Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Teks Procedure

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NAME : ..................................... NILAI :

CLASS : .......................................

Tujuan Pembelajaran  Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi jenis teks yang

memaparkan tahap tahap melakukan sesuatu atau cara membuat
sesuatu serta fungsi social dan struktur teks prosedur yang
terkait dengan kehidupan sehari hari peserta didik dengan tingkat
pemahaman yang optimal melalui teks prosedur tulis dan digital
 Peserta didik mampu memahami dan menjelaskan isi dan fungsi
sosial teks prosedur sesuai dengan generic strukture dari teks
prosedur dengan tepat
 Peserta didik mampu menganalisa kaidah kaidah kebahasaan yang
digunakan dalam teks procedur dengan melengkapi tabel yang
telah disediakan

Video/ text number :

ACTIVITY 1 ( Work in a group of five)

Read / watch the procedure text based on your laerning style, then complete this table

The social function :

The goal :

The material :

The methods :


Based on the chosen text write five sentences and decide the tense

Sentences Tense
1 :
2 :

3 :

4 :

5 ;

Based on these categorizes fill the table with the corect words from the chosen text

Imperative Temporal connective Action Verbs Evaluative words

Activity 4
Based on data present your findings
Listen to the conversation then put the following phrases in the correct order of dialog
A. This is Alex Koef of Citra Computer
B. Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr Khan
C. Hold the line please
D. May I ask who’s calling please?
E. Halan Halan Tour , good morning

A. Is-one thirty all right?
B. Certainly, what time shall I come?
C. Good morning Mrs Anna , It is
good to hear from you. Can you
come to the office this noon?
D. Thank you for calling good by from
E. That’s fine I will see you there at
half past three
F. Good morning, Mr. Harry Tjan this
is Lucy Anna I arrived in Singapore
last night
G. Harry Tjan good morning



Choose one of the dilaogs above then practice with your partner


Fill the blanks in the dialogue with the phrases provided

Ticket Seller : Ticket section good morning
Caller : Hello.(1)........
Tiket Seller : What time Sir
Caller : (2)..................
Ticket Seller : Sorry we are sold out
Caller : What about the next show.
Ticket Seller : We still have a few left for 9 pm
Caller : (3)...................I’ll take three
Ticket seller : What seats do you wnat Sir?
Caller : Not too close to the screen please
Ticket Seller : Sir I am in row 17 (4)..................
Caller : Wang Sui
Ticket Seller : (5)...................................
Caller : W as in word, A as in Apple, N as in new, G as in get,
H is an house, U as in umbrella, I as in India
Ticket Seller : See you tomorrow at the nine o’clock show Sir
Caller ; Thank you
Ticket Seller ; You are welcome

A. May I have your name please?

B. That’s fine
C. Could you spell that, please
D. The seven o’clock show please
E. I would like to make a reservation for tonight


Assement work in group

 You are Mr Dian assistant Mr Don Bonker’s assistant Someone calls you and he wants to
make an appointment with Mr Bonker. He is at the restaurant for lunch She is coming
back at 2
 Your name is Mohammad Gunawan You want to confirm your appointment tomorrow
with Miss Citra. Miss Citra is the manager of The Global Electronic Service

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