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1993 WAEC Mathematics Theory P and Q are two

points on latitude 55°N and their longitudes are 33°W
Mathematics WAEC 1993

P and Q are two points on latitude 55°N and their longitudes are 33°W and 20°E respectively. Calculate the
distance between P and Q measured along 

(a) the parallel of latitude ;

(b) a great circle. 

[Take π and radius of the earth = 6400km].

(a) Angular difference = 33° + 23° = 56°

Distance PQ along parallel of latitude =

× 2πr

where r = R cos 55°

56 22
∴ |P Q| = × 2 × × 6400 cos 55
360 7

= 3589.46km ≊ 3589km (to the nearest degree)

(b) |P O|
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
= r + r − 2r cos 56° = R + R − 2R cos θ

= 2r2 − 2r
cos 56° = 2R
− 2R
cos θ

But r = Rcos55° = 6400 × 0.5736 = 3671

2 2
∴ 2r (1 − cos 56°) = 2R (1 − cos θ)

2 2
2 × 3671 (1 − 0.5592) = 2 × 6400 (1 − cos θ)

2×3671 ×0.4408
1 − cos θ =

1 − cos θ = 0.1259

cos θ = 1 − 0.1259 = 0.8741

θ = cos (0.8741) = 29.06°

∴ Distance PQ along great circle = 29.06

× 2 ×
× 6400
360 7

= 3247.34km ≊ 3247km

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