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Lesson 4: Anatomy & Physiology of Reproduction  Seminal Vesicle - it is located at the base of the bladder.

It produces about 60% of seminal fluid. Their thick,

DEFINITION OF TERMS yellowish secretion is rich in sugar (fructose), vitamin C,
REPRODUCTION- PROCESS of producing offsprings prostaglandins, and other substances that nourish and
activate the sperm passing through the tract
GENITALS-external sex organs
 Prostate – a single dough-nut shaped gland about the
PRIMARY SEX CHARACTERISTICS – sex characteristics that are present at
size of peach pit. It encircles the upper(prostatic) part of
the urethra just inferior to the urinary bladder.
SECONDARY SEX CHARACTERISTICS – sex characteristics that emerge
o Prostate fluid is milky and plays role in activating
during puberty.
the sperm.
A. Male Reproductive System o During ejaculation, the fluid enters the urethra
through several small ducts. The prostate has a
reputation as a common cause of health
o HYPERTROPHY- an increase in its size independent
of the body’s growth. Affects nearly every older
man and strangles the urethra.
a. Prostatitis - inflammation of the
prostate. Single most common reason
for a man to consult a urologist
 Testes – the paired primary organs of the male. b. Prostate Cancer - the third most
 Duct System – accessory organs forming the male duct prevalent cancer in men. Most cases
system, which transports sperm from the body, are the are slow-growing
epididymis, ductus deferens, and urethra  Bulbourethral Glands - tiny, pea-sized glands inferior to
 Urethra - extends from the base of the urinary bladder to the prostate gland. Produce a thick, clear mucus that
the tip of the penis. Terminal part of the male duct drains into the penile urethra. Cleanses the urethra of
system. It has three main regions; trace acidic urine prior to ejaculation. Serves as a
- Prostatic Urethra - surrounded by the lubricant during sexual intercourse
prostate gland.  Semen - milky white, somewhat sticky mixture of sperm
- Membranous Urethra - spanning the and accessory gland secretions. Mature sperm cells are
distance from the prostatic urethra to the streamlined cellular “tadpoles” containing little
penis. cytoplasm or stored nutrients. Sperm are very sluggish
- Spongy (Penile) Urethra - running within the under acidic conditions (below pH6). The relative
length of the penis and opening to the body alkalinity of semen as whole (pH 7.2-7.6) helps neutralize
exterior via external urethral orifice. the acidic environment (pH 3.5-4) of the females vagina,
protecting the delicate sperm. Contains antibiotic
chemicals that destroys certain bacteria, the hormone
relaxin, enzymes that enhance sperm motility, and
substance that inhibit an immune response in the female
reproductive tract.
 External Genitalia - include the scrotum and the penis.
o Scrotum is a divided sac of skin with sparse hairs
that hangs outside the abdominal cavity,
between the legs at the root of the penis. Hangs
loosely from its attachments, providing the testes
 Accessory glands and Semen - the accessory glands with a temperature that is below body
include the paired seminal vesicles, the single prostate, temperature. -3 Celsius (5.4 Fahrenheit) lower
and the paired bulbourethral glands (see previous slide). o Penis - functions to deliver sperm into the female
These glands produce the bulk of semen, the sperm- reproductive tract. The skin-covered penis consists
containing fluid that Is propelled out of the male’s of a shaft, which ends in an enlarged tip, the glans
reproductive tract during ejaculation. penis. The skin covering of the penis is loose, and it
folds downward to form a sleeve of skin, the INTERNAL FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM STRUCTURES:
prepuce or foreskin, Around the proximal end of
the glans penis
- In United States, the foreskin is surgically
removed shortly after birth in procedure
called circumcision. Internally, the spongy
urethra is surrounded by three elongated
areas of erectile tissue. A spongy tissue that
fills with blood during sexual excitement.
Causes penis to enlarge and become rigid
that is called erection. 1. Vagina - collapsible canal extending from vaginal
opening back and upward into body to cervix and
B. Female Reproductive System
- The female sexual anatomy is designed for the
2. Cervix - small end of uterus to which vagina leads
production and fertilization of ovum, as well as carrying
and delivering infant offspring.
3. Uterus - womb, organ within pelvic zone where fetus is
FEMALE EXTERNAL GENITALIA consist of the following: carried;
4. Fallopian tubes - carry egg cells from ovaries to uterus,
this is where fertilization occurs
5. Ovaries - produce estrogen and progesterone.

