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Naty: Hi July, how are you?

July: I’m fine, thank you. What are you doing here?

Naty: I was walking. Oh, I just remembered that we're meeting Gaby at a coffee shop today. but I
don't know where it is. Can you help me?

July: Of course, it is near the central park, we can go together.

Naty: Yes, sure

Gaby: Hi girls, nice of you to come.

Naty, July: Hi

Gaby: my travel was amazing.

July: Where did you go?

Gaby: I travel to the Bahamas, It’s a beautiful island.

Naty: Oh, that's great, on my vacation I went to alaska, as I prefer cold weather.

July: I like the cold and warm weather, on my vacation I decided to go to San Francisco, California,
I had a great time.

Gaby: We should plan a friends travel next summer.

July: Of course, we could go to different parts of our preference.

Gaby: like Las Vegas

July: Or Ibiza

Naty: The summer is long, so we can go wherever we want.

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