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‘School DONSOL NATIONAL Grade COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL Level — GRADE | to 12 eee ‘Sarah Grace C. Bermas Learning Area DAILY LESSON LOG Teaches Dates and Time SUN 03 208 (COT2) Quarter ‘A. Content Standard ‘The leamer demonstrates How theatrical elements (sound, music, gesture, movement, and costume) affect the creation and communication of meaning in Philippine Festivals and Theatrical Form as influenced by history and culture. 1B Performance Standard ‘The leamer: Create appropriate costumes, props, set accessories, costumes improvised lighting and other décor for Philippine plays C. Learning ‘Analyzes examples of plays based on theatrical forms, and elements of art as Competency/ObjectivesWrite the LC | applied to performance (A10EL-IVa-2) Conde for cach Tlustrates how the different elements are used to communicate the meaning (ANOEL-IVe-3) ‘OBJECTIVES Discuss the Theatrical forms 2. Appreciate the theatrical forms, and elements of art as applied to performance 3. Interpret and Perform Theatrical forms 1 CONTENT ELEMENTS OF THEATRE AND THEATRICAL FORMS IL LEARNING RESOURCES D. References 1 Teacher's Guide Pages pp. 421-433 2, Learners Material Pages pp. 420-432 3. Textbook Pages 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource Portal 5. Other Leaming Resource ‘© Picturev/slides of composers ‘ Projector, laptop, pictures, speaker © Examples of theatrical forms | Suggested links: ‘hupsy/tsww. youtube co tps /Avww yout ‘ups /vww youtube conv hitps/Avww. youtube comvwatch”=G/DZRMVZ63M_ TI PROCEDURE T. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new lesson 2, Establishing a purpose for the lesson Good morning class, before we sta, let us all follow our classroom norms: Clean Your surroundings, arrange the chairs, sit propery, listen and participate in the discussion, Let as all pray, (Indicator 4) Activity 1. GAYA-GAYA PUTO MAYA Directions: Performing atists rehearse ther lines and on-stage actions. In this ‘activity, perform the listed actions withthe corresponding situations below, 1. Your right hand is up waving to loved one who is about to leave 2. You are tickled withthe furry tail of your puppy 3. Your bag was slashed after you accidentally bumped into a middle-aged man, 4. A crazy woman has a child who is dying due to an illness. Every student who performed the listed actions correctly will be given 3 cl m3 clapsang | additional points (Indicator 3 and 6) Okay class based on our activity, what do you think is our topic for today? [presenting examples/instances of the | new lesson ‘Show the objectives of the lesson FF Discussing new concepts and practicing new Skills #1 ‘The teacher will play a short video presentation and will ask the following: 1, Who are the characters? 2. What is the setting of the story? 3. What do you think is the theme of the story? ‘There are similarities between Short stories and Theatre in terms of their elements, ‘The only difference is that short stories are written and can be presented in video while theatre is performed live with an audience. They are both literatures. (indicator 1) ‘Theater arts is a collaborative form of art where live performers act on stage before a group of audience in a specific place carrying out a story. Live performances like theater plays demand the expertise and collaboration of each member in the production team as well as the cast to produce a high-quality performance. One of the best examples of theater plays is Miss Saigon, where Lea Salonga was selected to play the lead role as Kim, Elements of Theatre: The elements of theatre can be categorized into three major areas: literary elements, technical elements, and performance elements. Plot: the series of events that take place in a play. There are 6 stages in a plot structure: Initial incident. the event that “gets the story going” Preliminary event whatever takes place BEFORE the action of the play that is directly related to the Play Rising action: a series of events following the initial incident and leading up to the dramatic climax. imax: the turning point or high point of a story, when events can go either way Falling action: the series of events following the climax. Denouement or Conclusion ; another term for the