 MENSTRUAL CYCLE - marks the beginning of puberty in
females. First episode occurs between II to 15 years of age
referred to as menarche. Menstruation pertains to the
a. Vulva – all the external genital structures taken sloughing off of the uterine lining if conception has not
together; occurred.
b. Mons veneris - pads of fatty tissue between pubic bone
and skin; Female secondary sexual characteristics emerge
c. Labia majora - outer lips surrounding all the other
after puberty:
 Widening of Hips and Pelvis
d. Prepuce - clitoral hood (foreskin above and covering
 Enlargement of Breast
e. Clitoris - glans (head), shaft, and crura (root), the clitoris SUMMARY

is particularly sensitive to stimulation; Despite differences in physical appearance, the sexual organs
of men and women arise from the same structures and fulfill
f. Labia minora - inner lips surrounding the vestibule
similar functions. Ova and sperm are the basic units of
where sweat and oil glands, extensive blood vessels, reproduction; their union can lead to the creation of a new life.
and nerve endings are located
g. Vestibule -area surrounding the urethral opening and
h. Urethral opening - end of tube connecting to bladder
and used for urination;
i. Vaginal opening-also called introitus
j. Perineum - area of skin separating the genitalia from
the anus
Lesson 5: The Process of Reproduction Teen Pregnancy
 pregnancy in a female under the age of 20. Has
Female Puberty tremendous impact on the educational, social, and
 Begins at about 18-13 years of age; The Physical changes economic lives of young people.
of female puberty Contraception:
 breast development
a. Condom - rubber sheath that fits over the penis
 rounding of the hips and buttocks
 growth of the hair in the pubic region and underarm b. Implantable hormone device - a small, flexible plastic tube.
 start of menstruation
c. Calendar method

Maturation of Boys
-lags about two years behind of girls. +Vasectomy - passageway for the sperm is surgically

How does one ovulate? +Tubal Ligation - passageway for the egg is surgically
 females in the onset of the menstrual cycle, the
e. Birth control pill - contains synthetic estrogen.
monthly ovulation cycle that leads to menstruation (loss
f. Birth control injection - given in the first days of the
of blood and tissues lining the uterus) in the absence of
menstruation and then every 2-3 months.
 Normally, it lasts around 28 days, on the average, but g. Withdrawal - removal of the penis from the vagina before
can be as short as 21 or as long as 40 days. Ovulation ejaculation.
happen about 10-16 days before the start of the next
h. Intrauterine Device - small contraceptive devices that are
inserted into the uterus (womb) to prevent pregnancy.
o Menstrual Cycle - Is from the first day of a period until the
Health Effects of Early Pregnancy:
day before the next period starts.
a. Obstructed Labor - also known as labor dystocia. It
How does a pregnancy occur? is a failure to progress due to mechanical problems
b. Caesarean Section - a cut is made in the abdomen
 For pregnancy to proceed, the sperm needs to meet up
and the baby is removed directly from the uterus.
with egg. It happens 2-3 weeks after sexual intercourse.
c. Fistula - an abnormal connection between two body
 The sperm penetrates the egg in the fallopian tube where
parts, such as an organ or blood vessel and another
fertilization takes place and eventually, becomes an
structure. Fistulas are usually the result of an injury or
Embryo (fertilized egg).
 Once it attaches the inner lining of the uterus Complications During Teenage Pregnancy:
(endothelium), a fetus develops within five to seven days  Excessive vomiting
from the ball of cells floating in the uterus, which officially  Severe anemia
begins pregnancy.  Hypertension

 a normal pregnancy lasts 37-42 weeks (nine months).  Convulsions

Pregnancy is discussed in terms of trimesters (three-month  Difficulty in breast feeding

periods). After eight weeks, the embryo is officially referred  Premature and low birth weight babies

to as Fetus.  Infection
 Prolonged labor
Conception  High maternal mortality or
 death
 Is the process that begins with fertilization of an egg by the
sperm and ends with implantation

 Ejaculation or coming - releases the sperm via the penis

into the vagina.

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