always comes with its good and bad side. This is
not entirely to discredit watching movies; instead this article aims at creating a
balance between loving movies and being careful as well. As much as watching
movies can be beneficial to several extents, it should be limited else the same movie
that can be beneficial to you, can also be harmful in several other ways too.

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