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# Title decisions are possible vs _all_ titles and are shown in the Title Diplomacy

View, not the Intrigue View. The taker is in the FROM scope.
# filter = [capital/primary_title/owned/vassal_owned/sub_realm_owned/realm_owned/
# ai_target_filter =
dynasty_owned/all] (which titles for which the AI evaluates the decision.)
# owned: all titles owned by the AI
# vassal_owned: all titles owned by direct vassal rulers of the AI's employer
# sub_realm_owned: all titles below the AI's employer
# realm_owned: all titles in the same top realm as the AI
# dynasty_owned: all titles owned by members of the same dynasty
# all: all titles (Avoid if possible. VERY CPU-HEAVY!)

title_decisions = {
colonise_province_mbs = {
is_high_prio = yes
filter = all
ai_target_filter = primary_title
ai = no

from_potential = {
trait = nightswatch

potential = {
tier = COUNT
holder_scope = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }
location = {
OR = {
has_province_flag = ruined_province
traditional_nomad_territory_trigger = yes
province_id = 1221
NOT = { has_province_flag = colony_province }

allow = {
custom_tooltip = { #Must neighbour ruin, or be within two sea
text = TOOLTIPcolonisationB
hidden_tooltip = {
location = {
any_neighbor_province = { #Must neighbour ruin,
or be within two sea zones
OR = {
AND = {
has_owner = yes
OR = {
owner = {
OR = {
character =

is_liege_or_above = FROM
any_province_lord =
{ character = FROM }
AND = {
is_land = no
any_neighbor_province = {
OR = {
AND = {
has_owner =
OR = {
= {

OR = {

character = FROM

is_liege_or_above = FROM


any_province_lord = { character = FROM }

AND = {
is_land = no

any_neighbor_province = {
OR = {

owner = {

OR = {

character = FROM

is_liege_or_above = FROM

any_province_lord = { character = FROM }

FROM = {
conditional_tooltip = {
trigger = { has_game_rule = { name =
colinisation_cost value = expensive } }
wealth = 800
conditional_tooltip = {
trigger = { has_game_rule = { name =
colinisation_cost value = normal } }
wealth = 500
conditional_tooltip = {
trigger = { has_game_rule = { name =
colinisation_cost value = cheap } }
wealth = 200
is_nomadic = no
NOT = { trait = kingsguard }
location = {
show_scope_change = no
NOT = { has_province_modifier = braavos_home }
effect = {
hidden_tooltip = {
FROM = {
liege = { save_event_target_as = colonise_liege }
#record liege just in case
if = { #record patrician status
limit = {
is_patrician = yes
is_merchant_republic = no
set_character_flag = is_patrician
holder_scope = {
if = {
limit = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }
set_defacto_liege = event_target:colonise_liege

location = {
#build castle if needed
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
any_province_holding = {
NOT = { holding_type = nomad }
NOT = { holding_type = temple }
NOT = { holding_type = tribal }
build_holding = {
type = castle
holder = FROM
random_province_holding = {
limit = {
holding_type = castle
holder_scope = { character = FROM }
save_event_target_as = new_city_holding
location = { province_event = { id =
unoccupied.399 } } #increase base value, seperate event to avoid 'break'
if = {
limit = { FROM = { is_feudal = yes } }
make_capital_holding = yes
county = {
gain_title = FROM
hidden_tooltip = {
any_de_jure_vassal_title = {
limit = { has_holder = yes }
remove_building = ca_sub_barony_ruin
remove_building = ct_sub_barony_ruin
clr_title_flag = sub_barony_ruin
hidden_tooltip = { #just in case coloniser erroneously
becomes independent
FROM = {
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { vassal_of =
event_target:colonise_liege }
NOT = { character =
event_target:colonise_liege }
set_defacto_liege =
if = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_province_flag = ca_colony_1
NOR = {
has_province_flag = ca_colony_1
has_province_flag = ca_colony_2
has_province_flag = ca_colony_3
has_province_flag = ca_colony_4
has_province_flag = ca_colony_5
has_province_flag = ca_colony_6
set_province_flag = ca_colony_1
capital_holding = {
if = {
limit = { holding_type = castle }
add_building = ca_colony_1
if = {
limit = { holding_type = city }
add_building = ct_colony_1
if = {
limit = { has_province_flag = ca_colony_2 }
capital_holding = {
if = {
limit = { holding_type = castle }
add_building = ca_colony_2
if = {
limit = { holding_type = city }
add_building = ct_colony_2
if = {
limit = { has_province_flag = ca_colony_3 }
capital_holding = {
if = {
limit = { holding_type = castle }
add_building = ca_colony_3
if = {
limit = { holding_type = city }
add_building = ct_colony_3
if = {
limit = { has_province_flag = ca_colony_4 }
capital_holding = {
if = {
limit = { holding_type = castle }
add_building = ca_colony_4
if = {
limit = { holding_type = city }
add_building = ct_colony_4
if = {
limit = { has_province_flag = ca_colony_5 }
capital_holding = {
if = {
limit = { holding_type = castle }
add_building = ca_colony_5
if = {
limit = { holding_type = city }
add_building = ct_colony_5
if = {
limit = { has_province_flag = ca_colony_6 }
capital_holding = {
if = {
limit = { holding_type = castle }
add_building = ca_colony_6
if = {
limit = { holding_type = city }
add_building = ct_colony_6
set_province_flag = colony_province
if = {
limit = { has_province_flag = ruined_province }
if = {
limit = { has_game_rule = { name =
colinisation_cost value = expensive } }
wealth = -1600
else_if = {
limit = { has_game_rule = { name =
colinisation_cost value = normal } }
wealth = -1000
else_if = {
limit = { has_game_rule = { name =
colinisation_cost value = cheap } }
wealth = -400
else_if = {
limit = {
traditional_nomad_territory_trigger = yes
if = {
limit = { has_game_rule = { name =
colinisation_cost value = expensive } }
wealth = -400
else_if = {
limit = { has_game_rule = { name =
colinisation_cost value = normal } }
wealth = -250
else_if = {
limit = { has_game_rule = { name =
colinisation_cost value = cheap } }
wealth = -100

hidden_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = { has_province_modifier =
ruined_province }
remove_province_modifier = ruined_province
if = {
limit = { has_province_modifier =
dothraki_domain }
remove_province_modifier = dothraki_domain
if = {
limit = { has_province_modifier =
jogos_nhai_domain }
remove_province_modifier = jogos_nhai_domain
add_province_modifier = {
name = colony
duration = -1
custom_tooltip = { text = TOOLTIPunoccupied.3 }
hidden_tooltip = {
any_de_jure_vassal_title = {
limit = { holder_scope = { culture_group =
unoccupied_group } }
set_defacto_liege = ROOT_FROM
FROM = {
any_realm_lord = {
limit = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }
clear_wealth = THIS
any_demesne_title = { gain_title = ROOT_FROM }
death = yes
any_realm_character = {
limit = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }
clear_wealth = THIS
death = yes
if = { #maintain patrician status
limit = {
has_character_flag = is_patrician
is_patrician = no
set_government_type =
clr_character_flag = is_patrician
if = {
chronicle = {
picture = "GFX_evt_castle_construction"
ai_will_do = {
factor = 100

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