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Exercise 1 (NPV): Rapid Parcel Service has been offered an eight-year contract to deliver mail

and small parcels between army installations. To accept the contract, the company would have to
purchase several new delivery trucks at a total cost of $450,000. Other data relating to the
contract follow:

If the contract were accepted, several old, fully depreciated trucks would be sold at a total price
of $30,000. These funds would be used to help purchase the new trucks. For tax purposes, the
company computes depreciation deductions assuming zero salvage value and uses straight-line
depreciation. The trucks would be depreciated over eight years. The company requires a 12%
after-tax return on all equipment purchases.
Compute the net present value of this investment opportunity. Round all dollar amounts to the
nearest whole dollar. Would you recommend that the contract be accepted?

Exercise 2 (IRR): Jefferson County’s Board of Representatives is considering the purchase of a

site for a new sanitary landfill. The purchase price for the site is $234,000 and preparatory work
will cost $88,080. The landfill would be usable for 10 years. The board hired a consultant, who
estimated that the new landfill would cost the county $48,000 per year less to operate than the
county’s current landfill. The current landfill also will last 10 more years. For a landfill project,
Jefferson County can borrow money from the federal government at a subsidized rate. The
county’s hurdle rate is only 6 percent for this project.
Calculate the landfill project’s internal rate of return. Should the board approve the project?

Exercise 3 (Discounted Payback Period): The management of Iroquois National Bank is

considering an investment in automatic teller machines. The machines would cost $124,200 and
have a useful life of seven years. The bank’s controller has estimated that the automatic teller
machines will save the bank $27,000 after taxes during each year of their life (including the
depreciation tax shield). The machines will have no salvage value. The bank can alternately
invest the money in T-Bond which yields 10% per annum and pay interest monthly.
Compute the payback period for the proposed investment.

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