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The purpose of this experiment is to compare how mung beans grow in tap water and salt
water. While plants tend to develop better in non-salty water, it should be noted that the
mung beans group well in top water.


• 50 ml measuring cylinder
• 2 petri dishes (one for salt water – from the sea -, one for tap water)
• 8 mung beans total (4 for each petri dish)
• Dropper pipettes
• Food weight scale
• Cotton


1. Place cotton lining on both petri dishes

2. Damp Petri dish 1 with salt water and the other with tap water (It is important to keep
the beans moist for optimum growth)
3. Label the petri dishes with the BEAN 1, BEAN 2, BEAN 3, and BEAN 4 and place the
beans in their respective places for the salt water.
4. Repeat for the tap water.
5. Water both sets of beans with 30 ml of water each day.


In the conclusion of this experiment, it was seen that the beans grew for the first couple days
but then began to die out. This may have been due to inconsistent watering and the placement
of the petri dishes (in sunlight). However, it was observed that the mung beans which were
watered with tap water had a faster and more prevalent growth rate than those watered with
salt water.

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