ending-itis the French word for “unraveling”) (Character: a person portrayed in a drama, novel, or other artistic piece. Exposition is the “who, when, where and what” part ofthe play. Story organization: beginning, middle, end Conflict: the intemal or extemal struggle between opposing forces, ideas, or interests that creates dramatic tension. Suspense: a feeling of uncertainty as to the outcome, used to build interest and excitement on the part of the audience. ‘Theme: the basic idea of a play; the idea, point of view, or perception that binds together a work of art ‘Language: in drama, the particular manner of verbal expression, the diction oF style of writing, or the speech or phrasing that suggests a class or profession or type of character. ‘Sevle: the shaping of dramatic material, settings. or costumes in a deliberately ‘nonrealistic manner. Soliloquy: a speech by a single actor who is ALONE on stage Monologue: a long speech made by one actor, a monologue may be delivered alone or in the presence of others. ‘TECHNICAL ELEMENTS: ‘Scenery (set): the theatrical equipment, such as curtains, flats, backdrops, or Platforms, used in a dramatic producuon o communica environment Contumes: coting and accessories worn by actors to portay character and 0d tops: short for properties; any atl, except costume or scenery use as pat of Frdranatie production, any moveable objec tha appears on tage duning a performance, from a telephone to a train. Lights the placement, neni, and color of lights to Help communicate exvironment, hood, of eling Soumdt the’ effects an audience hears ding perfomance to communicate charter, contest, or environment Makeup costes, wigs, and body paint used to transform an actor imo a character | PERFORMANCE ELEMENTS: _ LS Aang of ity aa ib op caver ee lion: the reason or reasons for a character's behavior: an anal neon rac th ces of aii ramatic ar, the process of examining how ie clements of drama—literary, technical, and performance—are used Empathy: the capacity to relate tothe feelings of another. ‘Speaking: the mode of expression or delivery of lines Breath control: proper use of the lungs and diaphragm muscle for maximum Capacity and efficiency of breath for speaking Vocal expression: how an actor uses his or her voice to convey’ character inflection: change in pitch or loudness of the voice. Projection: how well the voice carries to the audience ‘Speaking style: the mode of expression or delivery of lines Diction; selection and pronunciation of words, clarity of speech. pression Gestures any movement of the actor's head, shoulder, am, hand, leg, oF fo ‘convey meani Body alignment physiologically correct posture and use ‘of the body to ensure the ‘maximum capacity and efficiency of breathing and movement Facial expression physical and vocal aspects used by an actor to convey mood, feeling, or personality wT blocking the path formed by the actor's movement on stage, usualy ‘determined by the director with assistance from the actor and often written down in a script using commonly accepted theatrical symbols ‘Movement ‘stage blocking or the movements of the actors onstage during performance; also refers to the action of the play as it moves from event fo event. ‘Theatrical Forms A. Tragedy it's a dramatic play portraying the struggle of a strong-willed protagonist against fate, as predestined by mysterious, divine, social, or psychological forces, culminating in disaster and usually caused by a flaw in the protagonist's character. ot to Inups:/www.youitube, com/vatch’=jeK oCeDItss B. Comedy : It isa dramatic play of light and humorous character, typically with a cheerful and happy ending, Iuips://ww youtube com/natch'y=Mzymued_FCe Drama Iisa play that is “for real”. The characters represent realistic and everyday people. nips://www youtube convwatchx=Tb2bahg2fa) D.Melodrama Itis a dramatic composition characterized by extravagant theatricality and the dominance of plot and physical action over characterization, wi youtube com/watch'y=GrDZRMVZ63M E Solyr (boi comeday ad tragedy) “3 Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 6 Developing Mastery (leads 10 formative assessment) Form Three Groups. Each group will be assigned different activities. (15 mins) (From the start of the school year, the teacher already identified