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Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE Grade 9


I. Objectives
Content Standard:
 The learners demontrate an understanding on how to prepare sandwiches.
Performance Standard:
 The learners independently prepare sandwiches.
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
a. identify sandwich components;
b. create a simple sandwich; and
c. observe proper hygiene in preparing a sandwich.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Preparing Sandwich

Subtopic: Components of Sandwich
Materials: Visual aids, Pictures, Videos, Powerpoint Presentation, Raw Ingredients, and TV.

 Cookery 9 Dep.ed Module
 Skills for a lifetime in TLE-9 (Page 97-99)

III. Lesson Proper/Learning Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Prayer

Class, please stand and let’s pray first (The students will stand)
Please lead the prayer (calls student)

(The Students will stand and pray)

a. Opening Prayer
Our Father, Who art in heaven, 
Hallowed be Thy Name. 
Thy Kingdom come. 
Thy Will be done, 
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread. 

And forgive us our sins, 
as we forgive those who sins against us. 
And lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

b. Closing prayer

Thank you lord for the things and the

new learning we had learned today. In Jesus
name, Amen.

2.Classroom Management

Before you take your sit, Please pick those pieces (The students will pick the piece of trash
of trash under your chairs and arrange your chair under their chairs and arrange their chairs)

Okay you can take your sit now. (The students will take their sits)

3.Checking of Attendance

President, Please check the attendance. Who are Yes Sir.

the absents today?

Thank you president! Now Give yourselves a 5


4.Review of the past lesson

Before we start our new lesson, what was our past (Student raise their hands)
lesson? Sir, it was all about the techniques for
making sandwiches.
(calls a student)

Very Good, can someone give me the techniques - portioning, layering, molding, and piping.
in making sandwiches?

Any Questions? None sir.

Great. So let’s move on to our next lesson.

B. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Video Presentation/Analysis
1. Today, you will watch a video presentation and I
would like you to observe carefully of what will be (The students will watch the video
prepared. If possible take down notes in which you presentation)
can use in our group activity that you will do, later.
Guided Questions:
1. What have you observed on the video we had watched Sir, the video was all about the parts of
earlier? sandwich. (Probable Answer)

Oh! That’s a good idea. Good job!

(students raise their hands)
2. How often you eat a sandwich? Sir, daily, sometimes or everyday.
That’s so amazing! That’s correct we always eat
sandwiches for breakfast or sometimes during our free time Yes! Sir.
as snacks.

Moving forward, what do you think our new lesson today? Sir, it is all about the Parts/Components of
That’s correct!

C. Presentation:
Now, let us read the objectives for this lesson, today! Yes sir!

(The students will read the objectives)

At the end of the lesson, you are expected
A. identify sandwich components;
B. create a simple sandwich; and
C. observe proper hygiene in preparing a
Unlocking of Difficulties (The students will read the unlocking of
 Leavening agent  also called as raising agent, a
substances used in dough that
 Burritos . causes foaming action (gas
 a Mexican dish consisting of
 Tacos tortilla rolled around the filling.
 a Mexican dish consisting of
fried tortilla typically folded.
Activity: (Jigsaw Puzzle)
This time, you will be divided into 3 groups, each
group will be given an envelop, inside are pieces of paper
in which when connected will come up with a picture that
is related to our new lesson. Remember, this is a group
activity therefore you should cooperate for a better grade.
You are given a time (1-3 minutes) to solve and name the Yes sir.
picture puzzle. The given picture is based on the video we
have watched. When you are done, just post it in the board.
Each group will receive a performance pass once you
completed the task. Is it clear, class?

(The students will do the given tasks)

Group 1 Group 2

Group 3

(After 5 minutes) Time’s up! You may now post your (The representative of each group will
finish work on the board and we will listen the group share their opinions and ideas about the
opinion or idea about the picture puzzle you solved. (One picture puzzle they solved)
representative each group)

D. Analysis
Guided Questions:
1. Can you identify the components of sandwich?
Yes, sir!
2. What are those components?
Sir the components are Bread, spread, and
3. Next, what is the definition of bread?
Sandwich bread (also referred to as
sandwich loaf) is the bread that is prepared
specifically to be used for the preparation
4. What are the types of bread and its definition? of sandwiches.
Yeast bread -refers to bread that uses yeast
as a leavening.
1.Loaf Bread/Pullman is the most
commonly used bread for sandwiches.
2. Wraps these are very thin, flat breads
that are used for sandwich wraps, burritos,
and tacos.
3. Buns and Rolls These are excellent
choices for sandwich making.
e.g Hamburger and Hotdog sandwich.
4.Quick Bread- It can be used for a
sweeter tasting sandwich. e.g Banana
Bread and Carrot Bread.

5. What is a spread and its types? Spread-is a spreadable condiment used in a

sandwich, Butter, Mayonnaise, Margarine
Cheese, and Vegetable puree.
 It adds moisture, flavor, and richness
of sandwich.
6. How about the filling and its examples? Filling provides the body of the sandwich.,
and the Heart of the sandwich.
Example: Meat, Poultry, Fish and
Shellfish, Cheese and Vegetable.

Great answer! Last question class….. (students raise their hands)

7. Why filling is the heart of the sandwich? Sir, It is also called as the heart of the
sandwich because it provides flavor and
body to the sandwich. It is place between
on or top of the bread.

E. Abstraction
 What have you learned to our discussion? “I learned the different components of
sandwich such as the different types of
bread, spread, and filling. (answer may

 Now as a student, why is it important to know the Sir” It is important to know in order to
components of sandwich? have an idea about the proper uses of
ingredients in preparing sandwich. So that
if there is a time or opportunity to create a
business in the future regarding sandwich it
will be a great advantage with me. (Answer
may vary)

 If you were given a chance to choose a type of bread

what would it be? And why? “ If I were given a chance to choose a type
of bread to a sandwich that I am going to
create and that is a Pullman bread. Because
the Pullman bread is the most commonly
used bread and not too expensive to create
F. Application
 The class will be divided into 5 groups. Each group
will create a simple sandwich. This practical activity (Each group will do the given given tasks)
will run from 5- 10 minutes only. After the activity,
each group will present their own finish product and be
evaluated with the rubrics that is shown below.

IV. Evaluation
 The rubrics shown below is the criteria for the transfer RUBRICS
of learning or application of learning. Criteria Percentage
Mis-en Place 20%
Criteria Percentage
Color 20%
Mis-en Place 20%
Appearance 20%
Color 20%
Texture 20%
Appearance 20%
Taste 20%
Texture 20%
Total: 100%
Taste 20%
Total: 100%

After the presentation and evaluation of the sandwiches, let

us check the objectives if we met the objectives of this Yes sir!

 Are you now able to identify the components of

sandwich? Yes sir!
“Very Good”
 Are you able now to create a simple sandwich? Yes sir!
Good Job!
 Are we able to follow the proper hygiene in preparing
the sandwich?
“Amazing” Yes sir!

V. Assignment
1. Search the Different Methods of Sandwich Making.

Prepared By:

Davin Basibas Ramirez

TLE Teacher 1 Applicant

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