Shadow Side of Strengths

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Choose two of your Signature Themes and write examples for each on when
you have utilized your themes in a way that is negative. Be sure to list which
theme you are talking about for each. You should write 3-5 sentences for
each theme.

Harmony: One way that I have utilized harmony in a way that is negative may be that I
constantly try to avoid conflict. I avoid confrontation because I do not want to upset
anyone and believe that arguing can just make the situation more frustrating. This can
be negative because I do not always voice my opinion and can be indecisive.

Empathy: One way that I have utilized empathy in a way that is negative can be that I
constantly listen to others and some people do not listen to me. Sometimes it feels like
it’s just always one way. Also, sometimes in situations where you can be empathetic in
animal shelters it can be hard seeing all these animals being abandoned or not having
homes. It can take a toll because it can all build up in the end.

2. Answer one or two of the questions below. Your response should be 3-5
sentences for each question.
A. What can you start to do to prevent your shadow side from coming
i. To start to prevent my shadow side from coming out for the
harmony trait I can start voicing my opinion and not be afraid to
have some conflict. It is also a disadvantage to constantly avoiding
conflict because your voice is not getting heard which can be
mentally and physically exhausting. For the empathy trait, I can
always try to reach out to my closest friends or just find more ways
of self care so I do not get in my head.
B. What can you stop doing to prevent your shadow side from coming
C. What is already good about your strength/outlook that you can
continue to develop?
D. What have you learned from the modules thus far that you can
apply to your leadership?
i. I learned that there are both disadvantages and advantages to
having these traits. I should focus on both to better myself and to
help encourage others to do the same. Also, I learned on how
important it is to focus on yourself for a little bit and not worry too
much about what others think.

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