the learning capabilities of the students. They will be group based on their skills and learning capabilities Indicator 7 and 8 Group I: List $ examples of Theatrical forms Genres (Tragedy, Comedy, Drama, Melodrama) Group 11: Create simple comedy skit ~ R&A Ate. ALatocy Group II: Directions: Given the link, carefully watch the video and accomplish the task below (lttps://,convwatch?v=Z-IMB)86xI0). Describe the playin terms of: A Sound and Music B. Gesture, Movement and Dance C. Costume, Mask, Makeup and Accessories ACTIVITY RULES: Indicator 4 1. Panicipate and cooperate 2. Minimize the noise 3. Follow the instructions 44. Present on the time given ‘After presenting the activities by groups, ask Nahata the most sgiicana Note: See attached Rubrics (Indicator 5} thing that you have Tearned from the activity? | 7. Finding practical application of concepts T. What is the importance of Studying the Elements of Theatre and Theatrical forms? (1 2.1 you could be a director, what theatrical form will you direct? Why? tug ika ‘magiging director unong klase ang muya mong iderek? Nyanga?) Indicator 2 3.lf you are in charge of the costume and make up and you have a Muslim actor ‘and he/she refuse to wear your prepared costume what will you do? (halimbaro, tka ang taga asikaso nin make up ngan costume kina yaon ka Muslim na actor unong gigibon mo?) Indicator 9 — co | 0 ang importansya sang pag adal nin Theatrical, ae | | | | | kina nag sayuma syang sulugon ang inihanda mong kostyum ta bawal sainda arom ‘ Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson. T, What ts Theatre? 2. What are the elements of theatre and the theatrical forms? 9 Evaluating learning Buen © ep Directions: Write T ifthe statement is correct ‘your answers in your notebook ‘or F if the satement is wrong. Write {Comedy is 2 dramatic play of light and humorous character, typically with 2 | cheerful and happy ending. (True) 2. Plot isa person portrayed in a drama, novel 3.'Sound and light effects greatly affect the quality of a play. (True) ‘Tragedy, Drama and Melodrama (True) ‘5. Costumes, masks, makeup and accessories do not help at all in the ‘4. Theatrical forms are Comedy, ‘characterization of the actors. (False) J, or other artistic piece. (False) To. Additional activities for application or remediation TV. REMARKS V. REFLECTION No. of feamers who earned 80% in the evaluation No. of Tearners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80% Did the remedial lessons work? No. of leamers who have caught up with the lesson To. of Teamers who continue to require remediation ‘Which of my teaching strategies worked * > TO [wall Wi di these work What difficulties did T encounter which 1 - \ | my principal or supervisor can help me | solve? ‘What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Prepared by SARAH G feacher | Checked by nonita:GaRcIA ERMALYNP MENDIOLA Master Teacher I Head Teacher IIT Ape 5, 202% COT-RPMS TEACHER Ill INTER-OBSERVER AGREEMENT FORM OBSERVER 1:_ERMALYN P. MEMN DIOL, (NAME OF TEACHER OBSERVED: OBSERVER? NowiTA QQ. _GARc\A , MI} GARAM CRAVE C. BERMAS OBSERVER 3: ‘SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL TAUGHT: DATE: Suse 3, 222 Mapen (ARIS) GRADE IO OBSERVATION: 10 20 DIRECTIONS FOR THE OBSERVERS: Discuss with the other observers your reason/s for rating in each indicator. In case of different ratings, come up with a final rating. The final rating is NOT an average; itis a raling based on a reasoned and consensual judgment. Indicate this rating on the column for Final Rating, Note that ifthe Ratee gets NO (Not Observed) in an indicator, write 3 a the Final Rating. Further, Indicators 6, 7, 8, andlor 9 will only be accomplished If the ratee opted to have the Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form as Means of Verification (MOV) of its respective RPMS Objective. 1. Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas 2. Display proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and leaming participation, engagement and achievernent “4, Establish safe and secure leaming environments to enhance leaming through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures 1 7 3. Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support leamer understanding, 7 7 7 ‘5. Maintain learning environments that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage learning ‘OTHER COMMENTS: * Opplorin of Hy inchoate, were aber ot Aeplieticl othe DLL drok mw etek fw Ge . ‘ ¥ Oduqucate grurerata omct Lautle ane provedid for te Mornehy who aan tcing, funtty a Be ferdon, ¥ adieu teas no eer AL prtganel ancl wreck Oppo priory , ‘ * Roatany of Adytd natin We Pronoiy taisdint + Wngratataben | “Thstool wae developed trough te PitpineNatoral Australian Reseach CovaroTeachet Quay RTO} Se Ald trom be Aasraan Govern Maintain learning environments that nurture and inspire learmers to participate, coopera ‘continued learning 1nd collaborate in T. Apply a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments that motivate leamers to work productively by assuming responsibility for thelr own leaming 7 8. Design, adapt and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness 7 and talents, | 9, Adapt and use culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of leamers from indigenous ‘groups d ee ‘CONMENTS: detiritia | OpUtAue ane venowely een! "oud Comardinartin, of indliarclinad Lugpirrnsa 4 he * freuros ye rQorion ond phan fordierpabon ¥ een make woe Ppa erent cpm Barun Re artowty by tabong nonna o he folloue * Write NIA Wino applicable. RO Lois PRAALYN._PL_MEROIOLA Bonrral @. GARCVA MT! ‘Signature over Printod Name ‘Signature over Printed Namo ‘Sighature over Printed Name of Observer 1 of Observer 2 ‘of Observer 3 ccagiitet SPS ocuns sana z sass syeeeene a or OO COT-RPMS INTER-OBSERVER AGREEMENT FORM OBSERVER 1: ERMALYN Pp. MEWDICLA HT WL NAME OF TEACHER OBSERVED: OBSERVER 2: NONITA @. GARCIA, MYL s GRACE ¢. BERMAG\T OBSERVER 3: ‘SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL TAUGHT: DATE: MARCA 2312022. OBSERVATION: 10 20 DIRECTIONS FOR THE OBSERVERS: Discuss with the other observers your reason/s for rating in each indicator. In case of different ratings, come up with a final rating ‘The final rating is NOT an average; itis a rating based on a reasoned and consensual judgment. Indicate ths rating on the column for Final Rating. Note that i the Ratee gets NO (Not Observed) in an indicator, write 3 as the Final Rating. Further, Indicators 6, 7, 8, and/or 9 will only ‘be accomplished ifthe ratee opted to have the Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or interobserver agreement form as ‘Means of Verification (MOV) ofits respective RPMS Objective. ‘Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas 2. Display proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to faciitate teaching and leaming 3. Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support leamner understanding, Participation, engagement and achievement 4. Establish safe and secure leaming environments to enhance leaming through the consistent implementation of policies, guidlines and procedures | Saf 5. Maintain learning environments that promote faimess, respect and care to encourage leaming a) ‘OTHER COMMENTS: ROggr cation of He Vdleole wa obrd oe mpticted he PLL ond eebrat Hooda Hee pteeno, omnand of Fhe bewgege ant Fete Re de ee Soe a ees ea at ot Tepe LD tte bem ngeecnny o~ HOTS Tete mapa end AM beng Aneto eee) We neem ay Act Mee do Me patton F Odtprmtd | Othe tedond Lene’ po Tie ol wos eveoped rough te PhippeeNaterst Australian Secreta Sy crayeahemsot Aled wae ‘rth Aran Goverment 6. rate and collaborate in . cooper 7. Apply a range of successful strategies that maintain leariing environments that motivate leamers to work productively by assuming responsibily for their own leaming ‘8. Design, adapt and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to leamers with disabillies, giftedness ‘and talents, ‘9. Adapt and use culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of leamers from indigenous ‘groups a ‘OTHER COMMENTS: Reng Lee te petipete oe fie donee habe Of He ante cone Aopen Apeeiatty domo, We aekity By Ay a fe Be potbonedd F Foal ceemnetitey and cent se F beta, . A hee et Hoe pe Le Bat | os [a SET aggreceten ad Cmepottotmne | * Write NIA not applicable. Pi rpc ape hua FENDA, womtn te. GAR OAA MT | 8 ove! Signature over Printed Name ‘Signature over Pntod Nam of Observer 1 ‘of Observer 2 sret Observers ‘The oo was developed trough he Pipi Naor Renarch Gera or Teach Gay (ROTO) wah wopprt

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