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1. Don’t park bikes on the ladders everyone goes trought them.
2. Can everyone please not throw trash on ladders. It looks bad and pollutes
the environment.
3 .Don’t make too much noise after 10.00 pm, many people has to wake up
early to work.
4. Would you mind not listen to music loud on weeks, some people study or
work in home.
5. Could you mind keep the pets inside please.
6. Don’t park the vehicles on others park space.

task 6
To: Natalia
Hi Nata, thank you so much for help me! Please remember to do some favors
to me. First, make sure to give the teacher my homework and the message.
Second, please give valentina the book she lent me for homework reference.
And also don’t forget send me the notes of today’s class. Thank you.

task 7
Is a celebration that people make in Medellin. It takes 10 days for do all the
activities, people make arrangements with flowers wich are very
beautiful,they even win prizes for the best arrangements, after that many
parties and Street sales are famous, people used to drink aguardiente when
they are on the Parks or bars, the Streets are full of people and tourist, so is
very noisy but it is a lot of fun, after that people go back to everyday life

My friend Natalia, she was the most insecure person i’ve ever met, she used
to be very shy and desorganized, but now she is very friendly and level
headed, she is able to make a Good job working with many people. In the
future she Will be able to make big decisions in the company were she Works
and maybe be in charge of work staff. She is going to do great things.

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