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University of Rizal System-Morong Campus

Province of Rizal

College of Engineering

Electrical Engineering Department


Fabregas, Jordan Taylor F.



The webinar that held last march 25 by Engr. Diaz is all about nuclear electricity,
kinds of nuclear that in the world are using right now and these are the nuclear
reactor that present in the slide Pressurized water reactor (PWR), Boiling water
reactor (BWR), Advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR), Light water graphite-
moderated reactor (LWGR), Fast neutron reactor (FNR) but the common type of
reactor that discussed in the webinar are the pressurize water reactor and boiling
water reactor.

But first what is nuclear energy engr. Diaz tackle also how the nuclear energy
works by showing how the electrons moves, the proton is surrounded by electron
and the proton will absorb the electron and it is how the energy in the nuclear. And
also fission and fusion is discussed in the webinar, Fission and fusion are the two
basic nuclear processes that are explored for energy production. Fission is the
energetic splitting of big atoms like Uranium or Plutonium into two smaller atoms,
referred to as fission products. You must hit an atom with a neutron to divide it.

Uranium is used as a nuclear fuel in reactors. The uranium is separated into

little ceramic pellets and piled into fuel rods, which are sealed metal tubes. To make
a fuel assembly, more than 200 of these rods are usually grouped together.
Depending on the power level, a reactor core can be made up of several hundred
assemblies. The fuel rods are immersed in water inside the reactor vessel, which
serves as a coolant and a moderator. To keep the chain reaction going, the moderator
helps slow down the neutrons produced by fission. The reaction rate can then be
reduced or increased by inserting or removing control rods into the reactor core. The
heat created by fission turns the water into steam, which spins a turbine to produce
carbon-free electricity. And the additional lesson that engr. Diaz discussed is about
solar energy the grid type, off-grid and the hybrid type of solar. The grid type is type
of solar that are connected in the grid and it don’t have a battery unlike off-grid that
have a battery but not connected in the grid and the hybrid is the combination of two
have a battery and still connected in the grid. Before I forgot also in the webinar also
relay how safe and efficient the nuclear electricity.

As a future engineer, I believe that the lesson mentioned in the webinar will
be of great assistance to us; however, I believe that we will learn more in the field,
but the lesson will serve as a great stepping stone for us to be informed enough when
we face the actual scenario. Also, many thanks for providing us with the opportunity
to learn from those webinars.


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