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We can still get outta here but we gotta go now. We gotta go quick.

” “And where
we gonna go George, where we gonna go?” said Lennie, pretending to be interested.
“Anywhere but here. Then maybe we can go get another job on another ranch. If we do
that then we could still get the little place and you get to tend the rabbits.”
said George urgently.
Carlson says, “God almighty that dog stinks. Get him outta here, Candy! I don’t
know nothing that stinks so bad as an old dog. You gotta get him out!” Candy’s dog
gets shot because it is old and worthless to the other men. Steinbeck shows us what
life is like in the ranch by the dog. The dog gets shot but life continues.
He then complains about the smell of the dog. “God awmighty that dog stinks.
Get him outta here, Candy! ” Carlson makes it clear that he doesn’t like the dog
being in the bunk house as it brings a foul smell with it. But when Candy hears
Carlson say this, he reaches over to pat his dog as if it is fully aware of what is
being said.
Get him outta here, Candy! I know nothing that stinks as bad as an old dog. You
gotta get him out,” (44). He also says that the dog is miserable and should be
taken care of, or killed, “Look, Candy. This ol’ dog jus’ suffers himself all the
time. If you were to take him out and shoot him right in the back of the head —
right there, why he’d never know what hit him,” (45).
Come on, you guys.” He ran furiously out of the barn…” “…Slim stood looking
down at Curley’s wife. He said, “Curley- maybe you better stay here with your
wife.” Curley’s face reddened. “I’m goin’,” he said. “I’m gonna shoot the guts
outta that big bastard myself, even if I only got one hand. I’m gonna get ‘im….”
When Curley finds out his wife has been killed by Lennie he feel humiliated by this
and the fact that it’s happened twice make him want revenge more.
One of the themes of the book is loniness but this part here shows that it is
not George or Lennie that experience this, or at least at the beginning. And
finally, George makes it clear to the reader that he is the authoritive person in
the relationship as he makes it clear when he “ain’t got time for no more”, he is
the one that is in charge and Lennie seems to appreciate that. The fact that George
is the authoritve figure is a good way to explain why he seems so tense and
agitated in this extract: “you getta kick outta that”, because he feels like he is
in charge of lennie, and doesn’t want him to do anything wrong or get into trouble,
knda like when a parent takes their child shopping.
The varying personalities and degrees of moral fortitude is evident from their
reactions. One Juror talks about how ‘I have three garages going to pot, while
you’re talking, so let’s get down and get outta here’, another juror is preoccupied
with tickets to a baseball game, and the fear he will miss it should the
deliberation drag on. Another ethical issue is the use of persuasion by juror #8
who seems intent on turning the jury to find with him, he uses methods that may be
ethically unsound to sway other easily pliable members of the jury his way to gain
momentum to use against his most fervent foes on the panel.
Stay with I and omit you.Life is nothing to take for granted because one day
you’re here and then next might be your last, so please make the best outta each
and every day you’re blessed with. Take in the good moments and cherish your
family, friends, and loved ones. Be thankful to have running water, a toilet, and
your cable television.
This shows they make a habit of running away from places and people when Lenny
often gets into trouble. ‘an you ain’t gonna do no bad things like you did in weed
neither’. ‘they run us outta weed’. Those things show situations for the future and
also show the dire situation they are in at the present, they are fugitives with
Lenny committing the crimes and George helping him to get away because of their
solid companionship in which both are each others only companions.
But when he starts a conversation with her, she tells him “git outta here! Don
yuh talk t me bout no gun! Yuh a fool!” (Richard Wright), but Dave states that the
family needs a gun and after he buys it he will give to his father, Mrs. Saunders
agrees to buy the gun but with one condition, as soon as he buys the gun it has to
come straight to her possession and also make him promise that he will do it as she

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